A/N: I know I should have a reasonable excuse for not posting this chapter… in truth I have had it written in my notebook for almost a month and have just not had the time to post it! I AM SORRY! I should be able to get the next chapter of this out in reasonable time since my boss has cut back my hrs and there are no anime cons I am going to until July. I hope you enjoy the chapter.
OH! I would also like your guys input on how fast I should accelerate Naruto and Sasuke's relationship in the terms of sex… I am never very good at knowing when that should happen… (Thank god my boyfriend takes over and knows when!) Soooooooo… if you guys could tell me should I be sudden and erratic or slow and passionate? It would be the biggest help! Either way not next chapter but the one after that I plan on throwing out the lemon. (Hopefully)
"Kyuubi speaking to Naruto"
Rated M: yaoi, you have been warned.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, but I do own his jacket!!! Mahahahahahahaha!
"Why's the Kyuubi kid wearing the symbol of the Namikaze clan?"
"Did the Jinchuuriki steal those clothes?"
"He kind of resembles the Yondaime Hokage now that I'm really looking."
The comments seemed to follow Naruto's every step as he walked through the village.
"I heard that he's taken up residence in the old Namikaze clan house and that he's the missing heir."
"No way, the demon brat can't be the Yondaime's heir!"
Naruto sighed as he continued to walk to Ichiraku Ramen wondering when people would stop whispering.
"It will take time kit. You just agreed to be the heir yesterday."
"That doesn't mean I want to be the talk of the village!"
Finally reaching his destination the blonde shinobi could only smile in relief at the sight of his small haven.
"Naruto-kun welcome." Ayame happily greeted the small stands favorite patron.
"Hey Ayame. Miso pork please."
"Right away kid." Teuchi said from the stove.
"Arigato Teuchi!"
Naruto bowed his head over the counter, surprising the stand owners with his unusual silence as he thought over the events that took place yesterday. He had officially accepted the title of clan head and moved all his belongings into the clan house.
"I'm lucky Baa-chan suggested hiring a Genin team to help me move everything otherwise it would have taken forever!" Naruto smiled at the memory. "Then again Konohamaru's team wasn't worth what I was made to pay. Damn brats cause more trouble than help."
"Here you are Naruto." Ayame sat a hot bowl of ramen in front of the distracted Jinchuuriki.
"Arigato Ayame-chan."
Slurping up the noodles Naruto continues thinking. "I wonder what everyone will say when I tell them about my name change. I mean they'll immediately know who my father was, there was only one other Namikaze. I wonder what Sasuke will think when he finds out." Naruto wiped the back of his hand across his mouth to remove the broth that had splashed onto his face as he ate.
"NARUTO!" Turning in surprise at the uncharacteristically loud shout, Naruto smiled to see Sai heading towards him with a fake smirk gracing his pale lips.
"Sai." Naruto greeted as soon as he young artist sat down beside him at the stand's bar.
"Want to explain to me why your landlord was cleaning out the inside of your apartment and saying you moved out?" Sai deftly placed his arm around his younger teammates shoulder, trapping him.
"The Hokage decided it was time that the Namikaze heir took up his place. That included living at the Namikaze compound." A foxy grin sprang to Naruto's lips as he told his teammate the good news.
"Baka." Sai whacked Naruto on the back of his head. "Next time you voluntarily move inform me so I don't freak out thinking you did something stupid to get yourself evicted."
"Hey! I thought you would be happy for me." Naruto mumbled as he shoved Sai's arm off his shoulders and went back to his cooling ramen.
"I am dickless. I just don't like worrying for no reason."
"Oi, Uzumaki!" Before Naruto could greet the loud burnet, the dog lover tackled him from his seat.
"What the hell dog-breath!" Naruto protested as he sent Kiba a glare from the ground.
"Stuff it fox-face. Why the hell did you let Neji Kaiten my ass the other day! I thought you would have at least had my back!" Kiba complained.
Picking himself off of the ground Naruto brushed off his pants as he answered. "Well first off Neji was protecting me from you incessant pestering and you turned on him and went too far! Hell you have got to be the biggest baka in Konoha if you think that you can say what you did to Neji and get away with it!"
"Who are you talking to?" Sai decided to interrupt before the two started to brawl.
"What do you mean? I said Uzumaki so I am talking to the blonde dobe of course!" Kiba growled at Sai.
"His name is Namikaze Naruto." Sai corrected.
"Wrong Sai. It's Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto." Naruto explained. "I wanted to keep my mother's name."
"Namikaze?" The three men turned around to finally notice the timid female that accompanied Kiba.
"Yeah Hinata, Finally decided to take up the clan name since I am the clan head and all."
"That's awesome fishcake!" Kiba shouted as he grabbed his smaller friend in a tight head lock.
"Can you please release me you flee ridden ass!"
"Just because you are the all powerful clan leader doesn't mean you get out of noogies Namikaze-sama!"
Naruto could only grin as his Inuzuka friend proceeded to ruffle his hair, elated at the sound of his new title.
"Have you seen Naruto today?" Neji questioned his Uchiha companion as they headed home from finishing a simple escort mission.
"No, why?" Sasuke still did not know what to do with his blonde dobe. He could not understand why Naruto would not accept that he reciprocated his feelings for him. So for now he was playing it safe and giving the younger male his space, contrary to his sensei's advice. Kakashi believed that it would be beneficial if he just tied him down and showed him how much he loved him. Sasuke, though intrigued by the idea, retorted that he would rather not have to deal with rape charges, or worse a pissed of Iruka. Surprisingly after mentioning Iruka's fury Kakashi agreed with the last Uchiha and forced him to swear on the graves of his ancestors that he would never mention his suggestion to his burnet lover.
"I saw him moving boxes with some Genin yesterday, I was wondering if the rumors were true." Neji seemed surprised that his younger friend did not know of Naruto's move.
"Rumors? What rumors?"
"That Naruto has taken up residence in the Namikaze compound and has taken up his place as clan head."
"I haven't heard about this." Sasuke was confused, as the head of the Uchiha clan he should have been informed of something as important as the reinstatement of a supposedly extinct clan.
"Maybe the council hasn't been informed yet. I know that Hiashi hasn't mentioned it. I just suspected that you would have been told by Naruto if it were in fact true." The Hyuuga explained.
"Wait isn't the Namikaze compound adjacent to the Uchiha compound?"
"Yes. My great grandfather and Naruto's were best friends. Though our grandfather's were eternal rivals. My grandfather wanted the land the Namikazes held to expand our compound, but no matter what he offered the Namikaze head refused saying they were content where they were." Sasuke shrugged his shoulders. "My father was trying to buy the property just before he died. I'm glad he did not acquire it since it would have gone to waste. To be honest I have been thinking of selling off the majority of the compound. I wonder if Chouza if he would want to purchase any of the land since the Akimichi compound is behind ours."
"You should ask him, I am sure he would be more then happy to. But aren't you concerned? Naruto might be your new neighbor." Neji brought them back to their original subject knowing that Sasuke was trying to avoid it.
"Not really. It'll be easier then going to the other side of the village when I want to spar."
"Yeah, but it'll be easier for him to see you too. You know he'll be at your place more often now."
Sasuke smirked glad to have his blonde dobe so close. "Hn."
"You know Uchiha if you don't make a move soon others will." Neji stated abruptly.
Sasuke came to an abrupt stop as Neji's words registered. "What do you mean Hyuuga?"
"Simple there are others who will make their feelings known to Naruto if you don't." Neji turned so that he was facing Sasuke and looking daringly into his now red eyes.
"Who? You?" Sasuke's teeth were clenched and he hissed as he spoke.
"And others. The Kazekage I know is particularly fond of him."
"Gaara understands the situation. I don't think he would ever try to interfere. He understands that Naruto could not leave Konoha or him from Suna." The last Uchiha rationalized. "So my question to you is: What are you planning Hyuuga?"
Over the years since Sasuke's return, Neji had become on of his closer friends. It was easy to hold a conversation with the calm and rational Hyuuga and their personalities fit together well. It also helped that they complimented each other well when sparring.
"I'm not planning anything…" Neji paused for a breath. "Yet."
Growling Sasuke began to stride towards Neji. "If you know what's best for you, you wouldn't even think of trying…"
"Sasuke listen, I'm not going to sit back and watch as Naruto sacrifices his happiness. Not this time!" Neji explained. "If you don't plan on being with him then let someone else have the chance to make him happy. He deserves that much from life Sasuke."
"For your information Neji, I want to spend the rest of my life with the dobe, but I don't want to fuck it up! I tried to explain to him but he wouldn't listen. So BACK OFF!" Sasuke shouted.
"You mean you told him you loved him?" Neji couldn't believe that Naruto would outright reject the man he loved more than life.
"Well, not exactly." Sasuke mumbled.
"What do you mean?"
"Well… I kissed him." Sasuke confessed.
"But you didn't tell him how you felt. He must have hit you pretty hard after that stupid move." Neji smirked at the last Uchiha's stupidity.
"Fuck you Hyuuga." Sasuke retorted.
"You have to think from his perspective Uchiha. You yourself told him your two goals in life were to kill your brother and revive your clan. You've accomplished one; it's only natural that you would therefore proceed to working on the other. He knows he can't help you with that, and he doesn't want to share you with some woman. Therefore he won't allow himself to have you at all. He doesn't want to be the reason you don't accomplish your goals. You need to be bluntly honest with him and tell him how you feel. Tell him everything." Neji hated the fact that he was assisting Sasuke in regards to winning over Naruto, but he knew the blonde would always love the Uchiha head.
Sasuke on the other hand had never thought about the possibility that Naruto would reject him because of his previous goals. He was unable to comprehend how much Naruto must love him to be willing to do something so profoundly selfless. Sasuke could only think of how stupid he was.
"I've got to go." Sasuke turned leaving Neji behind.
"Please don't fuck this up Uchiha." Neji whispered as he watched Sasuke walk away.
"I swear my father was more unorganized then Tsunade!" Naruto was sitting on the floor of his father's old study, surrounded by open scrolls and stacks of books.
"He was a seal master kit. He was constantly studying to further his craft." Kyuubi explained.
"That doesn't excuse his lack of organization! I swear it will take me a month or more to figure out this mess." Naruto tugged his golden locks in frustration. "I mean look at this! It's a storage scroll full of scrolls for kami's sake!"
"Oh, come on kit you have to admit that it's a great space saver." Kyuubi chuckled at its containers misfortune.
"Kyu I swear…" The sudden sound of knocking interrupted Naruto's inner conversation.
Getting up and dusting off his black pants Naruto went to answer the front door. "Kiba I already told you I will not…" Naruto was surprised to see Sasuke at his door rather then the persistent Inuzuka.
"Uh… Sasuke?" Naruto stared at the Uchiha clan head in confusion.
"Are you always this hospitable to neighbors Namikaze-sama?" Sasuke smirked at the charmingly befuddled look that graced his blondes face.
"Sorry." Naruto stepped to the side and gestured for Sasuke to enter. Closing the door Naruto began to turn towards his unexpected visitor. "So to what do I know the Oomph…"
Before Naruto had finished speaking Sasuke had his back pressed against the door.
"Sasuke?" Naruto's voice came out in a surprised squeak causing him to blush in embarrassment.
"Be quiet for once dobe." Sasuke said before he pressed his lips firmly against Naruto's.
Not understanding exactly what was happening Naruto gasped in shock allowing the raven press alluringly against him full access to his mouth. The younger shinobi could not help the moan that forced its way from his throat as Sasuke ran his tongue against his own causing a delightful shock to run down his spin.
Feeling Naruto shutter Sasuke ran his hands gently down the Jinchuuriki's sides until he reached the hem of Naruto's shirt, then he gently caressed the skin at the edge of the cloth.
Finally realizing he shouldn't be allowing Sasuke to do this Naruto abruptly pulled away from their intense kiss panting. "Stop Sasuke." Naruto said as he turned his face away from the man he loved.
Conceding to the younger mans wishes Sasuke pulled away as he began to internally berate himself for his lack of control. "Naruto I need to talk to you."
Turning towards the raven Naruto was almost afraid of what Sasuke would say. "Sure." Leading the way into the living room Naruto sat of the couch and watched as Sasuke began to pace the room in thought.
"Okay," Sasuke began after a moment's silence. "I don't know how to do this. I don't talk about feelings and so… this just feels weird, but I guess being direct and blunt would be the best way to do this." Stopping his pacing Sasuke strode over to where Naruto sat and knelt down to face the man he hoped to spend the rest of his life beside. "I love you dobe."
Silence was all that greeted Sasuke's confession.
"Say something please." Sasuke had not expected that to be the way that Naruto reacted to his confession.
"You can't."
"You can't love me. Even if you do nothing can happen." Naruto began to stand to leave the room.
"NO!" Sasuke pushed Naruto back into his seat then stood. "You don't mean that, I know that you love me! Why else would you sacrifice so much for me? Why else would you chase me across the elemental Nations? For some promise you made to Sakura, I doubt it!"
"You can't love me Sasuke, at least not that way." Naruto said in a voice almost completely devoid of emotion.
"WHY!?" Sasuke shouted.
"Because if you haven't noticed I am a guy! I cannot help you rebuild your clan. I can't give you babies and I won't allow myself to be your secret lover, while you go out and marry some bimbo. I won't. I can't." Naruto's voice started at a shout then slowly dwindled down to a whisper.
"Naruto, I no longer want to rebuild my clan." Sasuke smirked at the utter shock that was displayed on the smaller males face.
"My clan was meant to perish usuratonkachi. They killed each other for power. They were corrupt and power hungry. I understand why Itachi did what he did. They deserved to be annihilated, they had to be. I don't want history to repeat itself by passing on my infected DNA," It took effort for Sasuke to say that. Even if it were partially true, Sasuke could not fully deny the want to see his own son one day carry on his legacy.
"Sasuke I…"
"Naruto please. You're the only one I will ever love. You can make me smile and you give me a reason for staying in this village. I just want us to be happy together." Sasuke knelt back down and grabbed Naruto's hands in his own.
After a moment of staring into each other's eyes Naruto surprised Sasuke by leaping into his arms and causing them to fall over onto the floor.
"I love you too teme."
A/N: Okay I know that I deserve you all to come forth with torches and pitchforks since I have been so lazy when it comes to this story… (no excuses) I hope you liked the chapter and don't forget to comment on how you want Sasuke and Naruto to copulate. I really need help with that! Thanks and as always read and review!!!!