I was on DeviantART and I came across a comic called 'Common Sense', it's actually pretty true, so I'm going to type up something for it.

Here goes nothin'.


We overheard the announcer over the speakers saying that the bomb was nearing the last checkpoint before heading to the deposit load, I noticed a Scout, a Soldier and our Spy disguised as their Pyro pushing the cart.

As an Engineer I solved problems, and this was indeed a problem. So what could I possibly do to stop them from getting the bomb to the very last checkpoint...

...Well that's obvious! I asked a few of my team mates to try and slow the other team down and when I shout them back to come back and everything would be sorted again....

I could tell they were wondering what I was up to, but they never questioned instead they got on and done.

I walked over to the rail and started to work, I'm sure you can guess what I was doing.

I called the team back once my work was done and we all sat back and watched, as the opposing team was pushing the bomb towards only to find my work.

My whole team laughed and the other team was screaming 'No'. Hahahaha!

I managed to get rid of the tracks.


You can find the comic .com/art/Common-Sense-126733612 - there if you don't get the story.
All credit goes to Internet-Ninja for making the comic, in order for me to make the story...It is true though.