A/N: Well, folks, aside from a short spin-off, the Crazy Game series is officially over! I hope you enjoyed it--I sure enjoyed writing it! Enjoy the epilogue ... it's full of the feel-good Dasey moments that all of us in this fandom live for :-)

Casey received a visit from Greg's commander three days after she arrived back in England. They found him, the commander had said, only identifiable by his lower jaw. Greg, sadly, had been killed in action, but had died with honor in fighting for the United States of America. In a complete mess, Casey called Derek, sobbing and begging for a place to stay. She was on a plane the next morning.

Greg, thankfully, had provided well for Casey through his will, leaving her the entirety of his life insurance minus the cost of his funeral. After she buried him and the remainder of her former life, she was left with nearly $400,000 and a house in Goldsboro, North Carolina. She sold the house for profit and used some of the proceeds to buy a small beachside condo for her and Derek.

They had to expand a few years later: a baby boy was on the way. Derek agreed to name him Gregory; after all, the man did take care of his wife during a very dark time in her life, put her through law school twice, and gave them their first home together. Gregory John Venturi was the boy's name.

George and Nora eventually learned to tolerate the union. They didn't like it, of course, and they hated it when Gavin told the kids at school that his brother and sister were married, but most of his classmates knew the back story. The real challenge came when he started at Thompson in the autumn.

Edwin and Katie had a child a month before Gregory was born, a little girl that they named Molly. Katie never figured out where the name came from, and Edwin never told her. Both Molly and Gregory were repeatedly warned to never, ever date each other.

Marti finished medical school a year after Gregory and Molly were born, and decided to become a pediatrician. She and Liam stayed friends, despite the fact that they broke up a few weeks after Sam and Emma's wedding.

Lizzie never accepted Casey and Derek, and shunned Edwin and Katie for siding with her older siblings. She moved to Edmonton and became a softball coach.

Oh, and Derek? Quit his job as Chief Gopher, called Jake, and moved on with his career. He has now produced seven films, written three, and is credited in several roles as an actor. Casey still acts as his lawyer.

And that's living life with Derek.