Reviews for Always You
DisforDasey chapter 12 . 11/13/2009
WOOT, epilogue time! (so, SO sorry. again.)

awe, poor casey and greg... but wow, he must have really loved her!

"They didn’t like it, of course, and they hated it when Gavin told the kids at school that his brother and sister were married," YES. EPIC WIN. I think that is my favourite part.

"Both Molly and Gregory were repeatedly warned to never, ever date each other." Hahaha! They would warn them, wouldn't they. That would actually be really funny though...

"Marti finished medical school a year after Gregory and Molly were born, and decided to become a pediatrician. " Awe, marti would make such a good pediatrician!

Well. That was an EXCELLENT story!

(and i'm really, really sorry. again.)'

(and again.)
DisforDasey chapter 11 . 11/13/2009
HEYUMEXCUSEMOI HOW ON EARTH AM I REVIEWING THIS CHAPTER? I thought I would have already reviewed it... *goes and checks* Omg, I never reviewed! What on earth is wrong with me? Because I sure read it, and I was so excited that you updated and why didn't I review? Well then, I am a terrible person and you 100% have my permission to never speak to me again. I am eternally sorry. And apparently, I never reviewed ch12 either, which I will be doing asap. Again, I as so, SO sorry!

1. awwe, you mentioned me! I feel so special, thank you!

2."“Acting? Yeah. Remember how I told you about that play that I was in?”

“Uh …”" AHA! Excellent characterization.

3. "I love you. I always have and I always will.”" Awwe, that's so sweet! :D

GAH awesome chapter. Everything makes so much more sense than it did a while ago! :D

(sorry again!)
Dark-Supernatural-Angel chapter 12 . 10/22/2009
WOW, That was amazing! I seriously thought at first it was Sam & Casey getting married but I'm glad that Casey & Derek ended up together...they are perfect for each other.

Love your writing style. Truly believable "Dasey" moments (both the good and the bad ones).
ElectrikViolin chapter 12 . 10/11/2009
I've been following this story for forever and I can't believe it's done! I love the last line of the epilogue it couldn't have been more perfect.
funkymunky2511 chapter 12 . 9/6/2009
I love the ending but I'm still wondering why Lizzie never approved
mimibear chapter 12 . 9/5/2009
nice ending...short and shocking (because it's quick) but nice..although, im a little disappointed that Lizzie never accepted them, and that George and Nora just "kind of" accepted it..but it's nice...
Frogster chapter 12 . 9/4/2009
Good job! I'm glad they got together in the end, but they kind of had to, didn't they?

And of course Casey would be Derek's lawyer. He wouldn't hire anyone else, and no one else would take his case. :D (Did I just make a pun? O.o)

Write some more soon!
SincerlyChelly chapter 12 . 9/3/2009
i loved the way you tied it up!

im in love with this story:)
Okuyukashii chapter 12 . 9/3/2009
I had fun reading this series. But, I have a question. I don't know where Molly comes from either, and I'm too lazy to check. So...

Anyways, awesome job!
Frogster chapter 11 . 9/3/2009
Aww! At least we know now why Derek left the way he did. Should have known that his obliviousness would get him into trouble somewhere-like losing the love of his life.

Epilogue, please! I can't believe the Crazy game series is almost over!
mimibear chapter 11 . 9/3/2009
aww..Derek should listened in the first place..i hope they have a time machine and go back to where Derek saw Casey acting and then live happily ever after...but well this is your story, and let's see what will happen next so update soon! love your story... oh by the way, i just want to ask their ages? just curioused...
DisforDasey chapter 10 . 8/31/2009
This chapter made me think of Atonement... I have no idea why. Probably because I was just watching it and so everything kind of reminds me of it now but still...


Aw, poor Casey! That's so sad! But poor Derek, too.

Oh, I'm so excited to find out why he left! :D
SincerlyChelly chapter 9 . 8/27/2009
i really lke it...

update soon!
DisforDasey chapter 9 . 8/26/2009
Ooh, lived the end part! Because Derek really does know Casey too well...

Hehehe, the part with the angels :D Loved it!

Awesome chapter :D
SincerlyChelly chapter 8 . 8/22/2009
i love the chapter!

update soon.
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