Author's Note: OK…This is just a funny poem that I felt like writing just for the heck of it! It's been rattling around in my brain and I decided to get it down purely for my own amusement (and hopefully yours too!) For the record, whilst JK Rowling does say that Tonks' parents weren't too happy with her marriage to Remus, I don't think Andromeda would have been quite as prejudiced as this….BUT, I had fun writing it nonetheless, even if it is a little OOC!
Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling and therefore I do not own Andromeda, Tonks or Lupin. Sigh…
Prejudiced? Me? Never!
I am a normal mother
With normal hopes and dreams
I'm very good at housework
And calming babies' screams
I have only one child
A daughter whom I adore
She's very like her father
Except she doesn't snore
I always thought my daughter
Would marry a lovely man
A wizard with good family
Blue eyes, blond hair, light tan
But when my dearest daughter
Came home with shining eyes
And told me that the man she loved
Would be a huge surprise
I never would have expected
Who (what?) walked through the door
Not a wizard, not a man
Not a human being at all…
He had brown hair and dark brown eyes
And was handsome I suppose
But his face was pale and worn
And he had very tatty clothes
His voice was soft and cultured
And he carried himself well
But I couldn't quite ignore the fact
That he had a doglike smell
As I got to know him
My suspicions only grew
And when I found out the Truth…
Well, I claimed I always knew
Now let me say right here and now
I am not biased at all
I adore furry animals
Just not as sons-in-law!
I've always wanted puppies
Just not ones with my genes
So can you really blame me
If I wasn't exactly keen?
Some say that I am prejudiced
A fact I won't admit
But when 'Dora married Remus
I nearly threw a fit.
I am a normal mother
With normal hopes and dreams
But when my child married a werewolf
I very nearly screamed!
A/N: So, what did you think?? I hope it gave you a little chuckle at any rate!! Please REVIEW and let me know what you think! I love getting your reviews – it makes my day and makes me grin like someone who's under a rather enthusiastic Cheering Charm!!