Here we are, can you believe it? You thought this thing would never end. I want to sincerely thank you all for reading this far, your reviews and PMs made every day a little brighter and with all the love you gave me I feel as if I swallowed a kitty – that warm and fuzzy inside. I would like to build a small alter in thanks and praise to my reviewers, cocorocks, River Rose 19, rocks – my – socks, katherineofaragonfan, AestheticNarcissist, theothertudorgirl, oneadmmlife, WhoIsShe-CA, omgcoaistotallylikeawesome, Jnstar86, BoleynofAragon21, Phenya., LadyJax999, and miruvor, as well as Elinor Potter, my Spanish Savior, Boleyn Girl 13, my ranting partner and email buddy, Tilts at Windmills, another email buddy and fellow Cromwell lover, and Doctor Madwoman, a horrible, horrible influence on me XD

I am working on Oddments II as we speak (okay, you read) but with school starting it may take me awhile, take advantage of this lag, make a request, I'll have to have something to do instead of homework (kidding…).

If you'd like to see some really horrible artwork look no farther than:

parrottgal livejournal com/24834 html

parrottgal livejournal com/24619 html

parrottgal livejournal com/24570 html

parrottgal livejournal com/23886 html

parrottgal livejournal com/23469 html

parrottgal livejournal com/21705 html

parrottgal livejournal com/20147 html


www flickr com/photos/parrottgal/sets/72157621897761213/

Again, thank you so much, I love you all!

~Cait aka TrivialQueen