Chapter 1

Lecture at Brookland

"Bye Jack, see you when I get home" I shouted as I ran out the door, trying to be heard over the clamor of dishes in the sink. This was a fairly normal routine for us; I would wake up and cook breakfast, and in return Jack would clean up while I went to school. I understand the idea that routine kills, but everyone has some habit or routine in their life that helps them remain grounded and keeps a constant in their life. Well my routine is making breakfast and leaving the dishes for Jack to wash up every morning. Okay so maybe it wasn't lethal, but sometimes it scared me, how much I depended on the small things.

*changing viewpoints*

Although MI6 promised that Alex was done with missions after the Dragon Nine incident, Alex knew better. He walked out, hoping for the best but expecting the worst. And sure enough, MI6 needed help. There was another mad man who wanted to destroy the world in some twisted revenge, the previous agent assigned to the case was missing, and Alex was the only one who could finish the mission. There would always be someone trying to destroy the world, but would he always be around to stop them. Alex ended up going, with the help of blackmail and the promise that it would be like a vacatioNn. The mission was not like a vacation and ended badly, though it was still a success, it only served as a reminder to how human he was.

Ales, now 15, spoke 10 languages fluently (though he was close to 12 and he had recently began 13) and excelled in fighting with a wide range of weapons, from the more dangerous and obvious gun to the less dangerous and rarely used rubber band. Alex is also adept in fighting without weapons and a master of 6 different types of martial arts. He was dangerous, without a shadow of a doubt. Of course the ability to fight and communicate were not all a spy needed to survive, Alex (before his uncle passed) had remained several years ahead on his studies, thanks to Ian's coercion. Now MI6 had hired a few tutors to help Alex get farther ahead on his studies, including: mathematics, physics, chemistry, botany, medicine, political science, biology, military studies, world culture, business, economics, etc. Though some were studied only to ensure the basic information was known, many of the subjects were covered though a year or so of focused college studies.

Alex has been on 21 missions, all successful (making him the most successful agent in MI6 history). Because of his success, MI6 were not ready to lose him. Alex was now paid (more than would be expected) for mission and Jack had permanent protection (a bodyguard and sometimes a safe house with a few more bodyguards). They had moved into a larger house (which had every security feature imaginable). To know any information about Alex you had to be: 1) very lucky or 2) the heads of MI6 (as they were the only ones with high enough security clearance). In fact Alex was a level 13 clearance (obviously the highest there was) and he had access to any information he wanted. Of course being such a high clearance level meant that very few could be trusted with protecting Jack. Fox (because he decided he was not into espionage) was given the job and has recently decided his job has some perks (now he is dating the person he is paid to protect).

Alex jumped on his bike, remembering that there was an assembly for a few guest speakers. Searching his brain, Alex remembered there being two math professors and four FBI agents. They would be explaining how math could be used in the real world, the American law system, and what college in America involved.

As the gate of Brookland came into view, Alex saw Tom waving to him. Alex greeted him as he dismounted his bike and locked it up.

"So how was Greenland?"


"Who tried to take over the world?"



"Tom, you do realize, you technically shouldn't even know about my job. And I said no discussing my job in public."

"Fine, be a spoil sport."

"Sounds like a plan." Alex couldn't help but laugh at Tom. Tom did not understand what Alex did, but he was always there for Alex. The two of them started making their way towards their first period class.

"By the way, Al, can I stay over at your house for a while. The rents are arguing again."

"You are always welcome at my house. It is a welcome change from the lovey dovey that seems to have invaded."

"Ewww…Bad visual. I can't believe those two are dating"

"Neither can I."

"I should just live at your house. I mean you have everything: a pool, a theater room, a football field, a big room for me, and a hot tub."

"You forgot the dojo. If you want to move in feel free. But then you may need a permanent id for the gate."

"I don't mind. You place bets mine. Plus I would avoid all the shouting matches."

"As long as your parents don't mind, you can live with me."

"Don't worry I told them I was running away to join the circus. To which they responded, we would rather you live with Alex."

"Oh great, they prefer me to the circus."

"You should feel honored."

"Don't worry, I do."

As they approached the building a voice interrupted their conversation. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the drug gang." Tom was now involved in all of my "supposed issues". I even told Tom if he didn't like the insults we could ignore each other during school, and hang out after school. Tom being Tom, responded it was more interesting being on the "odd end" of the class, plus he was guaranteed some good stories. We simply ignored the spewing insults and made out way to class.

As the bell rang, the last student took their seats. Attendance was called, and we were escorted to the auditorium. I saw the two professors on stage and the FBI agents sitting on the side. The other students began whispering their conversation, then Mr. Bray walked on stage and all talking ceased.

"Students, I would like to introduce to you the first speaker, Dr. Charles Eppes."

"Hello, I am Dr. Eppes. My brother, Don over there and some of his colleagues, have accompanied us and will also be presenting today. My fiancé, Amita Ramanujan, will also be presenting today."

Dr. Eppes started his lecture. Most of the students tuned out what was being said. Alex began having feelings of paranoia; then towards the end of the lecture, the window shattered.