Reviews for Blood in the Night
cakey cake chapter 22 . 5/31/2015
There are few times that you find an amazing author with an amazing story. This is one of the best fanfictions I have ever read. Job well done. I would love to read a sequel. Jedam is adorable! The battle was amazing! I could actually picture it. This is definitely one of the greatest. Thanks so much! 3
TheGirlInThePinkScarf chapter 22 . 5/26/2012
If you ever get around to it, I would absolutely love a sequel!

I adored this! :)
HiDiNgFrOmYoU chapter 22 . 5/12/2012
Loved it, loved it, loved it. The intricacy of the world and reality created but without going too deep was awesome. Thanks :)
HiDiNgFrOmYoU chapter 21 . 5/12/2012
Most perfect four words.

I need a beer.

Haha, good chapter, thanks.
WinchesterVivi chapter 1 . 4/1/2010
love it!nice job!
takers dark lover chapter 22 . 1/26/2010
Well at least most of them came out alive. Phil has Matt by his side and he's not going anyway. And Jeff and Adam are still togather. Boy are they EVER!

Very good and yes I think a sequel is a great plan. So if you do one I will read every word of it.
Terrahfry chapter 22 . 1/24/2010
And the crew is banged up. Poor Phil, all that time fighting the things that go bump in the night only to become what he hates. Shame.

"Don't talk like that Phil. You are not fucked." "Yeah," Sandman agreed. "You're wolfed. There's a difference." *snorts* Lol, Mickie threw a shoe at him :P

Aw, they still wuv Philly. Hey, being a werewolf might not be as horrid as he thinks.. okay, it would be, but he could learn to cope and he has someone as awesome as Matty by his side, so that's a big plus :)

Awe, that's sad about Phil's sister.

"I'm not going to let you hurt anyone." "You can't-" Ahem, Phil, The Great Matt Hardy can do all. He's amazing like that, XD. "I'll dope you up and put you in a cage if I have to damn it." *giggles madly* See?

Yes, break sounds good. After defeating Kurt, they all deserve it.

*snorts* James stole Jeff from Adam. XP. Poor Addy can't catch a break.

"I'll scream if he tries to kill or rape me, Jeff decided. That sounds good to me." Yeah.. uh.. trust me, hun, where James is concerned, it wouldn't do you a damn bit of good. XP.

Aw, cool of James to tell Jeff about his dad and Karen.

Omg, poor Addy! Lol, right into the wall!

*giggles* Jeff fussing over Adam. Me likes.

*twitching anxiously* Oh, yes, Jedam action! Please? I'm having withdraws! I NEED it!

Fuck rest! XD! Ooh, fuck, Addy's dirty talk! *drooling*

*groans* Matty! Curse your timing! *scowls*

If Phil can't be nicer, just swat him with a rolled up newspaper and say 'bad dog'.. but, um, that might not get him to be nicer, hehe..

Matt's a cockblocker! Ha!

Yeah, they're gonna sleep *sarcasm* Right :P Matt has definitely got a radar when it comes to Jeffers, XP.

Oh, yes! Pick up on the vampire Jedam sex NOW!

Ooh, biting! I likes that!

*giggles insanely* Vampire law not to wear underwear! XD! & Jeff believed him! XD! Awesome!

Grr, off damn pants!

Oh, shit, Jeff just sounds so fucking hott! And I lurv Addy snacking on him. DELICIOUS! XD!

Adam covered in the blood. Uhm, he sounds psycho sexy. YUM!

Dignified or not, I like the thoughts of Jeff screaming 'Adam please fuck me..' Very very much, XD.

Bye-bye, bedsheets :P

Fuck! HOTT HOTT HOTT! Yeah Yeah Yeah! XD!

*winces* Yeah, Adam's in deep shit if Matt heard.. and c'mon, we all know Matt knows. Matt ALWAYS knows! XP!

*whimpers* Um, shit, it's over. *pouts* C'mon, there has to be a sequel! Just.. well, b/c.. I need to see how Phil adapts to being a werewolf and of course I need more Jedam and Mark and James makes me smile with their dysfunction! SEQUEL SEQUEL SEQUEL SEQUEL! Please? *sighs* XD. Anyways, this whole little epic was totally awesome as hell and so much fun. I loved it! You are the master, XD.

GrandpasGuitars chapter 22 . 1/24/2010
Awesome. Punk and Matt have a lot to get through, but I think they'll be alright. As for Jeff and Edge, I don't think they have much to do other than fuck into happily ever after. Great ending
Souless666 chapter 22 . 1/24/2010
Loved it, but you forgot to mark it complete. LOL

Of course if you do a sequel, I'd want one about the Ministry LMAO. But finding out how Phil and Matt handle Phill's new condition would be hella interesting too. LOL

Also seeing Adam, Jeff, Matt and Phil team up as a supernatural A team, fighting both bad supernaturals and humans alike would be awesome. I mean, after this, they should all realize that just cause something is not human doesn't necessarily make them evil or bad. Hell, even James shows he's not as evil as he could be. Or Mark for that matter. (Lets be serious, Mark is gonna be Mark no matter what. A grumpy guy that does things when he wants to do them and doesn't if he doesn't want to. Neither good nor evil, just power with an on/off switch. LMAO.)

the Ministry is a force of nature that, pretty much is unpredictable, one moment they can be causing utter chaos in a city, and the next saving the world from rampaging demons. LOL I love the anarchistic aspect of that. :D
slashdlite chapter 22 . 1/24/2010
Wow! All that blood in the foreplay and then sinking their fangs into the other while they cum! Sizzling hott!

Can't wait for the sequel!
takers dark lover chapter 21 . 1/8/2010
Well now Phils a wolf maybe he will understand Jeff better. Matt would never hurt Phil or Jeff. Now I can,t wait to find out what happens next that Kurt is dead.
Terrahfry chapter 21 . 1/7/2010
Ooh, back to Matty.

Damn that Randy. Y'know, at this point I just want Matt to succeed in killing him. He's becoming annoying ;)

Very fucking annoying, get over there, you pussy!

& down goes Ted! Holy shit! I need popcorn! *off to get popcorn*

*munching on popcorn* Shit, no, Randy, you fucking ass. Leave Matty alone!

No, Philly, dun waste the silver bullets. Must not waste bullets!

"He'll rip my throat out and make you into his bitch. I get it damn it." Which is why we must not waste the silver bullets!

OMG, Maria, Ashley, Kelly all dead. Rob, Sandman in bad shape. They're losing numbers quickly. Fuck, this is intense.

Aw, Jeff's shouting for Matty. That's heart wrenching. Hehe, I like Adam telling him to get over there.

*gasps, 'bout chokes on popcorn* Randy bit Phil? Holy fuck! No, get that outta your mouth, you dun where it's been! ..Sorry, couldn't resist :P

And Orton is gone! Haha, go Matty!

Oh God is right. Shit, poor Phil. Poor Matt. Dammit, Randy. *throws popcorn at Randy's corpse* See what you did? Hm? Nah, you can't see nuthin', cuz you is dead :P

So, Phil is a werewolf now? *sarcasm* Great.. Hey, come to think of it, that may actually be interesting *ponders*

No, don't kill him. Phil may annoy me to pieces, but he's good comic relief and I like throwing popcorn at him.

"I'll protect you," Matt swore. "And if I have to, I'll become a werewolf too." Aww, that's heart breaking. Dammit, what are you people doing to me? Not fair!

Adam's right. Fight now, sappy romantic talk later, XP.

And now Rob is dead? Sheesh!

Oh, Cooper got a plan?

Oh, Kurt that little asshole. I want them to kill him already! Please?

Mark's getting crushed! Where's James?

...There's James! Hi, James! *waves*

Kill Kurt, Kill Kurt, Kill Kurt! Die, die, die *laughing madly*

Get him, Marky! Yes! James got him! Kurt is outta here! *celebrates*

Hehehe, Connor's cute.

Ha, Sandman :P "I need a beer." The only four words needed after a battle like that. Awesome, XD.

That was intense. Wow. This chapter was exciting. Love it. Can't wait for more!

Terrahfry chapter 20 . 1/7/2010
Hm, this does not look good.

"Don't tell me you've fucking forgot just who the hell you are!" Um, good point.

Go Addy! XD! Kick their damn ass!

"Is this a bad time to mention that I've never been in an actual fight before?" Yus, yus it is, actually.

Oh, shit. Off damn hell hound, Jeff is NOT your chew toy!

*sighs relief* Thank goodness for Adam.

Poor Jeffy.

*gushes* Aw, I love Adam protecting Jeff like that. He cares more about Jeff making out alive then himself. That's sweet, XD.

Oh, yes, Addy, must protect Matty too. Uh-huh :P

Yikes, poor Cooper. Hehe, Connor talking to the demon like it's a dog. Psychotically cute.

Yuck, that sounds disgusting.

"You want to kill it?" "No, I want to have a tea party with it." Lol, they're so damned adorable! XD!

Ouch, so I guess Maria and Ashley are down.

Aw, James has to go check on his Marky. Y'know, to be a homicidal, psychotic and evil couple, they really are sweet. Don't kill me, James!

Awesome, to the next.

Terrahfry chapter 19 . 1/7/2010
Who has time to deal with human/monster technicalities when there's ass to whipped and heads to be crushed? :P

Fighting anyone (esp Kurt) for a thousand years doesn't sound fun.

"I'd much rather rip out his spine and guts and all that shit and then beat Glenn with them." That sounds way more fun, hehe.

"What the fuck did I ever do to you, you bastard?"

James just shrugged. "You're here. Isn't that enough?" Ooh, burn. I lurv when James and Glenn go at it. Good times, good times, XD.

Lol Marky's thought process. They're all annoying, but we loves them anyway.

"What part of we're letting Jeff go did you not get the first time?" Ha, XP.

Daffney is bratty, lol.

*giggles madly* OMG, I love Mark threatening whiny divas. It's fun.

*snorts* James called Mark fat :P

Aw, Matty and Addy shielding Jeffy, so cute! XD.

"I'll go. But if you fucking die on me, I will kick your ass." "Sounds like a plan," James said eagerly. "I can't wait." XP. Sweet.

Guess the shit is on, XD. Onto the next chp.

GrandpasGuitars chapter 21 . 1/7/2010
Great update. Well, it ended a lot better than I thought it would, even though Phil's now infected.
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