AN: I'm really really really sorry for not updating, but my brother got me grounded from the computer, and now I can only go on it when I'm alone in the house… Thank you SOOO much for the reviews! I am on Cloud Ten. Not Cloud Nine. That's just a tourist attraction. Cloud Ten is more private :).

And also, I'm very sick, and for some reason, my body likes making me throw up at night…

Disclaimer: Anthony Horowitz can't get drunk enough to give away the rights… Believe me, I've tried…

Chapter 13


Alex's POV

It was a year after the kiddies came to visit.

And we got babysitting duty again…

But thankfully, the school we got did not used to have a teenaged spy undercover in it, so everything went fine.

As in, we tortured them, and they left at the right time…

We were sure that they would speak of their stay with us in horror.

And that was music to our ears.

I knocked on Tom's door.

He opened it, and said surprised, "Alex?"

I rolled my eyes and answered sarcastically "No, it's Richard…"

He began to raise his arm, as to hit me, and then thought better of it.

Smart boy.

I motioned to the living room and asked "Can I come in?"

He startled out of it.

"Yeah, sure."

"So, where are your parents?" I asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

"Visiting Jerry." Tom answered.

The doorbell suddenly rang.

"Oh crap! I forgot! I have a date!" Tom freaked out.

"Wait, Tom, is she from our school?" Tom nodded.

"Did she go to the SAS camp?" Tom shook his head.

"Then I'm going to go open the door, and pretend that this is the wrong house…" I waited for Tom to shout 'NO!'

He didn't.

"Do you not like her or something?" I asked.

Tom flinched. "She basically made me ask her…"

I held up an arm, motioned for him to go to the kitchen, and opened the door.

There was a blonde standing there… I was pretty sure her name was Kelly.

"Can I help you?" I asked politely.

"Hi, um… I'm like here for like a date with Tom Harris?" She asked, using the word like much too many times.

"…I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong house… I've never met a Tom Harris." I lied smoothly.

"Alright then…then how about instead, you and me go out on a date?" She asked.

I was stunned.

"I'm sorry, I'm not available…" I said.

She smiled, and then shook my hand and walked off. "Call me anytime!"

I looked down at the piece of paper she had pushed into my hand.

I then turned to Tom, and asked. "Do you wanna call her?"

He shook his head, and then started staring at me.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

"No, but, I just noticed, you have this huge scratch thing from your eye to your neck! It's all bloody and gross!" Tom explained.

I rolled my eyes. "Do you want to call her or not?"

"Lets…" Tom rubbed his hands together evilly.

Tom pulled out his phone, dialed the number on the slip of paper, and put it on speaker so I could hear.

"Hello?" Kelly answered.

"Hey, Kelly, where are you?" Tom asked innocently.

"Umm… Who is this?" Kelly asked a bit confused.

"It's Tom… The guy who was going on a date with you?"

"Oh… Umm… I like, totally forgot about that… Do you mind if we do it another day?"

"Not at all…" Tom answered.

"Okay… Bye!" She squeaked as in the background we heard someone say "Hey baby, can I have a kiss?"

She hung up, and Tom and I burst into laughter.

"HAHAHA!" Tom laughed.

Then he suddenly stopped. "Wait, I thought you were staying with Fox?"

"I am…" I answered, confused.

"Then why are you here?" Tom asked.

"Because, one: I'm deathly tired of that man, two: He's annoying, and three: Because I wanted to ask you how Richard is doing." I answered.

"What do you mean, how is he doing…" Tom trailed off. "You did something to him didn't you." It was more of a statement than a question.

"Maybe…" I suddenly sat upright. "I'm spending too much time around Eagle…"

Tom laughed, and then asked. "What did you do?"

"Well, don't be surprised if as soon as he graduates, he is somehow enlisted into the army…"

Tom laughed. "So, I was thinking… I think I'm going to pursue a life in politics…" He looked at me.

"I think that's a great idea… As long as you don't turn into the next Blunt." I answered.

He shook his head, and sounded horrified, "I look terrible in gray!"

I laughed, and patted Tom on the back.

It was good to laugh with friends.

It was even better to be accepted.

As I had been.

With K-Unit, and now Tom.

Life was as good as it could be for a blackmailed teenaged spy.

Life was good.

Kelly's POV (1)

As I walked to Tom's address, I thought.

I had to make sure that our date was short, Kyle was coming over, and I couldn't be late…

I went up to the door, and rang the doorbell.

A man opened it.

He was hot, with sexy blond, tousled hair, and a bloody scratch leading from his eye to his neck.

He had muscles, he wasn't the bulging kind, but he was definitely strong.

I suddenly wished that Kyle wasn't coming over, and that I didn't have a date with Tom.

Then he spoke,

"Can I help you?" He asked politely.

His voice was swoon-worthy.

Deep, rich, and kind.

"Hi, um… I'm like here for like a date with Tom Harris?" I asked, hoping the whole time that he would say 'I don't know a Tom, how about you go on a date with me?'

"…I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong house… I've never met a Tom Harris." He said.

My heart jumped into my throat. I had a chance!

"Alright then…then how about instead, you and me go out on a date?" I asked smoothly.

He looked surprised.

"I'm sorry, I'm not available…" He said. I was sure there was a hint of amusement in his voice.

I smiled, took out a piece of paper with my phone number, and then shook his hand and walked off. "Call me anytime!" I shouted.

That night, Tom called me.

I had clean forgotten about him.

I could've sworn I heard some other person in the background…

Ah well, maybe I didn't.

That night, I went to sleep with dreams of the hot man who had greeted me at the door…

I never saw him again…

Alex POV (2)

Every once in a while, when I was walking around London, I would see that girl, Kelly.

I would always hide in the shadows until the threat was passed…

I couldn't risk having a tag-along…

Life with K-Unit had improved… We learned to carry duct tape wherever we went.

All so we couldn't be bothered with Eagle's talking.

Life was good.

Richard POV




(1): There's no more Alex POV in this story.

(2): That wasn't planned…

I always hate it when authors start fake crying when they finish a story, because with my Twilight fics, I was always glad to be done… But this one was fun to write…

I'll miss you, Unrecognizable!

Anyways, I have Three AR fics planned so far, two one-shots, (one is halfway done,) and one story involving Alex, K-Unit, and a kid marvelously identical to Richard….

:). Please review the last chapter of Unrecognizable… I'm not sure why I put Kelly in, but I had a lot of fun writing the whole story… I actually planned for 11 chapters, but then I realized that Alex deserved an unlucky number.

Please review!!!! PLEASE!

Begging sadly for the last reviews of this story,
