Queen of My Heart
Chapter 1 –Close Your Eyes
A.N. - This story starts of in the bayou where the x-men came to rescue Rogue from Gambit. The story line is the same all up until right where this story starts, afterwards this story is AU. The only thing that is changed is that in "Cajun Spice" Kitty and Jean weren't there, but in this story I've added them in the scene. This is a ROMY and Lancitty central story, but will show Jott and other pairings.
Disclaimer: Starlight star bright, I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight *whispers* "Let me be the owner of the Characters in this story and make profit from this story" … But alas, dreams don't always come true so I am still doing this for fun and no profit and am not the owners of the characters. ..How cruel.
Rogue stood there, simply staring at Gambit. Staring and wanting to know so badly what he was thinking, but unable to ask because of the group of x-men there. They had come to rescue Rogue, but she didn't really want to be rescued. Not really.
"You're free to go," Gambits voice rang out. It was Firm and mocking. But it gave off the impression that Rogue hadn't stayed with him all this time out of her free will. It gave off the idea that she'd been a prisoner.
Wolverine took a step towards Gambit, growling.
Rogue was so confused. She had no idea what was happening. She had no idea why Gambit would say such a comment—and then it hit her, like a tidal wave she was drowning in pain of what was slipping from her grasp. Gambit. He had purposely made the comment so Rogue wouldn't have to make too many explanations because everyone would automatically assume after she gave a few of her one word answers that it was just too much of an ordeal for her to discuss.
"Logan, don't!" cried Jean. Rogue realized that a full on fight was about to explode and tried to diffuse the situation the easiest way she knew how. By faking.
"Logan, ah just want to go home." Rogue tried her best to make it seem like she was just tired and really wanted to go back to the mansion and sleep. And it was the biggest lie she felt she had ever told, because Gambit was boring holes into her face, she felt more wired and awake then she thought was appropriate in the situation she was in.
Logan nodded. And everyone giving Rogue worried glances, trailed behind Logan as he started to move. Rogue took one last glance at those red eyes, and turned to go. But she didn't go. And Gambit came up behind her, his body giving off electric heat that sent all her nerves dancing, and she held her breath.
He enveloped her without actually embracing her. He was an essence that erased everything else around them for her as if she was in a haze. Rogue was completely unaware that he had just removed her gloves, and completely unaware that for those watching, it seemed that she had not only let him but wanted him to.
"Close your eyes," Gambit whispered into her ear. And she did.
Everyone was chaotic in those few moments, though no one actually moved. No one had any idea what was happening. Storm and Scott thought Rogue might be suffering from Stockholm syndrome, Kurt and Kitty thought Gambit had her under some kind of spell, Wolverine was sure he didn't know what to think but positive he was two seconds away from slicing red eyes, and Jean was just unsure about the whole situation. Something seemed off to her and Jean always tried to follow her instincts, so she held back, and watched as the scene played itself out. But in the end everyone was left unsatisfied.
Gambit engulfed Rogues bare hands in his gloved ones from behind. He towered over her, all around her, but all she noticed was the Queen of Hearts that he slipped into her fingers. No one noticed, too caught up in the facial expressions and trying to hear what Gambit was whispering, including Jean.
"duum duuh duuum, duh dum duum dum duuuuh duuum" hummed Gambit. A melody she had never heard of before but sure it meant something. And then he whispered "close your eyes… the story of us". And then his body heat wasn't with her anymore and he wore that devil-may-care smirk, and turned his back, his front facing the bayou. The moonlight gracing everyone with beauty that moment, and gracing Rogue with pain, as she saw Gambits skin in profile, seemingly smooth and manly alighted by moonlight, and knowing she could never touch it.
Close your eyes…
It meant something. Everything in Rogues entire being was screaming it. But all she could focus on was the hollow pain inside her chest, and then someone in her peripheral vision shifted and she was brought back to reality. She was an X-man. Gambit was an Acolyte. They were on opposite ends on the battle field, and sooner or later she would have to fight him. She would have to face off with him, and she realized that there was no need to make matters more complicated than they already were. So, with Iron in her veins, and a tangible pain in her heart, she walked to the aircraft waiting to take her back to a place that seemed more like prison with every step she took.
Confused and anxious everyone followed rogue back to the jet. Wolverine flew the aircraft and storm rode as co-pilot. Everyone else just fanned out all over, With Rogue sitting at the end, and Kitty next to her, everyone seemed to position themselves around them, as if by nature.
Kitty looked to Rogue. A Rogue she didn't know. A Rogue that wore no makeup, and looked more vulnerable than she had ever seen her. A Rogue that looked almost broken.
"Rogue, what happened?" her voice concerned. But Rogue didn't say anything, she just looked Kitty in the eye, and Kitty knew exactly what happened. Everyone was sitting around waiting to hear Rogue's answer, but they never got it because Kitty understood, though nothing was said, she understood and Rogue knew that she understood. Kitty could see it in her eyes, the man she couldn't have. Gambit.
The moment they locked eyes, Kitty just knew. She recognized in Rogue something of herself. That pain that only heart ache can cause. And it clicked with what she just saw. She knew they might not love each other yet, but they wanted each other. They wanted each other so bad that it felt like a full time job just to breath. Kitty knew this because she felt the same way about Lance. Kitty felt her chest tighten as Lance entered her thoughts, and she looked up at Rogue, only to find Rogue was looking at her, and Kitty suddenly felt she was banded together with Rogue. Sisters in the fight in forbidden lust.
At this same moment Jean was sitting there going crazy from curiosity just like the rest. Everyone could see there was a silent exchange going on but no one understood. Everyone had to conform themselves to the fact that they just wouldn't be able to know what happened for now. Everyone but Jean. Jean rarely ever used her telepathic powers to hear someone's thoughts. Professor Xavier always taught her that unless it was a complete emergency that it would be an invasion of a person's privacy to listen in on their most private thoughts. He had always told her that listening in on someone's mind without their consent is like mind rape. And Jean had always been responsible and done the right thing, but Jean Grey is at the end of the day sixteen years old, and is bound to act rashly on occasions. This was one of those occasions. Sitting there watching the exchange, Jean knew she'd have to be a fool to try and enter Rogue's mind with all those psyche's running around, but Kitty's she could enter. Kitty's mind was vulnerable. And with that last thought she was in, for only a few seconds.
Long enough to hear Kitty's last thoughts say 'oh Rogue, look at us. Who knew we'd see the day that being an X-man was more painful and more of a burden than anything else in our lives?'
And then Jean was pushed out by all the sadness, feeling more confused and suspicious than she had in a long time.
But Kitty never noticed a thing, and neither did Rogue, and all they could do was lean their head backs and go to sleep on the ride home.
And in her dreams all Rogue heard was a voice humming a sweet and sad melody, and the same voice overlapping the melody being sung, saying "close your eyes" and all Rogue could do in her dream was reply "it's our story."
A.N. – Thanks for all those who read this, and I really hope everyone liked it! And for those who didn't, I would love to hear what u think would have made it better. The song that was being badly hummed (haha) was "Close your eyes" by Christophe Beck. This song is awesome and I feel that everyone in the entire world should hear it at least once. For those who are curious, this song was on repeat as I wrote this. This is a instrumental (piano) song though.
Be kind! Do not rewind, but please do Read and Review! :)