Disclaimer: I don't own anything to do with Dr Who or The Phantom of the Opera, just the muse to fuse the two together cause I love them both.

Authors Note: Knowledge of the Phantom of the Opera is not required but it definitely helps if your familiar with the musical and the beautiful songs. Obviously this is not Dr Who canon so sorry if it disappoints anyone. Would love to hear your comments on the story. Thanks.

Say you'll share with
me one
love, one lifetime . . .
say the word
and I will follow you . .

There are moments in the Doctors life when he curses the knowledge of times precise passing. Usually because it means he's waiting for something and that's a skill he does not perform well. He considers it to be is own fault. This problem was of his own making and the situation was getting serious. Damn it he thinks, no more waiting, or they'll be running again. Only one thing to do then.

"Rose, you done yet? What's taking yah so long? We're gonna miss the opening instrumental!

He paced the tardis corridors cursing the "getting ready" human habits of his female companion. What took her so ruddy long. Afterall it had only taken him 14mins and 39 seconds to get ready and that included a shower. Rose had been in her room now for 1 hour, 27 mins and 14 seconds precisely. He goes back to his pacing mumbling to the Tardis "you women are all the same." She just blows the equivalent of a rasberry in his head in reply.

Rose applied the finishing touches to her makeup. The doctor was taking her to the opening night of "The Phantom of the Opera" in October 1986 at Her Majesty's Theatre. She had been somewhat surprised when he first told her of the invitation. It didn't seem like he'd go for that sort of thing being the rough diamond that he was. The doctor however extolled the wonders of Andrew Lloyd Webber whom he deemed was a genius when it came to live musical theatre. Rose wasn't so sure whether she'd feel the same way but it gave her a chance to dress up posh and look irresistable. Hopefully one man in particular or rather one alien man would also think so.

"Roooose I'm so gonna leave without yah"

Sigh, she loved him but God he could be a pain sometimes. "Yeah alright, I'll be out in a minute".

Bloody Time Lord, always complaining about time when they were in a time machine. Being late for something was pretty much impossible but it never stopped him from nagging her about it. Satisfied with how she looked Rose crossed to her bedroom door and opened it. What she saw on the other side took her breath away, made her heart beat double time and any scolding she was about to do died on her lips.

He had changed. There was no sign of his trademark leather jacket, jumper and jeans. Tonight he was dressed in a crisp white dress shirt and black tuxedo complimented by smart dress shoes. Completing the ensemble was a dark opera cape lined with red satin which he swirled around him for maximum effect. Rose was speechless but her mind was not so helpless. Naughty thoughts ran through her head. For instance how nice it would be to get him out of that damn sexy getup. Touch him, find out what lay under his armour. Her arms ached to reach out to him but reason finally persisted. No bad girl Rose, not going to happen. He doesn't think of you that way but ooh he just looks so hot though that cape looks a bit Count Dracula. Hmm biting that. Whoa, Get a grip on yourself Rose. Banishing the inappropriate thoughts she managed to get her vocal chords working.

"You scrub up pretty well Doctor"

"Thanks, you look lovely too Rose"

That was an understatement he thought. She was beautiful and not just for a human. Dressed in a floor length strapless evening gown of gold and silver she shone like the sun and moonlight combined. It clung to her body in all the right places enhancing her already perfect figure as she moved. She had twisted her hair up into a sophisticated style revealing the sweetness of her long neck and her face radiated excitement that seemed to spread throughout her whole body and reflect off the necklace & earrings of semi – precious stones she wore. The whole effect had him weak at the knees but then she had always been able to do that to him almost from the day she first came onboard. She never knew what she did to him and thats the way it had to stay. Not that she'd want him anyway. 900 hundred odd years was one hell of an age gap and he had nothing to offer her broken and bloody as he was. But oh he wanted alright, wanted her. In his arms, his heart, his bed, in her. NO he told himself, can't go there, not going there. She's your companion and you are both going out for a night of culture, nothing more. Denial was so much easier than the truth.

"Right then Rose Tyler, care to accompany me to the theatre"

"Yes Doctor it would be a pleasure" as she took his arm and together they walked through the open doors of the Tardis into the busy streets of London.

"So what's so special about this show."

"Rose, I'm not going to influence you one way or the other. I want you to experience it for yourself and afterwards you can tell me your thoughts about it."

"What's it about then. C'mon impress me with your history lesson?"

"Started with a novel written by a Frenchman called Gaston Leroux in around 1909-1910. Didn't sell very well but now its considered a French classic. Got translated into English around 1911, and later made into films tv movie and a musical. The musical is my favourite though the 1925 film version with Lon Chaney wasn't half bad."

"Yeah but whats the story Doctor"

"God your impatient. I'm getting' to that. The stories changed a bit since 1909 but there's this young actress/singer called Christine see who comes to the Paris Opera as a child after her father who was a famous violinist died. Her father promised her that an Angel would visit her. An Angel of music to be precise. Well the story goes that this Angel found her, taught her to sing but she never saw his face. His origins say he was a guy called Erik who was hideously disfigured during the building of the Opera house but in the musical version he escaped from a circus freak show and he dwells in the lower cellars of the theatre. He is a genius when it comes to music and becomes known as the Opera Ghost or the Phantom..."

"Your not telling me that this is the horror of musicals"

"If yah stop interruptin' me I'll finish. He (the Phantom) is also in love with Christine and keen to get her into the limelight which he does eventually. She in the meantime meets up with her childhood sweetheart, a pretty boy Vicomte called Raoul which stirs up trouble no end. The Phantom takes Christine down to where he lives and tells her of his love but blows it when she takes off his mask and he loses his temper. Eventually he sends her back and then Raoul tries his luck with her and the two plan to run off together. The Phantom overhears them and feels Christine has betrayed him and terrorises everyone. Later on the Opera Ghost steals her away again and Raoul follows, trying to rescue her. Christine is forced to make a terrible choice and then...

"Then what Doctor"

"Well you will have to wait and see won't you Rose. Don't want to spoil the ending for you now do I" he said with a naughty smirk.

"Bastard" she mumbles under her breath but she doesn't stay mad at him long. Its too nice a night to waste time on a grudge and the Doctors hand feels so right in hers as they continue walking to the theatre.

Upon reaching the theatre Rose discovers that the Doctor has reserved one of the private boxes and they seat themselves down awaiting the start of Act 1. From the first note Rose is captivated, the resonance and power of the opening intro engage her senses as she hears the passion that runs through the music. Shivers run under her skin as the notes ebb and flow and she feels alive like she does when she and the Doctor are running hand in hand during their adventures. As the play progresses her heart hurts for the Phantom whose loneliness reminds her so much of the man beside her. The vibrancy of Christine's voice lifts her soul and her heart thumps wildly and tears fall during the Phantoms rendition of 'Music of the Night'. 'Past the Point of No return' brings forth erotic fantasies, seductive and enticing as the lyrics play through her head and there's only one person she wants to share them with. She is torn when Christine kisses the Phantom to free Raoul and then the Opera Ghost lets her go despite loving her and once more her brown eyes spill tears. As the final act finishes and the music draws to the last note she feels almost drained of emotion. She turns to look at the Doctor and gasps when she sees the desire in his eyes and she is lost.

From the start of the performance the Doctor observes Rose. He wanted to see how she would react to the music. There is an addictive darkness about the play which is enticing. It fills the senses and gets into the soul and for him that is a rare thing indeed. He thought briefly about entering her mind so he could feel her emotions as she watched the play but decided against it. She would not like him to do that and he would do nothing to jeopardise her trust in him. As the acts progressed he watched the desire play across her face, followed by longing, sorrow, joy. He watched her tears, could almost hear her blood racing with anticipation and the heaving of her chest as the music excited her, saddened her & lifted her spirits depending on the scene. As the actors take their final bow and the curtains close she turns to face him and her eyes are pools of unfathomable depth that speak more about what she feels then words could express. The urge to kiss her is strong but again he denies himself and resists instead brushes his hand across the softness of her cheek and tenderly wipes away one last stray tear before standing up and breaking the moment. He sees the look of disappointment on Rose's face but she hides it quickly before standing up and together they leave the theatre hearts full of unspoken emotion.

They walk for a bit both lost in the after effects of emotional overload, each conscious of the other; neither wanting to break the uneasy silence.

Rose couldn't believe what she'd seen in the Doctors eyes. Hunger, lust and torment had broadcast themselves within the darkness of his pupils and they had been focused only on one thing, her. She shook her head trying to clear her mind. No, surely what she had seen had only been a result of the plays storyline. He didn't think her of her like that. Did he?

The Doctor for all his 900 years suddenly found himself in new territory. He could deal with his own desires, well mostly, but it now appeared that Rose, this beautiful precious girl wanted him. At this new revelation a thousand images crossed his mind alongside a thousand possible ways of making love to Rose. He couldn't do this to her, bring her down to his level. He shouldn't even be thinking such thoughts. Perverted old man that he was. No, maybe he was just misreading everything, maybe?



Rose laughs. "You first Doctor"

"I er was just wondering ah just wondering if you...". His courage failed him and he finished lamely, "just askin if you want to get somethin' to eat.. You know fancy a bit of supper?"

Rose sighed. Just as she thought. She'd imagined it all. With a heavy heart she replied "Yeah that'd be great thanks"

They find a cafe and order. Its obvious to the doctor that the other patrons are impressed by the smartness of himself and Rose although he feels no small amount of jealousy as more than one man's head is turned towards his companions direction with an unmistakable look of lust in their eyes. He preens himself knowing that at least for now she wants to be with him. The look he gives to the competition states 'hands off, she's mine' in the highest of unspoken body language and most are clever enough to take the hint. Rose notices the Doctors look and smiles to herself. This is the first time she's realised how possessive the Doctor is of her. She finds it very interesting and all previous hope lost is suddenly reignited. He's got nothing to worry about because she's never going to leave him. No man could offer her more than the alien sitting opposite her at the table. Someday she hopes he will know that.

During the meal their conversation turns back to their adventures. Its nice easy banter, laughing at destinations gone wrong, running for the Tardis, sampling and exploring new cultures from planets that existed previously only in Rose's imagination. They buy some wine and toast each other to their fantastic friendship. Despite the newly acquired knowledge that they both want something very different it's easier to stay best friends. A comfortable state of being. The mask of safety