[Well, here's some more- BTW, thanks for asking for more- I'm really
enjoying writing this story. (THAT was a very odd sentence---) ANYWAY-
Thank you so much for your enthusiasm- it's contagious. *wink*]
They rose from the moon like a swarm of insects. Luke closed his eyes in bitter disappointment. The Rebellion had not the force to repel the might of the massive space station- not to mention the entire Empire. He watched the ships draw nearer and wondered if he knew anyone among them-- Just then, Vader reached around him and hit a switch- the speaker next to Luke hissed as it awoke. It broadcasted the rebel comm channel. Luke swallowed as the pit of dread in his stomach for the unsuspecting rebels grew.
As he listened to the determined pilots a voice caught his attention.
"Do you really think Luke is on that thing?"
Luke felt his lower lip part from its companion, whispering, "Biggs?"
He felt Vader lean over his shoulder, "He will die in the attack--- that is, if you choose not to prevent it."
Blonde framed lids fluttered shut over glistening blue orbs.
He had to. He couldn't be responsible for the deaths of those men—especially Biggs.
"Get us out of here," he whispered, "Take me to the Emperor."
Vader narrowed his eyes in displeasure as he motioned to Tarkin to order the jump to Coruscant; his son had folded too easily. Something he'd need to work on- friends are no cause for surrender. He sighed, a defeat in every victory it seems. Cést la vie.
Biggs bit his lip in nervous frustration. They couldn't just blow the thing with Luke on it, he thought, could they? Luke was his best friend. True, the destruction of the cursed thing would be a blessing to the galaxy- --but sacrifice Luke? He shook his head. Not Luke. Not the fun-loving kid he'd spent so many years running around Anchorhead with. Not the incredible pilot, the kind-hearted—talented, friendly---- Force strong--- Biggs' mind swayed. He wasn't thinking straight. He wasn't even in the tiny cockpit anymore- he was standing over Beggar's Canyon watching as Luke sped towards the Needle. A challenge to everyone except Luke.
Biggs blinked. The Death Star loomed over him, cold steel shining in the glow of Yavin.
He wiped a bit of sweat from his cheek--- and then stopped-
Slowly he drew his damp fingers away from his face, sparing a glance at them.
A tear stained his face.
Biggs drew a deep breath, pulling a necessary resolve into place.
The Death Star HAD to be destroyed.
There was no Luke Skywalker.
No Luke Skywalker.
No Luke Skywa---
The looming giant vanished- diving into hyperspace.
Biggs blinked as confused chatter filled the comm. Did he feel relief? Fear? Why had they fled? He pressed his lips together hoping against hope that his gut was wrong when it said to him- They left because they have what they want.
There IS a Luke Skywalker, Biggs allowed his mind to scream, and he's gone.
Leia rubbed her eyes gently as she stood over Jauquen's shoulder. The slicer suddenly ceased his endless tapping on the keys.
Leia leaned over him lazily, "What?"
"This explains Skywalker's Force potential that Darklighter mentioned."
"WHAT explains it?" Han sighed from his seat behind Leia.
"His father was a famous Jedi in the Clone Wars," he paused, "An Anakin Skywalker--- says here that he died in the Jedi purges--- but----"
Leia's finger's dug into the back of Jauquen's chair.
"His records stop several months before Vader's begin---"
Han stood and moved to lean over the slicer next to Leia, "Vader's records start in the middle of his life?"
The seated figure nodded, "Can't really imagine Vader as a kid myself, can you?"
"I imagine a kid who'd annoy the shit out of me."
Leia smacked Han in the shoulder, "This is serious."
He smirked, "Sorry. So what da'y think this means?"
The chair spun as Jauquen turned to face the pair, eyebrow raised, "And I thought the famous Han Solo was cleaver."
Han frowned, "You mean to say that this Anakin guy had something to do with Vader's appearance?"
Leia crossed her arms skeptically, "What makes you think that?"
The chair spun back towards the screen as Jauquen called up one file from Vader's record and an identical one from Skywalker's.
Identical in both subject and content.
Leia's eyes widened as she stared at the screen, "Could this be a mistake?"
The slicer smiled, "It's a mistake alright. Someone forgot to alter Skywalker's genetic file after he assumed the new and oh-so-stylish name of Darth Vader."
He turned towards the pair again- both were looking more than a little pale.
"Son-of-a-Sith---" Han muttered as she sank back into his seat.
Jauquen nodded, "Yeah---- basically."
[I don't think Palpy would have been so stupid as to have left Anakin's genetic records lying around for some smartass to notice- so lets all just imagine that the Alliance has some old ass records lying around- or something. But whatever it is- it's not MY *&^%$(*@ fault--- dammit. Do you guys watch Jon Stewart? There's a guy on there with a birdhouse on his head--- just thought you needed to know. Yeah, you're quite welcome. LOL, can you imagine Vader with a birdhouse on his head!?! *The hiss of a respirator is heard- followed by---* "Will someone get this damn pigeon shit off my helmet?"]
They rose from the moon like a swarm of insects. Luke closed his eyes in bitter disappointment. The Rebellion had not the force to repel the might of the massive space station- not to mention the entire Empire. He watched the ships draw nearer and wondered if he knew anyone among them-- Just then, Vader reached around him and hit a switch- the speaker next to Luke hissed as it awoke. It broadcasted the rebel comm channel. Luke swallowed as the pit of dread in his stomach for the unsuspecting rebels grew.
As he listened to the determined pilots a voice caught his attention.
"Do you really think Luke is on that thing?"
Luke felt his lower lip part from its companion, whispering, "Biggs?"
He felt Vader lean over his shoulder, "He will die in the attack--- that is, if you choose not to prevent it."
Blonde framed lids fluttered shut over glistening blue orbs.
He had to. He couldn't be responsible for the deaths of those men—especially Biggs.
"Get us out of here," he whispered, "Take me to the Emperor."
Vader narrowed his eyes in displeasure as he motioned to Tarkin to order the jump to Coruscant; his son had folded too easily. Something he'd need to work on- friends are no cause for surrender. He sighed, a defeat in every victory it seems. Cést la vie.
Biggs bit his lip in nervous frustration. They couldn't just blow the thing with Luke on it, he thought, could they? Luke was his best friend. True, the destruction of the cursed thing would be a blessing to the galaxy- --but sacrifice Luke? He shook his head. Not Luke. Not the fun-loving kid he'd spent so many years running around Anchorhead with. Not the incredible pilot, the kind-hearted—talented, friendly---- Force strong--- Biggs' mind swayed. He wasn't thinking straight. He wasn't even in the tiny cockpit anymore- he was standing over Beggar's Canyon watching as Luke sped towards the Needle. A challenge to everyone except Luke.
Biggs blinked. The Death Star loomed over him, cold steel shining in the glow of Yavin.
He wiped a bit of sweat from his cheek--- and then stopped-
Slowly he drew his damp fingers away from his face, sparing a glance at them.
A tear stained his face.
Biggs drew a deep breath, pulling a necessary resolve into place.
The Death Star HAD to be destroyed.
There was no Luke Skywalker.
No Luke Skywalker.
No Luke Skywa---
The looming giant vanished- diving into hyperspace.
Biggs blinked as confused chatter filled the comm. Did he feel relief? Fear? Why had they fled? He pressed his lips together hoping against hope that his gut was wrong when it said to him- They left because they have what they want.
There IS a Luke Skywalker, Biggs allowed his mind to scream, and he's gone.
Leia rubbed her eyes gently as she stood over Jauquen's shoulder. The slicer suddenly ceased his endless tapping on the keys.
Leia leaned over him lazily, "What?"
"This explains Skywalker's Force potential that Darklighter mentioned."
"WHAT explains it?" Han sighed from his seat behind Leia.
"His father was a famous Jedi in the Clone Wars," he paused, "An Anakin Skywalker--- says here that he died in the Jedi purges--- but----"
Leia's finger's dug into the back of Jauquen's chair.
"His records stop several months before Vader's begin---"
Han stood and moved to lean over the slicer next to Leia, "Vader's records start in the middle of his life?"
The seated figure nodded, "Can't really imagine Vader as a kid myself, can you?"
"I imagine a kid who'd annoy the shit out of me."
Leia smacked Han in the shoulder, "This is serious."
He smirked, "Sorry. So what da'y think this means?"
The chair spun as Jauquen turned to face the pair, eyebrow raised, "And I thought the famous Han Solo was cleaver."
Han frowned, "You mean to say that this Anakin guy had something to do with Vader's appearance?"
Leia crossed her arms skeptically, "What makes you think that?"
The chair spun back towards the screen as Jauquen called up one file from Vader's record and an identical one from Skywalker's.
Identical in both subject and content.
Leia's eyes widened as she stared at the screen, "Could this be a mistake?"
The slicer smiled, "It's a mistake alright. Someone forgot to alter Skywalker's genetic file after he assumed the new and oh-so-stylish name of Darth Vader."
He turned towards the pair again- both were looking more than a little pale.
"Son-of-a-Sith---" Han muttered as she sank back into his seat.
Jauquen nodded, "Yeah---- basically."
[I don't think Palpy would have been so stupid as to have left Anakin's genetic records lying around for some smartass to notice- so lets all just imagine that the Alliance has some old ass records lying around- or something. But whatever it is- it's not MY *&^%$(*@ fault--- dammit. Do you guys watch Jon Stewart? There's a guy on there with a birdhouse on his head--- just thought you needed to know. Yeah, you're quite welcome. LOL, can you imagine Vader with a birdhouse on his head!?! *The hiss of a respirator is heard- followed by---* "Will someone get this damn pigeon shit off my helmet?"]