Zan had been sulking some; parties were not really his thing. Every time he tried to get close to Liz she would be whisked off to dance by one of the girls. He was growing angrier by the moment and his powers were starting to go on the fritz. If one more person touched her he was going to hurt them. Deciding he was not going to wait any longer, Zan approached Liz and dragged her away into his bedroom.

Shoving Liz inside his bedroom Zan locked the door and put up a barrier around the room with his powers. He was going to talk to her and she would not be able to get away from him. There were things that needed to be worked out, things that would change both of them forever.

Liz was shocked at the way Zan grabbed her and threw her into his room. She had been trying to talk to him since she walked in the door but everyone seemed to be trying to distract her and delay the inevitable. Biting her lip she looked up into Zan's smouldering eyes; distracted for a moment by the intensity of what she saw. She knew if he looked, her eyes would reflect the same feelings.

"Zan what is this all about? You drag me around like a caveman and throw me in here. I don't appreciate it." Liz was trying to sound upset but it came out in a husky whisper. He was standing there, so in control of his masculinity and alien side that she was almost scared.

Zan looked at his girl, with lust clouding his eyes. "We need to talk Liz and I want no more distractions. There are things that need to be said and they will be resolved now."

Liz was nervous as she moved closer into the room. The only place to sit was on the bed so she gingerly sat down on the edge as she looked at Zan. "I love you." She blurted out as she looked down at the ground.

Surprised for a second Zan moved to stand in front of Liz before dropping to his knee in front of her. "We both have been through so much. Pain and heartache had torn us deep but the time for all of that is over. I love you Liz. You are the most important thing in my life, my other half and starting today I am not going to let you go."

Liz was touched beyond words at what Zan was saying. He was usually so quiet and withdrawn from his feelings like Michael. When he opened up it was something to listen too. Reaching out with her hand she touched his cheek gently as she stared deep into his eyes. "I love you too Zan. Now are we going to talk all night or are you going to make me yours?"

Smirking slightly Zan leaned forward and captured Liz's lips in a deep passionate kiss. His hands lifted to her shoulders where he gently massaged the supple skin. The kiss sent fire through his veins and he tried desperately to deepen it. He wanted all of her and on this night he would.

Liz was in heaven as Zan kissed her. All thoughts escaped her brain and she started to get dizzy. Never had she felt so electric, so loved and alive, not even when she had been with Max. Her thoughts were focused solely on the man in front of her. She let her hands rub up and down his back as he deepened the kiss.

Both soon had to pull away to suck in much needed oxygen, panting for breath as they looked at each other. Liz spoke first, so soft it was almost above a whisper. "Take me Zan. I am yours and yours alone and tonight is the night you prove you are my man."

He knew without a doubt that she was right, that she was ready for what was about to happen. Lowering his lips to her neck he started kissing and sucking gently on the flesh as he moved his hand up to free her top. The halter top was buckled close at the top and it made for some interesting ideas.

Kissing her deeply, Zan started to stroke her right breast through the fabric as he undid the buckle. There was not much holding the top part up so it floated away from her body with ease. The sight of her breasts being revealed to him was making his pants incredibly tight.

The cool air made Liz gasp as it hit her heated skin. Zan was making her crazy, as his tongue ring bounced over her nipples. He certainly had learned how to please her if the wetness growing between her legs was any indication. Soft moans and pants were coming from her throat as she arched onto the bed.

Zan fought with the bottom part of her jumpsuit before simply using his powers to remove the offending garment. He was going to take things slow tonight to show Liz exactly what being with him would bring. Kissing her again he pushed her back on the bed distracting her as he also dissolved his clothes. She was wiggling against him, trying to alleviate the throb between her legs and it was turning him on more.

Reaching down his fingers sought out the center of his beloved. Slowly he circled her nether lips with his fingers before dipping inside slowly. She was already so wet and ready for him that his fingers slipped in deep. Starting a steady rhythm Zan started pumping two fingers within Liz as he kissed down her neck and chest.

Fire leapt through her veins as she thrashed around. He was making her so hot that she could not even think. Pleasure soared through her as she felt it explode, ripping a scream from her throat.

Knowing that he brought her to climax with just his fingers, sent Zan's ego up just a notch. She was writhing under his touch and making the cutest noises. Removing his hands from her he licked off her completion before looking deep into her eyes. "Are you sure about this? It's gonna hurt Liz and I can't handle hurting you."

Looking deep into the eyes of the man she loved, Liz nodded her head. She tried to speak but nothing would come out. Instead she just sat up and wrapped her arms around Zan's chest. Her fingers stroked along his tattoos as she leaned in to kiss him.

Zan responded to the kiss by pushing her down further on the bed. He sought to distract her from the pain by kissing her senseless. Pushing inside of her slowly, he waited for her to adjust before he pushed all the way in. He could hear her gasp in pain as he pushed through her barrier, using his powers he healed the pain away not wanting her to feel any of it.

Liz pulled her mouth away from his as she gulped in breaths. He was so thoughtful that she wanted to cry from the joy. She fell so full, completely at home for the first time in her life. Wiggling experimentally, she felt him slip deeper into her.

Zan was in heaven, she was so tight and warm that he knew he was not going to last long. When she started wiggling that was his cue. Pulling out and pushing back in slowly at first. Both soon lost the will to keep things slow and he stared to pound into her harder.

Liz could feel her orgasm approach but it was still too far off. Zan, knowing exactly what she needed, reached down and started stroking her clit. She came hard, lights flashing behind her eyes as she screamed his name. When her walls clamped around him he followed her, spurting hard and deep into her welcoming body.

The soft golden glow that surrounded them seemed to grow brighter as they came down from their high. Liz was coasting on a sea of bliss, leaning up she kissed his chest and then whispered "Happy Birthday Zan," before she felt herself drift off to sleep.

Zan pulled out of her, lying beside her on his bed. He pulled the covers up around them. Planting a kiss on the top of her head he whispered. "I love you Liz Parker. You are mine now and forever." He too drifted off into a peaceful sleep.