It took awhile for Sandman to actually get his beer. They had to grab the people who had died in the fight and then haul ass to Mickie and Gail's because the sun was starting to come up and the vampires didn't want to end up as barbeque. Then while Glenn patched up Raven and Daffney, Mickie and Gail worked on everyone else. Sandman's arm was hanging so loosely from his body that Gail had to brew up three things of healing potion for him just so the arm could be reattached instead of amputated completely. Rey's knee had been injured and even after the witches had done their magic, he was still limping. Whether that limp was permanent or not remained to be seen.
"Man, there goes my running days," Rey muttered, looking at the propped up and ice covered limb.
"Forget your running days," Sandman said as he drank the beer that he had finally been given. "What about my baseball career? I don't think I can swing a bat with this arm now!" He shook his head. "Fucking demons," he muttered.
Matt tried to tune all of this out as he watched Mickie and Gail work on Phil. They were trying to find a way to reverse the whole werewolf thing, but it was really just a useless attempt to make Phil feel better. It didn't seem to be working though, because Phil was getting more and more agitated by the minute.
"So is the Ministry actually leaving any time soon?" Evan asked nervously. He was snuggled up next to Rey like the older man was his teddy bear or something. "I mean....we don't have to fight them now too, right?"
"Well if we do, we're fucked," Sandman said bluntly. "None of us are in any condition to even think about taking them on."
"Well I'm fucked already, so bring them on," Phil muttered darkly.
Matt sighed. "Don't talk like that Phil. You are not fucked."
"Yeah," Sandman agreed. "You're wolfed. There's a difference."
Mickie picked up a shoe and chucked it at Sandman's head as Phil got up and left the room. "Did you have to say that?" she asked angrily. "Was that necessary?"
Sandman tried to look innocent. "I didn't mean it like that! I was just trying to lighten the mood!"
Rey gave Matt a serious look. "When you catch up with him, tell him that we still love him and don't want to hurt him. I don't think he'll believe us unless he hears it from you first."
Matt nodded and then went after Phil. He already knew that Phil was thinking about himself the same way they had regarded werewolfs in the past: viscious beasts that went on a killing rampage every time there was a full moon outside. And it wasn't like that was totally wrong. He and Phil had both seen enough werewolfs during a full moon to know that there was a legitimate reason to fear werewolfs. But he was going to find a way for this to be different for Phil. If Jeff and his new little friends could be vampires without being complete monsters, that meant there had to be a way for them to control the beast that now lived inside his lover.
He found Phil standing on the back porch, staring off into space. Without saying a word, he wrapped his arms around the younger man and hugged him tightly. Phil rested his head back against Matt's shoulder, still refusing to make any eye contact. "You know, when those vampires killed my family, they turned my sister into one of them," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Matt frowned. He had never been told that before. He had only been told that Phil's family had been killed.
Phil finally looked up at Matt. "I never told anyone that," he confessed. "Rob didn't even know and he trained me to become a hunter. I came home that night and found everyone dead except for her. I thought it was a miracle. And then she tried to bite me..." His voice trailed off and he shuddered. "I didn't mean to kill her that night. I's all still a blur Matt. I don't even remember how I dusted her. I think I've blocked it out."
Matt hugged him tighter. "Maybe that's for the best," he said gently.
"Maybe...but I swore to myself that I would never let something like that to happen to me," Phil said. He stepped away from Matt and then turned around so that they were facing each other. "My worst nightmare used to be that I was going to get turned into a vampire. Now I'm terrified of what I could do to someone when I'm the wolf."
Matt sighed and shook his head. "I'm not going to let you hurt anyone."
"You can't--"
"Oh hell yes I can," Matt said before Phil could finish that sentence. "I'll dope you up and put you in a cage if I have to damn it. You're my Phil and there's nothing I wouldn't do for you."
Phil almost smiled. "You mean it?"
"Yeah. I mean it." Matt gently kissed Phil's lips. "Rey and the others don't hate you. They wanted to make sure that you knew that. This whole thing...we'll figure this out." He kissed Phil again. "I was thinking...maybe you and I should take a break from the demon hunting thing. It doesn't have to be a permanent thing, but I know I need a break and I think you're long overdue for one too."
Phil sighed. "I guess..." He rested his forehead up against Matt's. "Fuck, I'm so fucking scared Matt. I feel like I'm about to have panic attack or something."
Matt quickly pulled Phil back into his arms and held him tightly. "It's going to be okay," he assured his shaking lover. "It's going to be okay." I don't know exactly how I'm going to convince you of that yet, but damn it, I will find a way to do it.
Jeff rubbed his eyes as he stared sleepily at James. He had been going to lay down with Adam when James had come along and stolen him away. Adam had gotten pissed and had tried to get him back, but James had pushed him down a flight of stairs and bought himself enough time to lock Jeff in room with him. Jeff knew he should be nervous as hell about what James could possibly want with him, but he was so exhausted from the battle that he was finding that nearly impossible to do. I'll scream if he tries to kill or rape me, Jeff decided. That sounds good to me.
"So," James said, leaning against the door so Adam couldn't break it down. "There's been something I've been meaning to talk to you about for awhile now."
"Okay," Jeff said slowly. He eyed James carefully. Even after everything that had happened, he still didn't trust the guy much at all.
"I just wanted to tell you that I didn't kill your dad," James said. "And I didn't kill Karen either. Karen married Kurt because she didn't know what he was and then when she figured it out what he was, she bailed."
Jeff stared at James in shock. "Wait, so you're saying that Kurt killed them?"
"Well technically he sent a demon named Midieon to do it, but he was responsible for the whole thing. I was there that night trying to save your dad.....obviously it didn't work....and then Midieon tried to get you but Karen put herself in the way and the force it--"
"Okay okay," Jeff said quickly. He didn't want to hear anymore. For some reason, he believed what James was saying. He didn't know why he believed it, but he did. Could he be wrong in doing that? Yeah, maybe. But James didn't strike him as the type to deny killing someone. If James had been the one to do it, there was a good chance the demon would be rubbing it in his face right now.
James patted his shoulder. "I just figured you should know," he said with a shrug. "I don't really know why....maybe it was just because your dad and Karen amused me."
"Well uh....yay?" Jeff really didn't know what to say to that. He supposed that he should be grateful because that fact probably helped keep Gil and Karen alive. But still....
"See ya around Jeff," James said. It was hard to tell whether he meant that as a threat or not. He opened the door stepped out of the way just as Adam came charging in at full speed. Adam tried to skid to a halt but ended up crashing into the wall anyway.
"Addy!" Jeff said, quickly rushing to his sire's side. "You okay?"
"Ow," Adam muttered. "My head." He glared at James, who was leaving and laughing at the same time. "What did he want?"
"He wanted to tell me that he didn't kill my dad," Jeff told him. He began fussing over Adam's head. He didn't think Adam would bruise just from that but he wanted to check just to make sure.
"Oh. You believe him?"
Jeff shrugged. "Do you think he's the type to lie about murdering someone?"
"No," Adam admitted. "Not at all."
"That's what I thought too." Deciding that Adam wasn't going to get a bruise on top of his other bruises (which were already fading away), Jeff tried to stop with his fussing but Adam automatically pulled him closer so that their groins were touching. Jeff felt Adam's hardened member through his jeans and he let out a throaty growl. "Addy..."
"Remember when Gangrel said we should get our rest?" Adam whispered seductively. He had grabbed Jeff's ass and was squeezing the round cheeks firmly. "Well I say fuck that. I want to fuck you so hard that you see stars. I want to feel your tight heat choking my dick. I want to make you scream my name over and over and--"
"Jeff! You up here?"
Adam and Jeff both groaned. Matt had terrible fucking timing. "I'll see if I can get rid of him," Jeff said as he reluctantly pulled himself away from Adam. His cock had come to life from Adam's dirty talk and now he was sporting a massive hard on. I don't really know how I can have a boner if I don't have blood pumping through my veins....hmmm, I should bring that up later after I get fucked.
Jeff opened up the door and poked his head out of it. Matt and Phil were just coming up the stairs. Phil had his head rested on Matt's shoulder and the two of them had an arm wrapped around each other. "What is it Matty?" Jeff asked, noticing that Matt and Phil actually looked really cute together. He didn't plan on admitting it out loud though; not unless Phil started being a little nicer to him anyway.
Matt shrugged. "Nothing really. I was just checking on you."
Jeff smiled a little bit. Despite the fact that Matt had just played the role of cockblocker, he appreciated the fact that his older brother gave a damn about where he was. "I'm fine Matty. Are you okay?"
Matt looked at Phil, who shrugged. "We're hanging in there," Matt said as he looked back over at Jeff. "We're going to get some sleep. You should probably do the same."
"Yeah sure," Jeff agreed, faking a yawn just to play along with the idea. "Nighty night Matty. I go sleepies now." He quickly closed the door before turning around to face Adam. Adam was smirking and Jeff just shook his head. "I swear, he's got radar or something," he muttered.
"Well he needs to put his radar to rest," Adam said as he walked over and locked the door. "Or it's going to be constantly going off and he's never going to get a moment's peace."
Jeff started to ask whether that was supposed to mean that the two of them were constantly going to be fucking, but got kissed by Adam before he could get the words out. They kissed each other hungrily as they began to stumble towards the bed. Just as they were attempting to fall on to it, Adam changed into his vampire visage and his fangs nipped Jeff's lower lip. Jeff hissed as his own blood filled his and Adam's mouth. Within seconds his own face had changed and he nipped Adam's lips in return. Their tongues duled ferociously, scraping against each other's fangs, filling their mouths with even more blood. Jeff ripped Adam's shirt open and clawed at the blonde's chest, leaving trails of blood in his wake.
Adam finally ripped his mouth away from Jeff's and kissed his way down to the younger vampire's throat. He licked the spot where Jeff's pulse used to be before sinking his fangs right into the sensitive, pale flesh. Jeff moaned and thrusted his hips up wildly. That had hurt but it felt so fucking good. "Do it again," he gasped. "Fuck Addy, do that again."
Adam obliged him by biting the other side of his neck. He groaned loudly, grinding his crotch up against Adam's as much as he could. Adam quickly removed his fangs and ripped open Jeff's shirt. Then he began kissing his way down the younger vampire's body, occassionally scraping his fangs across Jeff's cold flesh as he did so. His hands were working on removing Jeff's pants (Jeff didn't have any underwear on because Adam had told him that it was vampire law not to wear it and he had believed that). "Help me out here Jeff," he said. "These fucking things don't want to come off."
Jeff quickly arched his hips up and helped Adam discard of the pesky jeans. Adam smirked mischieviously before sinking his fangs right into the inside of Jeff's thigh. Jeff moaned wildly as jolts of extreme pleasure and pain coursed through his body. He moved his head from side to side, getting more worked up by the second. "Addy please!" he begged as he felt Adam sucking on the blood that was coming out of his thigh. "Adam fuck me. Please...."
Adam removed his mouth from Jeff's thigh and looked up at his childe with a wicked grin on his face. His lips and teeth were stained with Jeff's blood. He chuckled just a little bit before licking the blood off Jeff's thigh and then darting his tongue into Jeff's tight entrance. Jeff bit his lip as hard as he could, puncturing it and making it bleed like crazy. The pain from that only added to the pleasure he felt as Adam's tongue entered him again and probed him eagerly. He grabbed on to the bedsheets and just about ripped them to shreds. "Adam please fuck me oh fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me!" Jeff begged wildly. It wasn't exactly his most dignified moment but he really didn't give a shit at the moment. He needed Adam inside him way too badly.
"Okay okay," Adam said, giving Jeff a cocky smirk. He positioned himself over Jeff and slammed into the younger vampire as far as he could go. Jeff did rip the sheets to shreds this time but he barely noticed that as Adam began thrusting in and out of him. "Oh fuck! Adddddy!" He clawed at Adam's back hard enough to draw blood and he wrapped his legs aroung his sire's waist.
"Fuck Jeff, you're so fucking tight," Adam growled. He scraped his fangs all over Jeff's neck, making Jeff whimper needily. "So fucking tight."
Jeff mewled helplessly and began moving his hips to meet Adam's thrusts. He felt his climax rapidly approaching and he couldn't stop it even if he wanted it too. "Adam--"
Adam grabbed Jeff's dick and jerked it roughly. Jeff looked into Adam's eyes and he could tell that the blonde was close to being done too. They both stared at each other for a split second before sinking their fangs into the other one's neck at the same time. If Jeff thought he had felt pleasure before, it was nothing compared to this. He didn't know whether he was screaming or growling; all he knew was that both he and Adam were extremely loud and there was a good chance that there was going to be a staking in Adam's future if Matt had overheard that.
Adam collapsed on top of Jeff and they both took some unneeded breaths as they held each other. "So uh....what do you think of being a vampire now?" Adam asked with a grin.
Jeff thought about it for a moment before grinning. "I think I can definitely get used to this."
*Dances happily* It's done it's done! Will there be a sequel? Maybe...if I can come up with a plot. But first there's a different sequel that I have to get started on because it's way way WAY overdue.