A/U - Seven Brothers

Summary - My version of the coming together of the seven as a result of the Larabee Will. I have read several versions of this by different authors and am presuming that it is an open universe. And I hope that this differs sufficiently from the other versions out there.

A/N - Ezra centric and again, as usual, not all the brothers will be nice all the time (although nobody is actually 'bad' I have to admit that my sympathies lie mainly with the newcomers.) These are men with wildly differing upbringings and it is inevitable that clashes of both a personal and cultural nature would occur. The original Larabees will have to accommodate new ways of thinking and the 'new' Larabees will be entering a very different world than they are used to. Can compromises be made and assumptions overcome (of course they can! ….eventually!). I have given Vin & Ezra belief systems and oc friends because I feel that they needed something to sustain them through the rough times and make them the special men they became (awww!)

Please note that any Native American spirituality is a mixture of my imagination and New Age interpretation. It is not meant to reflect or disrespect, by intention or ignorance, any genuine beliefs or tribal rituals. If it seems that I am making Ez too perfect… well I probably am, BUT his many talents spring from a logical source ... the physically restricted childhood I have inflicted on him ( all will be explained eventually)

A/N2 - I have played with ages a bit but then everybody else seems to so why not:

Josiah Sanchez - 46, Chris Larabee - 40, Buck Larabee - 36,

Nathan Larabee - 33, Vin Tanner - 26, Ezra Standish - 26,

John Dunne ( JD ) - 23

Warnings: A little ripe language, homophobia, gay bashing (not by the brothers), mentions of past physical abuse.

Also, Ezra is gay in this, but it isn't slash or incest; it's just another part of who he is and something else for the others to come to terms with - i.e another excuse for angst to ensue :D

Medical conditions- Although these conditions exist in some similar form I may have tampered with them a wee bit and in the real world they might not give adult Ez the trouble they do, or they would, conversely, give him a more noticeable disability. Coincidences in brotherly conditions are entirely intentional.

I know the allergy depicted is quite common and usually milder but I have researched this a little and it can be this serious in a small percentage of cases - have trouble with it? Please feel free to argue with Wikipedia - and let's not forget that they are never mistaken….ahem! And for anyone wondering why I've piled so much suffering and oddness on the newcomers, especially Ezra, well I wanted the established brothers to have a lot to deal with, and drama from situations & scenarios outside of the ranch setting have been done, and done far better than I ever could, by other, better writers.. …And I like to hurt my boy…sorry. Just a word about Maude - she isn't nice in this but she doesn't actually appear it's all in past recollections. Oh and any legal language, terms etc, are all written without any inkling of personal knowledge so forgive innacuracies. In fact take the whole thing with a hefty pinch of salt. Anyway on with the show ……..



Chris Larabee slammed his bottle of beer down onto the pitted wooden table with enough strength to leave an indentation, one of many. "Dammit Buck! Three! Three more brothers. God love him he was a great dad but why the hell couldn't the man keep it in his damn pants; or at least wear a condom. Hell, even you've got enough sense for that!" Chris shivered at the mental picture of hundreds of little Buck and Buckesses charging around Colorado.

Buck didn't know whether to feel complimented or insulted so he settled for a shrug and another drink of his ale. "Different generations I suppose." Hoping to get his brother's mind back to the practical side of what they'd just been told he asked "Do you think they'll all come? I mean I know that Josiah will because he's already contacted the Judge, but what about the others? "

"Suppose it depends if they think there's money involved."

"That's a little harsh ain't it? Besides, why not, it's not as they owe him any loyalty is it."

"He's still their father Buck. He was there for us; I'm sure he'd have been there for them if they'd asked." Chris paused, thinking again of their meeting earlier with their father's executor, Judge Travis. To be told that you have three more brothers than you thought was bad enough but to be told that they were in the Will was beyond a joke. Why should they benefit from all the years of hard work he Nathan and especially Buck had put in. It was their HOME for pity's sake not a commodity to be divided up between strangers.

"You don't know that that's what it says Chris. Dad wouldn't give our birthright away. We won't know until tomorrow what, if anything, these other Larabees will get. Hell, we won't even know their names until then."

Chris hadn't even realised that he'd spoken out loud until Buck answered but he did make sense. Didn't mean he had to like it, however.


Judge Orrin Travis's private office was plush yet homely. A décor aimed at fostering a calm and pleasant atmosphere. It wasn't entirely working. The level of tension in the air was unmistakeable, yet Travis was reasonably pleased; at least there wasn't any violence. Of course not everyone had arrived yet. He was not sure that they would since they hadn't responded to his letters. He glanced at the clock and saw that there were still several minutes until the meeting was due to start. Perhaps he could help those already present to break some ice.

"Gentlemen, while we wait for the others perhaps I could make introductions?" All present nodded nervously. "Well, Mr Sanchez, I believe, is already known to you Buck, Chris, Nathan; even if not in person.

"Please, call me Josiah" the large man with the greying light brown hair and blue/grey eyes rumbled. "It's good to finally meet you."

"Same here" replied Buck "Dad always had good things to say about your Ma." Josiah nodded his appreciation and acknowledged the nod of recognition and greeting from Chris. He had heard about the blond man's tragic loss and knew, as a psychologist, how difficult it must be to lose his father on top of the pain of losing his wife and child; and then to gain more brothers must be like a kick in the teeth. At this moment the man would probably trade them all for just one of his original family and Josiah couldn't say he blamed him, he felt the same way about Hannah, his half sister. Like the others Nathan's greeting held a genuine warmth despite the nervous atmosphere and for the first time since entering the room Josiah felt the call of family.

"And this" continued Travis with a mental sigh of relief that Chris seemed to be holding onto his temper, "is John Daniel Dunne…"

"JD" corrected the young dark haired man. hesitantly. "Pleased to meet you." He may be petrified but his mother had instilled good manners into him at an early age. He looked at the three 'original brothers' across from him and the new brother who, it seemed, was not quite as unknown as he was, whilst trying not to stare. He really didn't want the angry looking blond man in black to pay too much attention to him. The tall dark haired one with the moustache, Buck…now he seemed different; there was a warmth about him and for some reason despite the age difference he reminded the young easterner of his friends and home. The other two seemed friendly enough but he didn't feel any sort of brotherly connection; he wasn't sure what he was supposed to feel. They sort of reminded him of uncles, like his mother's two brothers. He wondered how old the other two new brothers were.

"So where you from JD?" asked Buck with a grin.

"Massachusetts; I just graduated from MIT although I had to defer for a while to look after my Ma until she passed on."

"Sorry for your loss JD" JD gulped and nodded his thanks as the man in black spoke his first words. Buck sensed his unease and lightened the conversation. He could tell that Chris liked the kid but it sometimes took strangers a while to read his brother's true feelings under all the gloom.

"So, looks like the Larabee family finally spawned a genius huh! Whooee! MIT. Good on ya kid."

JD blushed, "Aint no genius. I'm just good with computers that's all."

Buck and Chris were impressed with the boy's humble attitude. Josiah looked on his newly met brothers and for the first time since he'd heard of the existence of the others he had hope that this might work out. Of course it all now depended on how well the last two fitted into the group dynamic.


Vin Tanner paced silently back and forth outside the building where his future may well be decided. Question was did he want somebody he'd never known to decide his fate. Things had been going well for a while now. He had his work and his small but loyal circle of friends and whilst he was used to sudden changes, and nobody who'd been through as many foster homes as he had could not be, this could be more than he was willing, or able, to cope with. On the other hand… to walk away from discovering those blank pieces of his past, his father and brothers, and that had been a shock… to have the opportunity to discover his heritage wasn't something to treat lightly… To walk away from all that could be the biggest mistake of his life. And just because things around him were changing that didn't mean to say that he had to change with them; but he couldn't really do anything until he knew what was what and who was who. Surely the opportunity to understand himself better was worth a few minutes of his time. And maybe to find just where he fit in the universe if he was really lucky.

Taking a deep breath before his thoughts spun him into complete insensibility Vin Tanner entered the building.

Ezra watched from the corner as the lanky, long haired man in a suit he obviously wasn't comfortable wearing dithered outside the Courthouse. Instinct told him that they were both there for the same reason and he wondered if the individual was a new or original Larabee. Whichever he was Ezra admired the man's courage for facing the whole situation head on. He, himself, was about to turn away when the other man squared his shoulders and marched into the building. This made him pause. It was good to see that he was not the only one with doubts. Perhaps he, too, should at least take the next step. After all Mother would disown him, again, if he walked away from a potential money making prospect. The probability though was that any mention of himself in the will would be to rant at him and take posthumous delight in leaving him nothing or demanding repayment of the money his dear Mama had stolen when she ran; but he would never know if he walked. Just because he attended the reading and met with these other blood relations didn't mean to say that he was agreeing to anything. Sighing at the stupidity of the decision he had just made Ezra crossed the street and entered the building. He took time at the water cooler in reception to down a couple of painkillers having the feeling that before long he was going to need them anyway and proceeded to the elevator.


The door to Travis's office opened once again and a young man with shoulder length light brown hair and piercing blue eyes entered. As introductions were made Vin took a good look at these new members of his family, or should he rather say that he was a new member of their family because he'd never felt more of an outsider than he did at this minute. As he looked into the eyes of his brothers he realised with a little relief that they were feeling pretty much the same as he was.

"And this is Chris Larabee, oldest of the sons that Robert raised." Vin acknowledged his thanks to the Judge for his introductions and reached out to shake the proffered hand of the tall, hazel eyed, man in black. For the first time since entering the room he felt a physical connection and could see that the older man had too. He didn't know how Chris viewed it but Vin was suddenly aware that not only was this man blood of his blood but also leader of his pack. Vin's sporadic upbringing with his mother's Native American relatives, until he'd been dragged away by child services anyway, had left him with a knowledge of their culture that had to some degree become his own. He had met with his animal guide, a wolf, on spirit walks and he could feel it calling to this man's spirit, wolf or cougar at a guess. Not wanting to call undue attention to himself Vin merely smiled and nodded and sat back down in the chair he had been allocated resuming his study of the others.

"Something interesting?" asked Buck as he spotted the wondering smile on Vin Tanner's face.

Vin liked the jovial smile and humorous sparkle in Buck's eyes. "Just thinking that we all must have favoured our mamas. Saw the picture of Robert Larabee that you put in the letter and the only one who seems to favour him is you" he turned and nodded to Chris.

The comment seemed to further ease the tension. "Yeah" agreed Chris, "We were pretty much alike to look at though chalk and cheese as far as personality went, although Josiah has his height and his eyes." Josiah smiled, pleased that he'd inherited something from his biological father to offset the bad memories of the man who'd raised him and then laughed as Buck added,

"Don't think you or JD inherited a love of tweed from him though."

"More of a 'man in black' type huh?" asked Vin as they all noticed that everybody had arrived dressed in one of two ways. Black suit, white shirt, black tie or brown pants, white shirt and tweed jacket.

"Think that divides the academics from the one suit for special occasions jeans brigade" confirmed Buck with a chuckle as Nathan, Josiah and JD blushed in unison and fiddled with tweed cuffs.

"Looks like there are two kinds of Larabee" confirmed Chris with a rare smile and then the door opened and Ezra entered, blowing the theory to hell.

"Please forgive mah tardiness gentlemen mah flight was unavoidably delayed."

All attention went to the newest and from the numbers, last, arrival in the room and as introductions were once again made nobody missed the decidedly frosty note that had entered Judge Travis's voice.

"Ezra Standish may I present Chris, Buck and Nathan Larabee. He shook hands perfunctorily with the three, none of whom neglected to notice the flashy ruby ring or the diamond encrusted Cartier watch decorating exquisitely manicured and pampered hands which had obviously never done a days manual labour in their lives. "And your fellow 'new' Larabees Josiah Sanchez, JD Dunne and Vin Tanner." Ezra reciprocated the greeting and felt a little less wariness directed his way as was, he supposed, to be expected. He took the final chair next to Vin Tanner and unbuttoned his charcoal grey Armani silk suit coat revealing a shimmering dark green lining which complemented the pristine white shirt with a widely set apart emerald green thread, and a plain dark green silk tie adorned with a jade tie pin. Vin chuckled but when Ezra sent him an enquiring glance he just shook his head indicating that it was nothing; he could hardly explain the joke now especially as Judge Travis had seated himself behind the big mahogany desk. Looked like it was time to get the show on the road.


"Gentlemen" Travis began on what he knew would be the hardest task he'd ever undertake outside of a courtroom. "Firstly may I offer my commiserations to you all. To those who knew Robert as a father and to those whose father he was nonetheless." Everybody nodded their acknowledgement but nobody commented.

"Firstly I have to say that this is not how Robert wanted things to be. He wanted to tell all of you about himself and each other in person. This Will and it's attendant documentation was always meant only to be a back up just in case something happened; and of course something did. The accident took him from us far too soon. Now I know that all of you want answers to your questions and I hope that you will find them in the next few minutes however if I could please have your indulgence in working through all of this in a certain order and then at the end if there are any outstanding issues I will seek to answer them for you individually, if that is alright?" Once again he received affirmative nods of heads although Chris had started tapping out a silent rhythm on the arm of his chair and one or two ties had been loosened as though there were suddenly not quite enough air in the room.

"First then the simple part.

I, Robert James Larabee, being of sound mind do hereby bequeath the following:

To my loyal friends Thomas 'Tiny' Maguire, William 'Yosemite' Samuels and Gloria Potter I leave the sum of ten thousand dollars each. To Gloria's children Joshua and Emily Potter I leave the sum of five thousand dollars each to be held in trust until they are 18 years of age. To my very good friend and neighbour, Nettie Wells I leave twenty thousand dollars and the section of my north pasture marked on the map enclosed. To her niece Casey Wells I leave five thousand dollars. To each of my employees, excluding those already mentioned and my sons I leave the sum of two thousand dollars each and my thanks for their loyal service.

"Gentlemen" Travis broke in, "While it's normal procedure for beneficiaries to be present I felt that under the unique circumstances privacy was warranted . If no-one has any objections to those bequests I will notify the recipients after today's proceedings."

"All sounds good Orrin" put in Buck "Nice to see Nettie get that piece of land that cuts across her water rights; tidies things up legal-like."

The original Larabees agreed while the new ones waited patiently for the words that could change their lives.

"Chris, Buck and Nathan" the Judge resumed his reading, "To you I leave, in equal proportions, the business known as The Double E Ranch, the land set out in the enclosed documentation and all mineral and water rights associated with said land. Also all buildings and livestock on that land which are owned by the aforementioned Double E Ranch, Robert Larabee, or are otherwise unclaimed …" Travis saw the three brothers raise their eyebrows and frown; it looked like the new kin were getting nothing. Travis mentally crossed his fingers and ploughed on. "With the following exceptions and stipulations.

To Josiah Sanchez, Vincent Michael Tanner, John Daniel Dunne and Ezra Patrick Standish …

Travis stopped and laid the document down; he rubbed his eyes and took a sip of water.

"Judge?" queried Chris as the others looked on concerned and in the case of the four newest beneficiaries worried.

"This is one of those points where I need both your indulgence and your patience boys. At this point in the proceedings it was Robert's wish that I take time for him to 'speak' as it were to his lost boys as he liked to call them." Travis didn't miss the look of anger that flashed across the Southern brother's face and he knew the reason why but he made no comment. "I do think that what follows will make more sense if I follow his plan." More nods and Travis continued.


although we have only met a few times, each time for too short a while, I grew to not only like the man you became but to admire you. It is one of my greatest sorrows that Barbara refused my offer of marriage but as usual that wise and wonderful woman was correct. I was not ready for the responsibilities of fatherhood. However I beg for you to believe me that had I any inkling of the conditions and restrictions your step-father raised you under I would have been there for you, and your half sister. Whether or not you accept the offer I will later make I wish to set up a scholarship at the medical school of your choice in her memory.'

Josiah smiled gently at the comments and if the others noticed that his eyes were glistening at the final words they didn't say anything. He nodded his agreement when the Judge confirmed that they could discuss the details of the scholarship later.

'John Dunne, or JD as I believe you prefer' JD sat up straighter as the letter turned to him and he felt like a kid at the Principal's office. 'Please understand that until very recently I had no idea of your existence and therefore no opportunity to be a part of your life. This is something I regret more than I can say. I would like to say that I am very proud of all you have achieved despite difficult circumstances and I know without a doubt that if you could have only one of your parents as your carer, protector and friend then you had the right one in Lynette. She was a woman without peer and one of the kindest, most giving people I have been privileged to know. If I hadn't seduced her at a vulnerable time in her life you would never have been born and I can't regret the existence of such a bright caring young man; however if I could go back I would have been less of a bastard and maybe she would have trusted me enough to allow me to know you. I am so sorry, I hope you can forgive me. Please know that all of the outstanding medical bills incurred during your mother's last illness and any educational fees outstanding or incurred in the future will be met by the estate irrespective of your final decision'

Travis passed a glass of water along to the youngest Larabee as he fought to maintain control. A perfectly laundered handkerchief materialised in front of him and he smiled at the smartly dressed Southerner in thanks.

"Would you like to take a break" Travis asked the assembled men in general but the younger brothers in particular. Receiving negative replies he persevered.

'Vin Tanner.

Your mother was unique. She had an inner strength that staggered me and yet was as sweet as an angel. You were the result of an affair I had with her while married to Chris's mother Maggie' Vin and Chris exchanged glances, Vin's embarrassed, Chris's rueful, he was used to his father's antics. 'I loved Maggie until the day she died and beyond but a part of me also loved Abby, as I did Lynette and Barbara. All were strong women and when Abby found out that I was still married she did the only thing her conscience would allow and left. I cannot blame her for not wanting me to know about you. How could she have considered me fit to be a father when I did such a lousy job of being a man. I like to think that time would have mellowed her decision but she was taken too soon. In my research into you and your brothers I discovered something of what you went through after she died and I want you to know that had I known I would have taken you away from there. I also want you to know that based on the man she thought she knew Abby made the right decision; she wasn't to know what the future held. I hope that this can prove to be a new beginning for you.'

Unlike JD Vin didn't show any emotion other than a slight smile as his mothers attributes were listed and a grimace at the mention of his childhood experiences. He could tell that that particular comment had garnered interest and curiosity but he ignored the looks. He also didn't much like the suggestion that he was being asked not to blame the fact that he'd had a lousy childhood on his ma because she'd kept his pa from them. Hell, his ma was the best mother a boy could ever have and if anyone was to blame it certainly wasn't her. He took a deep breath and centred himself; recriminations would do no good now, instead he concentrated on what their father had to say to their designer suited brother. What he heard staggered him; to speak to anyone like that was bad enough, but to someone who you were acknowledging as a son!


Dear God Ezra what can I say. You were both my biggest mistake and my biggest regret though for entirely different reasons….'

"Now hold on!" Josiah interrupted amidst the shocked gasps. All eyes turned toward the Southerner only to find an impassive, almost bored expression.

"Please gentlemen" Ezra's voice was smooth and even and showed no hint of the pain inside. He was not Maude's son for nothing, although he'd give everything he owned not to be. "Ah am sure that Judge Travis is finding this difficult enough as it is." Ezra realised that the frosty reception he'd received from the Judge originated partly from a negative opinion of him formed from research, faulty and woefully incomplete as it no doubt was, and partly from embarrassment at knowing what he was going to have to say.

Travis stared at Standish in confusion, it was not the reaction he had expected but he was grateful for it.

"Thank you Mr Standish. I must apologise for this, I tried to dissuade Robert from this course but he insisted. If it is any consolation I do not believe that his intention was in any way malicious."

"In all honesty? No, it is no consolation at all, but please carry on."

"Yeah Orrin; Dad obviously wanted us to know something about this dandy and I for one want to know what it is." Buck's curiosity was met with glares from JD and Vin and a smirk from Ezra. Travis coughed and with a heartfelt sigh resumed from where he had left off.

'Your mother was different from the rest. I thought she was beautiful, elegant and in love with me. She thought I was rich, divorced and gullible. Well I may have been rich but once she discovered I and my ranch weren't available she was off; once she'd stripped one of my checking accounts of course. I was seeing Vin's mother and yours at the same time and it was like I was seducing an angel and being, in turn, seduced by a devil. When she later contacted me informing me of your birth and demanding money for your upkeep I told her to get lost. Maggie was aware of my dalliances so your mother had no hold over me. I regret to admit that I didn't give you much thought after that. Your mother was remarried, wealthy and fully able to support you. You didn't need me and I didn't need a reminder of my greatest folly. That was a mistake. Just because there was someone else to take responsibility for you did not in any way abrogate my own and I feel that I, in some part, share the blame for who you became.'

Again Ezra found himself under scrutiny and once again he ignored it.

'When I began researching into potential offspring I found very little about Ezra P Standish, not even any school records, which has led me to an inescapable conclusion; that your mother raised you in her profession resulting in you changing your name depending on what con you were both running. Looking back you were my greatest lesson Ezra. If I had acknowledged you when I had the chance I could have given you a stable home where you could have grown up into a fine young man. That was, as I have said, my greatest mistake. My biggest regret is that through my own moral failings ordinary, good people have lost money and self respect because of your profession. I hope that it is not too late for you to see the error of your ways and find something here that will change your path. None of this is your fault Ezra but failing to take this opportunity will be.

The silence greeting the end of Robert Larabee's message to Ezra was total but it didn't last very long.

"You mean we have to acknowledge a crook as brother? Hell no!" Chris folded his arms across his chest and glared at all the new Larabees as though they shared the guilt of Ezra's existence. Before all out war was declared Travis gave a loud cough to regain attention, a shiver going down his spine at the lack of reaction from the icy cool man from Atlanta. Could he be that cold, calculating and unrepentant a crook? Or did Robert get things very very wrong? Orrin pushed the thought aside…for now.

"As I said this series of messages was intended to give some indication of Robert's thought processes as he made the decisions he did. So to conclude",

' To Josiah, Vin, JD, Ezra, I bequeath the sum of one million dollars each…'

"Shh, quiet" admonished Nathan as Chris and Buck began to protest. The potential recipients kept quiet but looked awed, or in Ezra's case suspicious.

"Thank you Nathan" Travis sighed, he knew that this would end in tears.

'…the sum of one million dollars each under the following condition. The condition being that you live at the Larabee ranch for the period of one year either working on or from the ranch or in the immediate local area commuting to and from the ranch daily. Any relocation and transportation costs will be met by the estate as will any compensation to present employers for a leave of absence. No Ezra, that does not include your mother' Ezra couldn't help but chuckle at that . 'I hope that this time spent together will forge a family where I failed. If any of you refuse this condition then you will receive enough money to return you to your homes and nothing else other than those bequests I have already confirmed. At the end of one year any of you that have met the condition will also be eligible for a minority share in the Larabee Ranch, amounting to five percent each. An option will exist for the majority shareholders to vote for each qualifying individual to receive a share equal to their own. Chris, Buck and Nathan this will be your decision because it will involve you reducing your share but although you can deny them an increased share you cannot take away their five percent. Please, all my boys, give this a chance. You are all so different but you have the potential to be a strong family and I believe that you need each other. Good luck and all my love.'


A/N Well I hope you enjoyed that. I hope everyone will go with the flow and not expect Chris, Buck and Nathan to be supportive right from the start. The new guys are invading their family home and confrontations are bound to occur, especially with Ezra who is so different from anything they are used to. I just don't feel that everyone would jump into a major hugfest at first sight. They will all be reading off the same page eventually. Because this is a family drama don't look for a major plot…I couldn't find one so I'm sure that you won't either, we're talking more Waltons than War and Peace here folks.

Reviews would be treasured but there's no moral blackmail here! I just hope that a few people enjoy my little, well rambling actually, tale of brotherly love….Don't argue with me Christopher - you WILL like Ez in the end, even if I have to break my biro to do it!…. (sigh) fictional characters…what can you do with them? (Don't tempt me :D)