Disclaimer: ~I won't lie… I really don't own Naruto~

AN: Sorry about any grammar or spelling mistakes (I hate commas and they hate me!). Reviews and constructive criticism are appreciated (like telling me if I should continue with this story or if this story sucks and I should just stop). I'll also try to work on making the chapters longer because I know that I tend to write short chapters.

Chapter Six: My Sensei

"Where is our sensei?! He's soooo late! Even Iruka-sensei has left!" exclaimed Naruto.

"Quiet Naruto! I'm sure our sensei has a perfectly good excuse for running late. Maybe he was summoned by the Hokage or is just getting back from a mission. He wouldn't be this late and have some type of lame excuse," said the pink haired girl who was sitting in a desk near Sasuke.

"Yeah right Sakura-chan. No one would be this late… our sensei probably forgot about us or something," Naruto mumbled under his breath as he poked his head out the door of the classroom.

"You say something, Naruto?" Sakura asked.

"No, nothing at all."


"Shut up, Sasuke!"

"Don't tell Sasuke-kun to shut up!"

Naruto pouted a little at what Sakura said and then started glaring at Sasuke. Sasuke glared back and said, "Idiot."

"Bastard," retorted Naruto

"Don't call Sasuke-kun a bastard!"

"But Sakura-chaaaan… he started it!"

Sakura then crossed her arms and glared at Naruto.

"Fine," Naruto said as he turned towards the chalkboard. After a few minutes of silence and boredom, Naruto decided to do something. 'Dusty chalkboard eraser… Check. Late sensei… Check. Grounds for a prank… Check. Operation "Major Dandruff" is a go!'

As Naruto grabbed a chalkboard eraser and pulled a chair over to the classroom door, he got Sakura's attention and she asked, "What are you doing now, Naruto?"

"Our sensei is late and he needs to learn what happens when you make me, well us, wait for him for hours upon hours," said Naruto while he was focused on placing the chalkboard eraser in the opened crack of the door.

"It's only been two hours, moron," Sasuke said, looking at Naruto with disinterest.

"Yeah, well, that's two hours too many, bastard," Naruto said as he jumped down off the chair and wiped his hands on his pants.

"Quit calling Sasuke-kun that!" Sakura said as she got up out of her seat and started to walk over to Naruto.

"I'm just saying it like it is. Come on Sakura-chan, you know he's always acting like a stuck up bast-"

"I'm right in front of you, you idiot. Stop talking about me like I'm not here. Besides, I hear someone coming. He's probably our sensei, so sit down and shut up," Sasuke said as he glared at Naruto.

Naruto started staring at Sasuke with wide eyes and his mouth open. After a few seconds, Naruto said, "Whoa… that's like, the most I've ever heard you say at one time. Oh no! Is the world coming to an end? Are we go-"

"Knock it off, Naruto!" Sakura said as she bopped him on the head.

"Oww! Why'd ya have to hit me Sakura-chan?!"

"Hn, idiot."

"What was that you bas-"

"Shut up, Naruto! Quit annoying Sasuke-kun!"

"I'm not annoying him, he's annoying me by being a…"

The door was opened, interrupting Naruto before he could finish his thought. A man who had gravity-defying, white hair and was wearing the typical jounin uniform and a facemask with his leaf forehead protector slanted over one eye poked his head in the door. The chalkboard eraser hit the man on the head then fell to the floor. As the man walked in the classroom, he bent down to pick up the eraser.

"I'm so sorry. We tried to stop Naruto, but-" Sakura said while Naruto was laughing in the background. Before she could finish what she was saying, the man interrupted her.

"Hmmm… so you're Team Seven? Well, my first impression of you three is… you're all a bunch of idiots. Meet me on the roof in five minutes," the sensei of team seven said before he disappeared.

"If we get in trouble because of you, Naruto…" Sakura said in warning as she followed Sasuke out of the classroom.

"Man, I hope this doesn't turn out to be one of those day," Naruto said quietly as he turned to follow the rest of his team up to the roof.

Before he even got out of the classroom, Naruto suddenly paused and exclaimed, "Hey! He didn't even give us an excuse for why he was so late!"


When Team Seven made it to the roof of the academy, they found their sensei leaning on the railing. Their sensei gestured for them to sit down on the steps, so they did. Sasuke sat on in the middle on the top step; Sakura sat on the middle step to Sasuke's right; Naruto also sat on the middle step, but he was on Sasuke's left. Once they were all seated, their sensei began talking.

"Ok, first things first. Let's introduce ourselves. Why don't you tell us your likes, dislikes, hobbies, and dreams for the future. "

"Will you go first, sensei? Show us how we're supposed to introduce ourselves," Sakura said.

"Fair enough… My name is Kakashi Hatake. I have no intention of telling you my likes or dislikes. As for my dream… hmm… I have many hobbies."

"The only thing we found out about him is his name," whispered Sakura while Naruto nodded his head in agreement.

"Alright, your turn Pinkie," Kakashi said as he nodded to her.

Sakura glared at the name then stated, "My name is Sakura Haruno. What I like is… well, the person I like is…~giggle~… My hobbies are… umm… Well, my dreams of the future… ~giggle/squeal~ …"

"And your dislikes?" Kakashi prompted.


"Whaaa?!" Naruto exclaimed with a pout.

"Ok, Mr. Silence, you next," Kakashi said as he nodded to Sasuke.

"I have very few things I like and many things I dislike. My hobbies are none of your concern. As for my dream… it's not really a dream, for I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan and kill a certain someone," Sasuke stated as he glared at nothing in particular.

"Hmm, your up, Blondie," Kakashi said as he nodded to the last member of Team Seven.

"My name is Naruto, I don't know my surname." 'Actually, I do. My real name is Naruto Namikaze.'

"I like the ramen at Ichiraku's, comparing different types of ramen, and training." 'I also like training with Minato, Kushina's cooking, and playing with my little sister.'

"I don't like the three minutes it takes to prepare ramen, people who pick on others, and traitors." 'I also don't like that I have to keep a secret about who my family is and that I have to meet Minato and Kushina in secret.'

"And my dream is to be the greatest Hokage ever!" 'My other dream has already been fulfilled because I found out who my parents are and that they didn't abandon me.'

"Now that we've gotten to know each other a little better, we can get on with your genin test."

"But, sensei… we're already genin," Sakura said.

"Yeah, we already passed the test. See, we have our forehead protectors," Naruto said as he pointed at his own forehead protector.

"That test was just to weed out those who would be hopeless. Your real genin test will be given to you by me and I will decide if you become genin or not," Kakashi said as he looked at each of the three potential genin.

"Whatever the test is, I know I will pass it!" Naruto exclaimed.

Kakashi just started to chuckle at Naruto exclamation.

"What's so funny sensei?" Sakura asked.

"I don't think you want to know…" Kakashi said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"No, we do. What are you laughing at sensei," Naruto asked.

"Well, of those who passed the genin test at the academy, only thirty-three percent will pass the real genin test. The other sixty-six percent will be sent back to the academy."

After pausing to let what he had just said sink in, Kakashi began to speak again as he took out three papers from his vest and handed them to the three possible genin.

"You will report to training ground seven at six o'clock sharp. This handout will tell you what you need to bring… Oh, and if I may give you some advice, don't eat breakfast."

"What?! Why not?" Naruto asked.

"I wouldn't eat any breakfast unless you want to just throw it back up during your test. See you tomorrow," Kakashi said with an eye smile before he disappeared.

"Hn," Sasuke said as he got up and began to leave.

"Sasuke-kun, wait up for me!" Sakura said as she turned and raced after him.

Naruto sighed at being left behind by his teammates before he also got up and left the roof.


"This is the last box. Where would you like me to put it?" Minato asked his son as he walked in to Naruto's room.

The past few days Minato and Kushina had been fixing up a room for Naruto to stay in when he started to live with them. Naruto gave his opinions about what he wanted his room to look like and helped Minato and Kushina with his room when he could. The room had dark wooden furniture with his walls painted orange with dark blue trim. Today, after Naruto finally got back from his team assignments, they began to move all Naruto's stuff into his room.

"What's in it?" Naruto asked. He was busy putting up the pictures he brought with him. One of the pictures had was of him and Iruka-sensei but the others were mainly of him, Teuchi, and Ayame.

"This one's all clothes," Minato said as looked into the box.

"Umm… could you set them down by the closet?" Naruto asked as he turned to face his father.

"Sure. Do you need any help unpacking?" asked Minato as he put the box down.

"Yeah, that'd be nice."

As Naruto was putting away his trinkets and photos, Minato was putting away Naruto's clothes. After a few minutes of work, they both finished. Naruto laid down on his bed and closed his eyes as Minato sat down beside him.

"Can you smell that? I think your mom's beginning to make dinner," Minato said as he looked at his son.

"Mmhm… It smell good," Naruto said.

A few minutes passed in silence before Naruto began to talk again.

"Dad?" Naruto asked with his eyes still closed.

Naruto calling him dad shocked Minato. Ever since Naruto found out who he and Kushina were, Naruto still opted to call them by their names. Minato understood why, it was a big change for Naruto, who didn't have anyone to call mom or dad when he was growing up.

"What is it, son?" Minato asked softly.

"Did… no never mind. It's not important," Naruto said as he rolled over on his side, facing away from Minato.

"No, go on. What did you want to ask?" Minato asked as he put his hand on Naruto's shoulder.

Naruto stayed still for a few seconds before he turned back to Minato and opened his eyes. He stared up at Minato as he asked, "Did you feel obligated to let me live with you and mom, or was it done out of guilt or pity or something else?"

Minato almost flinched at the question. As he thought about it, he knew why Naruto might think something like that. It had been awkward around the house when Naruto was there. It was because either he or Kushina didn't know how to act or what to say, or because they were watching him, afraid that if they turned the other way he might disappear and not come back.

"We love you, Naruto. That is why we want you to live with us. You're our son, my son. I want you near so that I can protect you. I know that we weren't there for you when you were growing up, and that is my greatest regret. Not being able to spend those times with you. Not being able to hear your first words or see your first steps. Not being able to take you to the academy or help you with homework. I know we weren't there for you before, but your mother and I are here for you now. It's not out of duty or guilt or pity that we want you with us, but out of love," Minato said as he pushed some hair out of his son's face.

"Really?" Naruto asked with watery eyes.

"Really," Minato said with a small smile.

As Naruto opened his mouth to say something else, Kushina called out, "Dinner's ready! Hurry up and get down here before Mai and I eat it all!"

Naruto opened his mouth again to say something, but this time his stomach interrupted him by growling loudly. Naruto sat up and laughed sheepishly before he said, "I guess I'm really hungry."

Naruto got out of the bed and ran through the open door, calling back behind him, "Race ya to the table dad!"

Minato smiled before he got up and called back to Naruto, "I am the Yellow Flash. Are you really challenging me to a race?"

All Minato got back in response was laughter.


"Where the hell is Kakashi-sensei?! We've been here since six o'clock and it's been at least four or more hours," Naruto exclaimed from where he was sitting.

"Stop complaining, Naruto. It's getting annoying," Sakura said. 'But for once I do agree with Naruto. Where the hell is Kakashi-sensei?! He is really late! Sensei better have a good excuse'


"Shut up, you bast-"

"Don't start calling Sasuke-kun names again, Naruto!" Sakura said.

"~sigh~… I am sooo bored! Whenever Kakashi-sensei gets here he better have a really, really good excuse for making us wait this long," Naruto said as he got up to stretch his legs.

Suddenly there was a poof of smoke. When the smoke cleared, Kakashi was standing there.

"YOUR LATE!" Naruto and Sakura both yelled.

Kakashi just waved and said, "Yo! Sorry I'm late, but when I went to leave my house this morning I couldn't find my shoes, so I had to search the entire village in my slippers before I finally remembered that I had left my shoes under my bed. But you know how bad the mid-morning traffic is like in the market place so it took me even longer to make my way through the crowds of people to get back to my house to obtain my shoes and put them on and then make my way back through the crowds of people."

All three potential genin had the exact same thought, 'Is he just trying to be funny or is he actually serious?'

"Well, now that we're all here, we can get to your genin test," Kakashi said as he pulled out an alarm clock and two bells.

"This alarm clock is set to go off at noon. That will give you an hour and a half to get these two bells from me. Those who do not get a bell by noon will be tied to one of the posts and watch as I eat lunch in front of them," Kakashi explained.

'So that's why he told us not to eat breakfast,' was what the three possible genin thought as their stomachs growled.

"You'll have to come at me with intent to kill if you want to have a chance at getting these bells," Kakashi said as he tied the bells to his belt.

"But sensei, what if we hurt you?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah, you couldn't even dodge that chalkboard eraser," Naruto said.

"Those who can't do much usually speak out the loudest, and thus they are safe to ignore," said Kakashi.

"Why don't you ignore this!" Naruto said as he pulled out a kunai to charge his sensei.

Before Naruto could even move, Kakashi was standing behind him holding the hand that held the kunai to the back of Naruto's head.

"Although you went about it the wrong way, you did have intent to kill. You know what? I think I'm beginning to like you guys. The test will begin on my mark... Go!" Kakashi said as he let go of Naruto.

The three genin disappeared into the trees. The official genin test of Team Seven had started.


AN: Sorry for the late update. I know it's been over a month, but I've had a lot of schoolwork to do (speeches, essays, foreign lang., trig equations, and chem. labs… it's all a little overwhelming). Any way I'd like to thank all of you reader who review (Thank You!). I'll try harder to update sooner.