So basically my story takes place back in LT before Percy gets to camp for the most part and it's about how Kronos manipulates Luke into turning evil. I don't know if this idea is cliché or not because I haven't seen one like it but I don't go on fanfiction all that often. Just thought I'd give you a heads up, here goes.

Disclaimer: You called it, PJO is not mine.

Luke's POV

(A/N now it's right before everyone goes on the fieldtrip to Mount Olympus.) I was sitting alone in the Hermes cabin, which was insanely hard to do considering it was always packed with kids.

The only reason I got it alone was because I ditched archery practice but that was strange because I usually liked archery though I wasn't very good at it, but something in the back of my mind told me not to go today.

So I was sitting down on my bunk wondering why the Hades I'd skipped archery for this. My mind just suddenly went blank, like my brain was ideas were just shut off. I randomly heard a sound of knives scraping against each other in my thoughts. I soon realized that it wasn't a sound, it was a voice.

I couldn't make out what it was saying but the noise made me shiver and I instinctively clamped my hands over my ears, hoping for it to go away. The faint echo of a voice only grew louder until I could hear it clearly. It was calling out my name.

Luke… Luke listen. Luke…

I tried to control the thought, shut it up because it all was really freaking me out, but the more I heard it, the more I listened the stronger it became. It was more of a voice than a sound now.

"What?" I whispered, feeling kind of dumb for answering a voice that only I could hear.

Fine work Luke, you can hear me.

His scraping voice made the room freezing cold and a lot scarier than it used to feel. "Wha- What are you talking about?" My teeth were chattering and I was seriously hoping one of my siblings was going to jump out the closet with a video camera and a voice changing microphone. No one came out.

Oh, you'll know soon, Luke, you will learn.

I could hear the voice now outside of my head and I was trying to look casual as I peeked around under bunks and in lockers. "Okay let's try this, who are you?" I had to hide the shaking in my voice because the sound was becoming clearer and I felt a sinking around myself, as if it trying to pull me to the floor.

Once again, all learned with time, Luke. I would like you to do me favors, Luke, a favor that I believe only you are capable of.

I could almost pinpoint where the voice was coming from but it shook around in my head so much it was making dizzy, although I was appreciating the fact that he thought I stood out from other campers.

"Um… sure, what do I have to do?" The pulling was getting stronger and this voice was getting fuller but it was enchanting and a bit less scary.

Oh no, nothing yet you mustn't learn too much before I have your trust and allegiance, Luke. You mustn't gain too much either

I spun around because the voicewas coming from behind me and I wasn't going to have back turned to it for even a second.

"Allegiance? I don't know what you're talking about. And what do you mean I can't 'gain' too much? What can I gain from the mysterious voice that's haunting me?" I was getting a little more confident now that I knew a sound really couldn't hurt me.

The voice chuckled and said, What can you gain from me? Ha! You can have knowledge, power, riches, servants, anything and everything you could want! You only have to help me, Luke.

The voice was surrounding me with so much pressure that I was forced to crumple on my knees but as soon as he was finished talking I was relieved of the pressure and could stand once again.

Gulping and gasping I asked him, "I can have all of that? Just by doing you a few favors?" I was stunned that I'd stumbled across the little thought that could be the best thing that ever happens to me.

Oh, yes Luke all that and more. Your help is the only thing I require to grant you those things. Your help and just one simple answer to a question and you can have everything you want handed to you.

"Is that question going to be 'What's my social security number?"? Because I don't know and I won't be a victim of your scam." I should've known it was too good to last; people don't just give you your dreams unless they plan to steal your identity.

Not quite, I must ask you if you've ever felt abandoned by your father.

I couldn't tell if the person asking me knew about half-bloods and I wasn't in the mood to get reported to the crazy police by a mysterious man's voice so I told him I didn't have a dad.

Luke, my boy, I meant your godly father. Hermes is it?

Well, that answers that question. The truth was I felt abandoned by him each day but I wasn't sure if I should say that, incase it was one of gods planning on showing this to Hermes, though I highly doubted that.

"Uh… no, I don't feel like that." I felt bad lying to the voice in a weird way, like lying to a teacher kind of.

Are you sure, Luke? I promise that the truth won't hurt you, son. You can talk to me, Luke; I won't tell anyone your answer.

I swallowed hard and tried to smile, I wasn't really comfortable talking about my father. "Yes, I feel like he doesn't care about me all of the time. He left me with my mother to fend for myself and I don't think he cares."

That's right Luke, he doesn't care, and I do of course, though. I want to help you, Luke, just think of everything I could do for you. You can resurrect Thalia, save your mother, become a king, have millions of followers, you can make Annabeth your queen and never have wait for your father to throw you a quest! Luke, you can rule higher than the gods if you'd like!

Every time he mentioned something that I could have his voice moved around the room until it was swirling around me, making me giddy with what I was going to get.

"I can have that? But how…" I suddenly realized something. "How do you know my name? How do you know my mother and Annabeth and Thalia?! Who are you?!" I was afraid all over again. The man who was talking to me had to be a stalker or something.

Now Luke, I told you before, if you learn too much you can't have any of the gifts I have to offer. But I know who you are because I have been watching you. (Sounded like a stalker to me.) I think you are just the perfect boy that I have been searching for through every century. You are the chosen one.

"Is that good?" I was slowly walking to the door, ready to make a break for it if needed.

It's very good, Luke. And you have to reason to be afraid of me. I cannot, and will not for that matter, hurt you. I need you as much as you'll need me.

"So about the prizes I get for helping you, what do I have to do?" I thought there was something strange going on I had a feeling that this might cost me big time.

You're straight to it, eh? Alright, I'll tell you what you must do. There will be a fiel—

He was cut off suddenly as one of my cabin mates yanked open the door and everyone filed inside.

I'd grown used to how cold it was in the cabin but when the voice left and people walked inside it warm and sunny again and I didn't feel so claustrophobic.

"Hey Luke, we missed you at archery. Where you been?" Conner Stoll said to me as he unscrewed a water bottle cap and took a huge drink.

"Uh, I was busy, hey is it hot in here?" I was tugging on the collar of my t-shirt, trying to cool down but I was afraid that the voice that was going to give me all of my wants was gone for good.

"Nah, but you look pale, man. Maybe you should go outside." His brother Travis Stoll answered for him, opening the door for me.

I nodded then shook my head vigorously, trying to regain the concept of reality.

Yay, I think this chapter turned out good! R&R! Tell me what you think! Next chapter Kronos is going to tell Luke what he needs to do when he's at Mount Olympus! Yay, I like this story!