
Just returned from her successful expedition with her father, Crumple Horned Snorkack horn in hand, Luna flopped onto her bed with a sigh and picked up the newest edition of the Quibbler lying on her bedside table

After flicking through the first few pages to her surprise, and delight, she found herself looking into those familiar eyes she so adored, and for the millionth time compared them to goblin made emeralds.

She scanned through the article, flipping it upside down as she read like she so often loved to do. Her father always said presenting odd challenges of that sort to ones self built character, and she was getting rather fast at reading upside down.

The headline read 'An Interview on Life at Home with the Chosen One'. Luna chuckled to herself as she read Harry's description of the Dursleys, and smiled fondly at his apparent happiness of staying at the Weasleys.

One of the last questions read 'Any chance on filling us Quibbler readers in about your love life?', to which Harry's reply was –

'Well, I've been a bit busy for that sort of thing, especially with all the end of term examinations and the year's season of Quidditch finals, but there is one girl who has distracted me to point of going insane. I won't name names, but I will say that she is possibly the best doctor when it comes to distracting wrackspurts in the whole of the magical world. And if she's reading, I would just like to say that she does not ever need to change her appearance to win anyone's heart ever again– she is perfect as she is. Wow, that was corny. Sorry for that.'

And below that paragraph there was a picture of Harry blushing and laughing sheepishly.

Luna beamed, and her whole heart was filled with utmost happiness.

She dropped the magazine, ran down to her garden and cast a million fireworks all around the house, chuckling at the reactions of her nasty garden gnomes who didn't take kindly to massive amounts of light.

It started to rain, but Luna didn't care. Instead she untied her hair from it's pony tail and danced around amongst the flashes of light and pouring rain.

She had never felt so lucky in all her life.

At the same time four friends were playing Quidditch outside the Burrow. The teams consisted of Ron and Hermione, and Harry and Ginny. The latter pair were now the best of friends, and there were no more romantic feelings between either of them – to Harry's happiness.

'Damn that rain." Ron was saying, "We were winning."

"Well, we can keep playing," Hermione said. "Actually, I don't want to sound vain but my hair will go horribly frizzy if I stay out here much longer."

Ron grinned "Too late to worry about that, Miss Granger."

She smiled and batted him over the head. He responded by kissing her passionately.

Harry noticed and sent the bludger over to them so that it missed the couple by just an inch, startling them and causing Ron to fall to the ground.

"We had a deal, remember." Harry told them, laughing as he watched his best friend hurriedly clamber back up off the muddy grass.

Ginny, who had wanted to be the one to throw the bludger, ran at Harry and started threatening him with as many curses she could think of as possible, and soon everyone was on the floor laughing in the rain.

Harry couldn't believe how lucky he was as he looked back at Ron, Ginny and Hermione. He had ended up with three of the best friends he could have ever wished for.

He reached into his pocket absent mindedly and drew out Luna's earring.

He smiled. Not only did he have the best friends ever, he had Luna.

It took all his strength to stop himself grabbing his wand and jumping up and casting a million fire works around the garden.

And a thought hit him - He had never felt so lucky in all his life.

Just then the sound of fireworks in the distance stopped his thoughts in their tracks and he and his friends rose off the ground to see the colourful flashes of light in the distance.

"Hey," said Hermione, "Aren't those fireworks coming from Luna's house?"

Harry smiled at the coincidence, and realised he wasn't the only one who felt that way.



if you would like a different ending, or would like more to the story please review and tell me!

If not, thanks for Reading and Reviewing, I hope this story was satisfactory!

Check out my other stories (:




(I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER - apart from in my dreams haha)