For more than a terribly long five minutes, Sonny and Chad drove in awkward silence—something unusual for the two. Chad then jabbed the audio button but a song currently playing on the radio was that of a love ballad; things were already awkward enough. He pushed the button to turn it off.

"Hey!" called Sonny. "I liked that song!" Chad rolled his eyes. So far, they had been bickering ever since they left together to break up the adult's relationship. He didn't even know what was going on or anything—he just wanted another reason to be with Sonny and it wasn't his fault Sonny came waltzing right up to him with one.

"Sonny, would you please stop being such a diva?" Chad groaned. They were now sailing the country side—acres of beautiful lush fruit trees soared past them as the mountains in the distance glowed magically until the moonlight. Although he hated to admit it, he loved the natural world in all its beauty and majesty.

"Jerk." His peaceful mind was interrupted. That was it.

"Look. I don't even know why I'm helping you!" Chad yelled over the screaming air.

"I don't either!" Sonny shouted back, covering her eyes with her hand, avoiding Chad as her other hand laid above her bare upper leg.

Another five minutes of silent fighting continued, as they hushed up, frowning.

Sonny couldn't believe how she'd actually felt nervous and excited for this night only to have them bicker the entire time. Her heart jumped when she felt a warm hand lay on top of her own. She looked, surprised, to see Chad's hand pull hers in, joined as one.

When she looked at him, she found Chad apologetically smiling at her. "Let's just call a truce, ok. I don't…want us fighting now," he mumbled, his eyes now focusing back on the road. Sonny 'awh'ed inside and warmly grinned up towards him.

"Me neither…"

Both blushed as their hands continued staying intertwined. "Wow…Chad apologizing. I guess I don't know as much about you as I thought," she chuckled.

Chad smirked back. "There lots you don't know about me, ya know, Sonny." Him saying her name so softly and warmly made Sonny's cheeks flush even more. "How about…" Chad softly smiled, his twinkling eyes glancing up at Sonny every now and then. "I stay nice for all tonight. No comebacks, no nothing. I'll be so sweet to you…I promise you an unforgettable evening. Ah'ight?" Chad gently smiled.

"I'd like that," Sonny bit her lip into a hopeful smile.

"Good. And then we can go back to hating each other," he smugged.

"Good?" Sonny chuckled in question.

Again, an uncomfortable silence passed.

"Sonny?" Chad stated softly.


"What do you miss most about your hometown?"

Sonny was shocked; Chad was off to an amazing start if he seemed interested in something that trivial. She inhaled deeply, her lungs filling up with the sweet essence of fruit and nature as she thought deeply.

"I guess…the scenery and how pure everything was—no pollution like there is here. Oh, and the stars," she beamed at Chad embarrassedly. "They were so beautiful and seemed so close…it was like you could touch them."

Night was in full blossom now, a cool breeze harvesting through. Sonny began to shiver, holding Chad's hand closer to her upper thighs as her dress pulled up a little. Chad began blushing furiously—thank heavens for the dark.

"Um, Sonny?" he squeaked, then clearing his throat, giving a cough.

Sonny then looked down, gaping. "Oh! Sorry!" Their hands quickly pulled apart, Chad's hand returning to the wheel.

"Here," Chad stated back into his normal self, beginning to jiggle his jacket off of him with one hand. "Take my jacket."

"No," Sonny defied. "It's really nice out. I'm fine, thank you." A few silent seconds occurred.

"So…"' he said in his normal conceited egoistic voice. "I'm helping you…Why'm I helping you?" he asked curiously.

Sonny sighed. "Because I set up Marshall and Ms. Bitterman but now they're always together and she keeps changing our sketches."

Chad gave her a funny look, his eyebrows wrinkling. "Can't be that bad. It's not like your show was ever—" he caught Sonny's scoffing eyes.

"—Bad," Chad dryly chuckled, "when you guys had…erm, problems?"

Sonny nodded, smirking. "Nice save. Now if we can't break them apart by our next sketch, I'll be gulfing down worms."

Chad's eyebrow raised. "Gummy?"

"I wish," Sonny shook her head.

Chad stared in horror, giving a nauseated look. Nothing vile would touch the cheery lips he hoped to kiss someday.

A thought occurred to Chad. "Why did you set them up?"

Sonny looked up at him in question. "What?"

"What made you think you could make two people fall in love?" he locked eyes with Sonny as his car veered transcending the road to the top of the mountain.

Shimmering icy ocean blue locked in with fervent sweet chocolate brown. Sonny broke the contact immediately, laying her head back against the seat, staring forward.

"It's just so romantic and magical when people fall in love and I didn't want them staying lonely. Everyone should have a chance at finding their special someone."

His car came to stop at a parking space, finally reaching their destination; Chad's sight never left Sonny. "You think I'll ever have a special someone, as big as a jerk I am?" he smirked.

Sonny actually had to think a minute. "Yeah…" she slowly smiled at him. "You can be a really sweet guy when you want to. Like …" her mind then replayed their beginning dance at prom before the music had played. "—at prom, now…"

Both began to blush, remembering the memory—how close they were to each other, the moment they had, their heat smoldering together as they locked eyes and smiled sweetly to each other.

"Have you ever found your special someone?" Chad pressed on.

"I hope to soon," she grinned. "Being in that magical world with that someone? Feeling like you can do whatever you want?"

"Well, a'guess you'll have to deal with me," Chad smirked.

Sonny's face dropped as her heart thumped rapidly. "What do you mean?"

"Look around us," Chad gestured. Sonny blinked out—it seemed as if the whole time they were driving, she was only watching Chad's handsome face. Her eyes lip up: the bright twinkling lights of Los Angeles was a beautiful and pristine sight. It seemed under the spell of the nighttime, all smog and pollution was lifted away. Upfront of them were hundreds of fireflies dazzling, dancing around the trees. With all those insects bustling around, the woods that engulfed Chad's car became illuminated. They both marveled at what was ahead, Sonny showing more expression than the bemused Chad.

"Wow, Chad." She started. "Lookout Mountain is beautiful, romantic," she delicately smiled as Chad returned the favor. "All the stars are so bright…"


There you have it, folks. The exclusive never-before-seen footage of what happened during the 40 minute drive. Obviously, we know what happens next: Bigfoot comes, Chad yells at the Random boys for coming to the wrong car—wonder why he's so upset—Sonny finally hears the plan, not liking it. Tawni finally wakes up as Nico and Grady get pummeled by Joy.


Reporting to you here from Los Angeles, I'm Trinity Flowers!

Hope you enjoyed that! I'm currently working on another story--it's this list on why Sterling Knight is better than Edward Cullen? Anyone like to give me a few ideas? I have 14 currently but I'm trying to get as much as I can.

And also, the story after that is when Chad Dylan Cooper writes a list on why he's better than Edward Cullen, after he finds Sonny sighing over the Twilight poster. Then Sonny finds Chad's list, and writes a list of her own, how why Edward's better. They may go back and forth, I don't know until you give me some ideas!!!