Fed Up


"Tom, if you don't do it now you never will."

I looked down at Alex from my position at the top of the stairs that led to the front door of my house.

"That's not such a bad thing, though. I mean it's not like it would hurt anyone. Jack would let me stay and you can be easily bribed with choc peppermint cookies." I hum. "Cookies sound like a good idea. With milk. Let's go, Jack was going to make some today wasn't she?"

Alex sighed, pushing Tom back up the stairs as he made to walk away.

"Knock, no, walk in, it's your house. Talk to your parents and get this sorted out."

I shake my head. "They're going to be angry, I'll get in trouble. I don't like getting in trouble, Alex, no matter what people say."

"Nobody likes getting in trouble Tom. But if you don't go in now and resolve this, you'll be in more trouble when you do go."

"Those Psych sessions are really rubbing off on you aren't they?"

Alex opened his mouth and closed it again. "Maybe." He allowed. "Just a little bit."

I shake my head. "Yeah…" I look up at the front door and sigh. "Alright, I'm going in."

"Good. Call me when you can and tell me how it went." Alex turned around and started walking away. "I'm off to steal some cookies from Jack."

"I knew it! You just wanted all the cookies for yourself! Traitor!" I call out. Alex just laughs and keeps walking.

"Good luck, Tom!"

I shake my head. "I'll need it." I murmur before opening the door and walking into the house.

Mum was sitting at the kitchen table, drinking tea and working on a crossword.

I stop in the doorway. "Mum."

She turns in her seat and her face lights up. "Tom!" She exclaims.

"Hi, mum."

She gets up from her seat and rushes over to me, enveloping me in her arms.

"Tom." She whispers.

"I'm sorry, mum. I just can't stand seeing you and dad fight like that. I didn't mean to blow up at you."

She pulled away. "Let me get your father, and then we will talk." She walked past me and into the hall. "I'm glad you're back, sweetheart." Then she disappeared down the hall.

An hour and a half later I threw myself on my bed with a loud sigh. The talk had gone… well it had gone. I couldn't decide whether or not it had been good or bad. I close my eyes and roll over onto my stomach, clutching my pillow tight. Well, at least we had finally talked about it. Maybe Alex had been right and my nightmares would go away. Hopefully.

I open my eyes and reach for my phone, scrolling through my contacts until I find Alex's number.

Thanks Alex

I curl up on my side and close my eyes again. Maybe things would finally change around here.

A moment later my phone beeped.

What are friends for?

FINISHED! Hahah The End! Sooo what did everyone think? REVIEW AND TELL ME!