White day worries

Had a month gone by so soon? It was days away from white day and Soul needed to get a gift for Maka. But he had no clue what to get her. He knew that she would be getting five other gifts and wanted to be original. Because she had given him the best chocolate out of the five. He sat on a bench with Black Star and Kid in the basket ball court. His head in his hands, looking down at the ground he let out a sigh.

" You're worrying to much Soul!" said Black Star. " Why do you have to be original? Just get her a normal white day gift. Was her white chocolate that good? Or..." He smirked nudging Soul. " Are you just trying to get in her pa..." With that Soul's fist met with Black Stars face sending him to the other side of the court. Looking over at Soul he saw a strong glair.

"Don't joke. I would never try to do something like that to Maka."

"That's right Black Star." said Kid " Soul loves Maka too much to do something like that so early on in there relatio..." Kid joined Black Star on the other side of the court in the same fashion.

" Will you guys shut up! I don't like Maka like that!" Soul looked flustered but tried his best to keep his cool.

"Me thinks he doth protest to much! " said Kid smirking with Black Star.

" Ya! He just doesn't want to admit because hes afraid he's not man enough for Maka. Like ME! BWAHAHA!!!" Black Star felt another fist.

"Shut up! Maka and I are partners!"

"Hm... prove us wrong!" said Black Star standing up and pointing a finger at Soul.


"Ok what's the hottest thing you have ever seen Maka in?"

"Well that black dress she wore last mont... hey wait a minute!!" Soul felt his cheeks engulfed in heat. This was so uncool.

"Hahaha!" Black Star and Kid laughed.

" Good choice man! Yah that dress really did sute Maka well!" Black Star said between laughs. Using his hands to mimic the figure.

"Yes I agree! She has always been very symmetrical. And that dress was perfect!" Kid said. And with that both of them had received a new bump on there head before Soul stormed off.

Soul had to think. What was the one thing she always wanted? And something that not everyone could give her. There had to be something. OK lets see what does Maka like. Books? No to common. Jewlery or clothing? Nah too expected. Music? Well he didn't even know what she liked, well beside him playing but he was saving that sort of thing for a last resort.

Dammit! The only other thing shes ever asked me for is... that's it!!! And with that last thought Soul rushed home to plan Maka's white day gift.

(N/A) no I'm not gonna say what it is.. be surprised with Maka!

The day came and Soul was nervous; this had the potential to end horribly. He fixed his jacket and took a breath. She would be home any minute.

Please let this work!

With that the door swung open to Maka caring a small bag and waring a read dress that hugged her figure to her waist where it went into a more flow. The bottom of the dress just hit above her knee and she was wearing red ribbons in her hair. Soul's cool was lost again. He wasn't expecting this. And Maka wasn't expecting this either. Soul was dressed in his best suit. The furniture had been pushed back clearing the room and the lights had been dimmed.

"Soul? Whats going on?" she said setting down her bag and walking towards Soul.

"Hu? Oh right! Uh happy white day!" he said realizing he had been staring at her again.

"I don't get it. You moved the sofa and the table back?" she looked around the room. Soul quickly regained his cool.

"I thought I would give you something you asked me for a wile ago. " he walked over to a boom box and pressed play. Out came some slow jazz song. He walked back over to her and held out his hand. "Care to dance?" she smiled and took his hand.

" Of course." She smiled brightly, He remembered! Soul wrapped his arm around her waist and began to lead her in to a small slow dance.

" I wasn't expecting you would be in a dress. Why are you anyway?" asked Soul. Not that he really cared for the reason. He loved it and it was perfect considering his gift. It was just as good as the black dress, the way it highlighted her features, hell her chest didn't even look as flat.

"My dad got it for me. And he wanted to see me in it right away. He wouldn't let me go till I did! Ugh and once he saw me in it he kept crying till Stine Hakasai pulled him off." She was blushing slightly, never more happy with her father.

"Hahaha. What did the other guys get you?" he asked with a smirk on his face, knowing his gift was the best.

"Well.. lets see... Kid got me these earings," She pointed to the pearl earrings that hung from each side. " He kept going on about how they were the best kind of jewlery because of their symmetry." They both laughed.

" What did Black Star get you?" asked Soul, Maka smiled breaking the dance and going over to her bag. She pulled out what looked like a peice of paper and brought it over. Soul looked down to see an autographed photo of Black Star. He broke out laughing. Maka joined in.

"And he tried to give me 'God's kiss' " Maka continued laughing, but Soul didnt find this funny at all. He tensed for a moment with anger.

Mental note.. kill Black Star!

" Stine gave me a cool gift too!" she walked over and pulled out two dolls. One that looked like Maka with a syth in her hand and the other looked like Soul holding a Soul. " Arn't these cute?" she said, Soul took a look at the Maka doll holding it in his hand, it was adorable, but still some how creepy. Why would Stine have these? He looked up to see Maka hugging the Soul doll and his face turned beat red. Now that was adorable!

" Um here lets keep dancing!" Said Soul taking the doll from her arms and setting it down on the table that had been pushed into the corner. He took her hand as a swing song hit the player. Soul lead her in to a swing, the pace of the song as well as some of the moves he was trying with Maka kept her laughing, and it was hard not to laugh himself. The two continued to dance, making jokes, Soul tried to imitate a trumpet player singing along with its solo. And the song ended with a large dip and him sweeping her into his arms, as there eyes met, the laughter stopped, but they both still held a smile. Soul stared into her eyes and she stared back into his, the only sound was their heavy breathing.

This sucks... Soul thought to himself... I think Kid and Black Star were right!

Soul felt himself leaning towards her, just like at the party, but this time her face wasn't scared or embarrass or confused. Soul didn't know what it was, but truthfully, he couldn't care less. With that last thought he pressed his lips against hers. The both enjoyed the warmth of the kiss because Maka reacted sooner then Soul expected, the kiss soon turned much more passionate. Maka wrapped her arms around Souls neck and started to play with his hair. He in turn let one hand slide to around her waist, the other on her back, pulling her closer. The two stayed like that until they had to break the kiss for air. They brought there foreheads together and stared into each-others eyes, both out of breath and hearts racing.

"Maka I..."

"Love you Soul eater."

"He... so do you like your gift." Soul said scratching the back of his head.

"Yep!" she said kissing him again lightly on the lips. "But I think it out does my chocolate, So I don't think we're even."

" Well then we will just have to fix that." Soul said pulling her close for another taste of bliss.

yay wasn't that wonderful! so cute the two of them! any who please comment so i can become a much better writer for the future! and thank you for favoring my stories as well! it makes me feel special!