SacredDawn: Hello? Anyone there? Well, looks like a few years of no updates really can get to you. I've noticed a considerable amount of people who have been wanting an update. Unfortunately, my life took a complete spin and I just stopped writing.

In 2012, I started to go into a depression and eventually attempted to commit suicide. I was sent to a mental hospital to recover. After that I actually started to a see a positive vibe in my life.

In 2013 (I was 18 at the time), I entered a relationship while I was homeless. His name is Joseph. He was an incredible boyfriend who took me in to live with him for six months.

Now, in 2014, just a few weeks ago, I returned to my home. I once again spiraled into depression and have recently attempted suicide twice. Unfortunately, I am also a bit mentally unstable, I was diagnosed with skitzophrenia (for those who don't know what this means, long story short I hear voices in my head.) and also a multiple personality disorder in 2012. It was too much for him to handle so he broke it off with me a few days ago, only wanting to be friends. It's been very hard for me to handle. So now, after all this time, I figured that writing fanfiction is the way to rekindle my fire within to write.

So, this was just an update of my life, and maybe one of you that are still active can read this. I need all the support I can get and even if no one can read this, it was just a healthy way to get this out of my chest.

This is SacredDawn, signing off.