Hello darlings! I hope you're all still enjoying the story, I know I'm having fun writing it again which is always good! This one is Andromeda who I've written as very conflicted. I'll talk about her more at the bottom once you've read it, wouldn't want to give anything away up here! Anyway (I feel like I use anyway to much as a transition but I'll move on from that point), I really hope you guys like this one! I know I do, I actually wrote it AGES ago but forgot about it. And then I found it and was like HOLY COW! I've got 3/4 of a chapter! I should have this ready in like an hour! And then it took me a week, but thats fine. I got it done which is the most important part. I think I'm writing James Sirius Potter next, I've started working on it and its coming along really well!

I still don't own anything.


1) Andromeda hates her first name.

Bellatrix is so much prettier. It sounds like the name of a famous movie star, and even though she'd never tell Bella this, it sounds like a muggle movie star. Andromeda is so plain and obnoxious. Bella shortened it first to Andy which was a boys name so obviously Andromeda hated it. So they went to Meda. Which was better but still, what kind of name was Andromeda?

At least it was a better name then Narcissa.

2) She thinks Remus likes her so much, because she reminds him of Sirius.

Everyone can see the similarities. They both came from the Black family, they both have death eater siblings, and they both rebelled and broke free of their families.

But only Andromeda can see the differences. Sirius truly believed in equality for all people despite their blood status. He had believed that since they were children and he loudly announced it one day. Andromeda did not believe that until she married Ted. Sirius was a gryffindor, noble and brave. Andromeda was a slytherin, ambitious and cunning. Sirius turns his back on his family and never wants anything to do with them. Andromeda is crushed after her family turns their back on her because of her marriage. Sirius never believed for a minute he made the wrong choice. Andromeda wonders every day if she should have just married the Nott boy and live life like Narcissa.

Sirius believed in equality because of who he was. Andromeda was never really sure she believed in equality, she just loved Ted.

Andromeda wishes she was as brave as Sirius.

3) It was not love at first sight for her and Ted.

In their first year, she was sitting with Bella and Bella's friends on the train. They walked past Ted and all the older girls hissed and glared at him, Meda did too. Because Bella scared her, she didn't want to disappoint her older sister.

In their second year, she complained incessantly about him being her charms partner- a subject he was lousy at. And it really was ridiculous because they were in different houses and who ever heard of pairing up a hufflepuff and slytherin? Any second of the day if you walked past Andromeda Black you were sure to get a mouthful about Ted Tonks.

In third year, she started to notice how handsome he really was- but still an ignorant little prat. Good looks certainly didn't influence personality, if they did Bella wouldn't have been as mean as she was.

In her fourth year, she really began to notice how mature he had gotten and even more good looking. His personality was improving a lot, but he was still the annoying hufflepuff who was horrible at charms.

In fifth year, she stopped telling him off and torturing him really. And she wasn't being nice per se, but she did send him a rare smile every once in a while.

In sixth year, she told other Slytherin's off for making fun of him for his blood status.

And in seventh year, she gave him a chance and never regretted it.

4) She cries when she learns of Ted's death.

She cries when she learns about Remus and Nymphadora's death.

But she cries the hardest when she hears Bella was killed.

And Andromeda cannot figure out why.

5) She pities Narcissa.

By nature, Narcissa only wants to please people. She tried to be the perfect Black daughter and slytherin to please Meda and Bella. But her older sisters only saw her as annoying. Cissy married Lucius and had their heir, Draco, for their parents and the Malfoys. When the three Black sisters were young, Narcissa was always trying to be perfect. All she wanted was for people to like her and say 'That Narcissa is a wonderful little girl'.

Andromeda pities Narcissa because Cissy knows what she wants, but she won't get it.

6) As a child she was taught that everything had its place.

She liked that about life, she liked that everything was in a place. She enjoyed organization and tidiness and labels. Oh how she loved labeling. She supposed the message was supposed to be that muggles and muggle-born witches and wizards had their place, but that message was mostly lost on Andromeda.

7) She believes Nymphadora is the epitome of what a mother should be.


At first glance, even Andromeda would admit that going off to fight in the battle with your husband and leaving your infant child with his grandmother knowing full well you could die seems foolish, unselfish and quite horrible.

But when you really sit down and truly think it through, Nymphadora did what was best for her son. She did leave him, but she left to go fight for a better world for him growing up. And even if he had two parents, growing up in a world where Voldemort ruled things would be atrocious.

Andromeda believes her daughter is a beautiful mother.

8) Her favorite Weasley is Victoire.

She really is a lovely girl. She's kind, smart, and beautiful. She loves Teddy and its clear that Teddy loves her as well. They officially become family after the duo gets married in the backyard of Andromeda's house. Victoire has never been anything but nice to Andromeda, in fact even more than nice. Victoire has been the granddaughter Andromeda wished she could have had (in addition to Teddy of course, not instead of Teddy).

And yet, Andromeda cannot relate to Victoire. At all. Its not a bad thing of course, its just that...

Andromeda can't help but relate to the red-headed daughter of Ron and Hermione.

Andromeda knows the feeling of choosing love over your family and she knows the feeling of having your family turn their backs on you. She understands what Rose went through all too well.

So while Victoire is her favorite Weasley, there is something about Rose that makes Andromeda feel for the wife of Scorpius Malfoy.

9) Teddy saved her life.

Without him, after Nymphadora, Remus, and Ted's death Andromeda knows she would have faded into a shell of herself.

Teddy gave her reason to live.

10) She is disappointed when Nymphadora becomes an auror.

Because her reasons are all wrong. Andromeda knows its difficult to become an auror so of course she and Ted are proud when Dora completes her training and passes the program. But when Dora excitedly tells her she wanted to be an auror because she wants to hunt down Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange, Meda wants to cry.

She doesn't want Lucius and Bella dead, she wants them to understand.

Okay, so my Andromeda is very torn. Because she loves her family and she also loves a muggle born wizard. Andromeda is constantly fighting within herself, because she is very much forced to choose between Ted and her family, she always chooses Ted but she doesn't always feel right about it. What she can't see, is that she is very much like Sirius. Just because Sirius was always sure with his decisions and more without reason to disagree with his family- he just did. For Andromeda, she didn't disagree with muggles being below wizards until she met Ted and fell in love with him, and because of that she feels like Sirius is a better representation of the fight against the dark wizards than she is. The other thing is, Andromeda is very much like Rose. Which makes me feel bad, because I feel like everyone in my story relates back to Rose and Scorpius. Annnnnnd there is Andromeda, hope you liked it!

Drop a review if you liked it, drop a review if you hated, drop a review if you like to breath.

Just kidding, don't feel like its necessary to review. I like them, but not as much as breathing so no worries!
