Future AU, a grave accident brings Lucas home to tree hill and to Brooke. Can they make it work this time around, especially when secrets are revealed? B/L P/J R/M (H/N). Rated M for later chapters.

Back ground: Everything up till the end of season 4 has happened except Nathan and Haley never had Jamie, in fact they couldn't have a baby.

Lucas married Peyton right after high school but they were soon devoiced when Jake came back into her life. Jake and Peyton are now married.

Brooke never took Clothe's over Bro's national she went back to Tree Hill and opened a small store that she runs with Rachael (Who is married to Mouth).

Lucas did write 'An unkindness of ravens' and two follow up best sellers, and is on a worldwide book tour.

Everything else will be explained in the story!

Thanks for reading.

Revealed in Passing

Chapter One

Brooke Davis restlessly paced the entrance to the emergency room of Raleigh hospital, punching yet another number into her cell phone in a desperate attempt to contact Lucas Scott. It would be Sunday evening in Australia and she had tried his hotel number first. A woman had picked up.

"Lisa Brockton."

"Oh…" the sound of her voice, the knowledge that she was in Lucas' hotel room answering his phone, for a moment drove everything else from her mind. Then, gathering herself she said.

"Can I speak to Lucas, please?"

"Who's calling?"

"Brooke…Brooke Davis, I'm his…his…"

"It's okay Miss Davis. I know who you are, the Brooke from the book right?"

Brooke griped the phone tighter until it was hurting her fingers. "Could I speak to him, please?"

"I'm sorry Lucas is away at the moment. I'm his assistant. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Do you know where he is?"

"He's moving about a lot. He has a few free weeks before the book tour stars again in Hong Kong. Can I pass on a message?" she prompted when Brooke didn't reply.

"No thank you" This really wasn't news she could ask a member of his staff – no matter how personal – to deliver secondhand. "I need to speak to him myself. It's urgent."

Lisa didn't waste time asking questions, playing the dragon at the door, but gave her a string of contact numbers. His cell, the number of his hotel in Hong Kong, in case he checked in early, the private number of his manager since it was evening there. She even gave her the number of Lucas' favorite restaurant.

There was no signal. She left a message asking him to call her, urgently, then called the hotel. He wasn't there and his tour manager informed her that he had bought up the dates of his tour and had flown to mainland china.

She felt as if she were going in circles, but at least it helped take her mind off what was happening around her, even if she was dreading the moment she found him.

She tried his cell again; it rang three times before going to voicemail.

"Miss Davis…"

She was trying so hard to not think about what was happening to Nathan and Haley. She spun round when the nurse called her name, immediately regretting it. One look told her everything she needed to know.

"Luke…" she forced his name out through a throat aching with unshed tears. There would be time for tears, but not yet. Not now. "Luke… you need to come home."

A day, even an hour ago, the very thought of seeing him would have been enough to send her into the same dizzy spin that had afflicted her as a teenager. Numbed with the horror of what had happened, she was beyond feeling anything but rage at the unfairness of.

She remembered his bloodless face the last time they talked. When she told him it was to late for second thoughts. That she already made the decision to be a surrogate and that she was already pregnant with Haley and Nathan's child. She would never forget the way he looked at her, before climbing into the car waiting to take him to the airport.

The nurse, no doubt used to dealing with grieving relations, put her arm around her, said something about tea and asked if there was anyone she could call.

"I've called Lucas," Brooke mumbled, stupidly as if the nurse would understand what that meant. "He'll come now." He had to come.


Lucas would come, but not yet, not for twenty-four hours at the earliest. She was numb with shock, incapable of driving. She let the nurse call Rachael Gatina. She was there within minutes, helping her deal with the paper work before driving her to Haley and Nathan's home and their three month old baby.

"I hate to leave you." She said "You shouldn't be alone."

"Peyton's here," she said, struggling with the simplest words. "Thank you, Rach. You've been an amazing friend."

"I'm only a phone call away if you need anything. And the moment I have the store organized, I'll be right back to help with arrangements."

Brooke swallowed, not wanting to think about what lay ahead. "Lucas will be here." Tomorrow or the next day. "He'll see to everything."

Rachael pulled her into a hug "I'll be back in a few hours." She kissed her cheek before walking back to her car.

Peyton Sawyer, her best friend and ex wife of Lucas Scott had answered her desperate call and stayed with baby Grace. Now she said nothing, just hugged her and made a cup of tea and then shut herself in Haley's study, taking on the task of calling everyone to let them know what had happened. She rang Nathan's mom in LA and Haley's sister Taylor in Boston.

Rachael arrived and took over from Peyton who went home to grieve with her husband and Jake and there daughter Jenny. She fielded calls that came flooding in. Calls from everyone but the one she knew Brooke was waiting to hear from.

Friends arrived with food, stayed to give practical help, making up beds in the spare room and the basement.

Brooke set about putting her own life on hold, leaving a message on the answering machine of her apartment, canceling her appointments. Rachael had taken care of their store so she put all her energy into taking care of Grace. Bathing her, feeding her, changing her and shutting out everything but the sounds of Grace Penelope Scott.


"It's night in China." Rachael reminded after watching Brooke jump for the phone the umpteenth time that morning. "He's probably asleep with the phone off."

"No, it didn't go straight to voicemail. It rang…"

"Asleep and didn't hear it, then"

"Maybe I should have told someone in his office –"

"No. They've given you all the numbers they have and if you can't get a hold of him neither can they."

"But –"

"You're the only person he'll want to hear this from, Brooke."


"No question. You are the only one who can feel even half of what he is going to feel."

"There in no way to make this better for him Rach. He lost his family."

Rachael didn't bother to answer, just said "Come on and have something to eat. Karen dropped off some chill."

She shook her head. "I can't eat anything."

"You don't have the luxury of missing meals." Rachael said firmly. "You have to stay strong for Grace."

"What about you?" Brooke asked. Rachael and Haley had never been close but they where friends, she wasa grieving too. "You've been on the go all day and I haven't seen you eat a thing."

"I'm fine."

"No you're not." She lay Grace in her crib. "Put your feet up while I fix some plates."

"Only if you promise to take one of those sleeping pills. You haven't slept…"

"I can't," she said "Not till I talk to Luke."

"But then?"

"I promise," she said. And because it was the only way to get Rachael off her back, she forced down a plate of food.

She took a bath and might have fallen asleep in the warm water, but Grace was fussy. It was as if she sensed something was wrong.

Brooke put on Haley's robe so that Grace would have the comfort of her mother's sent as she held her against her shoulder, crooning softly to her, walking the long night away – waiting, waiting, waiting for the phone to ring.

Finally, when she knew it was day on the other side of the world, she called again. Again, it was the answering service that picked up. "Where are you?" she cried out in desperation. "Call me!" All she got back was a hollow emptiness. "Nathan's dead, Luke," she said hopelessly. "Haley's dead. Grace needs you."

She covered her mouth, holding back her own appeal. Refusing to say that she needed him too.

She'd always needed him, but Lucas did not need her and even in extremis, a women had her pride.