Reviews for Tsubasa Holic Dares
Sierra chapter 19 . 1/4/2016
oh u poor thing! my friend once went through this kinda thang - she got back with her friends and things r lookin good for her now. i hope u live a happy life from now on.
Daisyphile chapter 19 . 12/7/2014
Aww sweetie I know how it feels. I've been in your shoes before, and I think that writing is a great way to help yourself move forward. I'd love to read more of your work, or even more of this story if you get the chance. And if you ever need to talk, I'll be here. Next time if you feel really bad, just send me a message to distract yourself. It doesn't have to be about anything, just whatever pops into your head. I found that when things get really bad, it's nice to be able to just interact with another person. Hope things start to look up.
HopeFireSHC chapter 1 . 8/27/2014
Remember that random was probably me...0/0
Great story I love both Trc and xxxHolic soooo much!
NightPegasus13 chapter 19 . 8/10/2014
I'm sorry to hear that. But I know that you'll find someone. Take care ok.
1AmyLeeLove1 chapter 19 . 5/28/2014
Dawn-chan, I promise you that one day you will find someone who love you with all their heart. I hear "voices" and see "things" as well. My best friend told me she would never be friends with a psycho if she'd known. I've tried to kill myself once and realized that everyone I've met in my life would be hurt, expecially those who hate me because they'd blame themselves and we'd share the same fate.

Dawn-chan, I don't know you but I treasure your work and learning something like this because now I know we're going through the same pains. I feel as though if I met you I'd be pleasured to have such a wonderful friend. Please treasure your life more than this random insignificant reader ever can. Please update!
tokyoblackbird chapter 2 . 5/24/2014
Fangirls: KAWAIII!

xD basically!
Evanescentfacade chapter 19 . 5/17/2014
Oh my, I hope that you feel better soon and that fanfiction really will help you I'm sorry that I can't really do much more for you then to offer my support in any fanfictions you write!
pheonix38514 chapter 4 . 5/17/2014
I dare kuro-chan to kiss fai and take his shirt off!
Daisyphile chapter 18 . 8/5/2013
No more Tsubasa Holic dares? :(
It's never too late to update :3
Daisyphile chapter 12 . 8/4/2013
Hahaha these are so funny! Was Fai going to confess something a few chapters back?
Daisyphile chapter 3 . 8/4/2013
Love it! Probably one of the funniest things I've ever read. Time to get photo shop and place Syaoran's head on Hannah Montana's body.
Babyfruitstyles chapter 18 . 2/26/2013
Ooh! I dare you to explain to everyone what fanfiction is (unless of course they already know, since they recognize the terms "authoress" and "reviewer"...) and then show everyone an example with them in it! :D particularly ones under the romance genre :3
DeliverTheUselessBounty chapter 1 . 1/20/2013
Ok I dare you to make Kuro strip while singing "I'm to Sexy for my Shirt"
Wheather he gets completly naked is up to you ;)

Oh and I dare you to make Watanuki to hug Domeki for the hole show
Red-Shermilk chapter 18 . 11/4/2011
Hello SacredDawn,I have a request can you put hetalia character in this one chapter only cause this what I goona dare them.

Kurogane fight with Japan

Fay be like Italy(of course you can do it)and then kiss Germany

Italy,cause Fay just kiss Germany you kiss kurogane

England cook scone for Yuuko and be her servant and wear a maid

French you flirt with sakura(want to know what Syaoran gonna do)

FeiWang you attack Japan (America will save Japan and kiss fangirl)must have battle !

Dawn-chan,pick your most favourite hetalia character and kiss or hug them or you can do anything to them.

And what pairing you like in Heta?

P.S-Hope you do hetalia dare soon.
Kobatanuki 2-C chapter 1 . 10/12/2011
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, SacredDawn. You know what? Whenever I need a laugh, I just go on over Tsubasa Holic Dares and go to a random chapter. I am serious! You make me laugh in every chapter! Heck! I can't even stop myself from giggling whenever I read 'Tsubasa Holic Dares by SacredDawn' LOL Pfffffffft There I go again! I just LOVE your dareshow! SacredDawn's Tsubasa Holic Dares! Crackin' up in every Chapter! Hahaha *sigh* Sa- cred- Dawn! Love LOVE loVE LOve LOVE Your dareshow! I Hope you UPDATE SOON! Oô_ôO?
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