Hormonal Girl

Second year, class four was always buzzing during lunch break.

That was the time when the students could talk about their projects for the night, or the incoming weekend, etc., and relax after a long morning of boring lectures.
Usually, Kaname enjoyed this break. Today, however, she had such a terrible headache, she found all the chatting around her not only very tiresome, but very painful to endure.

It was her fault, though. The night before she didn't get enough sleep because she had stayed awake for the Samurai Champloo marathon, and thus today she was suffering the consequences.

Sitting with her friends, she tried to focus on their conversation with very little success. She couldn't understand anything nor did she care to speak to them. What was worse, even her appetite seemed to abandon her, so the food she had prepared sat aside, utterly neglected.

Sousuke noted her strange quietness, and, being as overprotective as ever, he proceeded to inquire about her health. Of course, Kaname dismissed his concern and told him she was fine and explained that she simply had a small headache, and before he could interrogate her further, she stood up and went to the bathroom in the hopes that some cool water diminish the throbbing. Unfortunately, the pounding behind her left eye persisted so she decided to ask her friends for some aspirin.

Kyouko gave Kaname her bag. Kaname quickly found the bottle of medicine inside a back pocket, and without thinking, she took two pills with a gulp of water and rested her forehead on her palm until the end of the break.

Several minutes later, Kaname was glad to find that her head hurt a lot less, but to her misfortune, the oddest feeling began to take over her. She felt a strange sensation in her belly that she couldn't quite recognize. Shrugging, she disregarded the feeling headed to her PE class, confident that the worse was finally behind her.

And yet, the more the time went by, the hotter she became.

At first, she thought it was because she just hit a homerun, but when the stubborn warmth that invaded her body refused to dissipate, she began to second-guess herself.

She absently looked around and the sight before her took her breath away. In utter awe, Kaname watched at least half of the boys of her class with numbers painted on their backs and shirtless in order to differentiate what team they belonged to.

Even if she wanted, Kaname couldn't advert her gaze.

She was so mesmerized by the display of sweating men and their powerful muscles, she had to cross her legs to ease the increasing ache between her thighs.

She tried taking a deep breath, closing her eyes, and even attempted to focus on anything else, but her brain refused to cooperate. On the contrary, it rewarded her with some very graphic pictures of her and half of her male classmates engaging in some incredibly inappropriate activities. Knowing exactly what she normally thought of her oftentimes-annoying male classmates, Kaname realized something was up.

She wasn't the kind of girl who daydreamed and fantasized about boys, and if she had ever allowed her mind to wonder, it was always towards the direction of a certain dark-haired, grey-eyed clueless otaku who she only saw as a little brother that she had to help adjust in mainstream society.

And so, being 100 percent sure that the problem wasn't her, Kaname turned to Kyouko and asked her for the pill bottle. She knew that aspirins would never have this kind of side effect, but it didn't hurt to check and make sure. Maybe it was a special brand.

Kaname asked Kyouko about the pills she now held in her hand. Horrified, the pig-tailed girl released a high-pitched cry and took off towards the girls' locker room with Kaname in tow.

In the distance, Sousuke watched the two girls with a frown. He automatically abandoned the game and proceeded to follow them, concerned about their strange behavior. He quietly and skillfully made his way to the locker room, like the absolute professional that he was.

Hearing another scream, he bolted into the room with gun hand, but confirming the threat was non-existent, Sousuke placed the gun back in its holster and walked towards the girls.

Nothing was out of the ordinary, except for the strange appearance of his charge. Her eyes were darker, her pupils had grown wide, her breath was short and her face was red.

Initially, Sousuke thought that Kaname's migraine had worsened, but when he asked her, both girls were more stunned with his mere presence in the locker room.

Surprisingly, the class representative didn't scold him for his intrusion as she normally did. She only stared at him, checking out his very assets, from his broad shoulders to his firm arms, every muscle glistening with sweat since he happened to be in the shirtless team.

Kyouko was the first to move before her friend did something wrong and she pulled Sousuke out of Kaname's sight and instructed him to walk their class representative back home as soon as possible.

Sousuke nodded and attempted to spare another glance at his charge before leaving and he was quite surprised to see the lingering stare she reciprocated him, a strange light shinning deep in her chocolate pools. He wanted to ask her if she was okay, but Kyouko pushed him out quickly.

Once the two girls were alone, Kyouko explained to Kaname that she hadn't taken the right pill, and that she had in fact taken took some hormone medication the smaller girl used to ail her aching menstrual cramps. To Kaname's horror, one of the side effects was arousal.

What Kyouko didn't know was that Kaname already had a hormonal prescription for contraceptive purposes. Not surprising, the side effects were the same, and being that she had inadvertently taken double the dosage, the lust Kaname was feeling was literally unbearable.

As Kyouko gathered her belongings; Kaname took a very cold shower, mostly to stop the train of perverted thoughts running in her mind.
The worst part was only supposed to happen in half an hour at the climax of the drugs efficiency so Kaname had to be quick and make it home before she lost control of her inhibitions.

She picked up her clothes and found her bodyguard in the schoolyard, stiff and ready with his hair still wet from the shower.

The mere sight of him freshly washed and perfectly fitting in his tight black pants aroused her. All the good her icy cold shower had done went down the drains when she spotted a drop of water on his neck, leisurely rolling underneath his collar. Unable to control herself, Kaname wondered what it would feel like to be that droplet running down his torso.

She could easily imagine herself pushing her hands under his shirt to stroke his fair skin. Shaking her head vehemently, Kaname bit her lips to refrain a whimper of desire.

Sousuke watched in bewilderment, wondering if he should ask again what was wrong with her. Before he made up his mind, Kyouko shoved them away, avoiding both of their stares and running back to the courtyard to inform their PE teacher of their departure.

Kaname kept her eyes adverted, looking straight at her shoes as she walked past Sousuke, ignoring his questioning frown. She refused to raise her head and he became more and more suspicious as the silence grew between them.

They didn't exchange a word until they reached the station and once in the train, Kaname secluded herself in the back of the compartment and refused to sit next to Sousuke.
She tried to cool down and control her breathing.

Just like any other teenager, it was not the first time she felt that way, but she never was that horny before so she feared she would be unable to restrain herself.
However, with every bump in the train ride, it was as if the burning need in her loins became hotter and as if all her blood rushed to the area between her legs.

And yet, despite her hormones playing her dirty tricks on her, Kaname knew deep in her heart that the attraction she felt for Sousuke had nothing to do with the pills she had taken. They did make everything worse, though.

But if she was able to hide her feeling for so long, she could manage to last just a bit longer and avoided being more mortified by her behavior, right?

Closing her eyes, Kaname tried counting backwards and then wondering what she would make for dinner; basically, anything to stay away from any sexual thoughts.

But when she wondered what kind of ingredients she had in her fridge, her imagination suddenly ran away with her and all her condiments suddenly gained a very useful purpose… one that had nothing to do with adding flavor to food, but a certain to soldier, not that he needed any, anyway.

She almost groaned when she remembered the whipped cream and strawberries she bought the night before and banged her head on the window behind her to stop her brain from betraying her further.

Sousuke, on the other hand, was upset by the evident lack of confidence his charge had in him, and when he noticed that her distress had led her to inflicting pain on herself, he approached her immediately, ready to demand an explanation.

Barely opening her eyelids, Kaname was surprised to find Sousuke right in front of her, too close for her comfort.

His eyes looked straight into hers, arising that overwhelming feeling once more, and when he wanted to put his hand on her forehead to check her temperature she nearly fainted.

Kaname felt the heat of his body surrounding her; his neutral scent of soap was intoxicating and his light touch was bewitching. The cool of his palm on her burning skin was too much.

She sighed and leaned against him even if the still consciously small part of her brain was telling her his act was nothing more than concern. She couldn't help herself. She needed him too much and she nuzzled his hand before snuggling against him.

She didn't realize what she was doing until she felt Sousuke stiffen.

She was nearly rubbing her whole body against his and even if he enjoyed having her so close, the sergeant was wondering what had come over her. Being that Kaname never acted that way before, Sousuke's former concern for her headache turned into suspicion.

When he finally managed to ask her, Kaname used all of her willpower to take a small step back and averting her eyes, she whispered: " My head doesn't hurt anymore if that's what you're wondering."

"So what is…?"

Sousuke couldn't finish his question. Some rushing businessman pushed him and he staggered for a bit and, in order to keep his balance, Sousuke pushed his leg between Kaname's and brushed her thigh by accident.

She felt the jolt of desire burning deep in her core and she moaned huskily, leaving the sergeant quite dumbstruck and embarrassed.

He gulped and stared at her.

Kaname blushed and closed her eyes, inwardly praying she would wake from this ridiculous nightmare.

The lust was consuming her, her skin was on fire, and her blood was rushing in her temple… in her loins… she could even feel her nipples harden. It was unbearable and she knew she couldn't fight it anymore.

"Chidori, are you okay? Is there anything I can do?" Sousuke's voice was laced with concern and Kaname felt more ashamed for not being able to explain her problem.

Their station was the next one; she should have been able to do it, but sighing in defeat, with a weak tone she spoke: "No, I'm not okay, but I'll manage until I am home. Don't worry about it."

She even tried to smile but it didn't do anything to ease his mind.

She had to be strong. She kept coaching herself, telling herself that she could do it. Unfortunately for her, the problem was that even if she behaved and managed to reach the confines of her room, what would she do next? After all, it wasn't like she could relieve he throbbing need in her stomach. She was hungry, but not for food and she had nothing at home to feed her in that way.

As Sousuke continued to ask her if he could help, a dark idea began to form in her perverted and horny mind.

That was probably not the best plan, but at that moment it was the only one she could come up with that would satisfy her carnal desires. And if she had to damage her reputation, she'd rather do it with someone she trusted and who wouldn't brag about it or mock her afterwards.

And so, Kaname gathered her courage and looked at Sousuke directly.

He was still touching her, not really realizing that he was worsening her situation.

It wasn't as easy as she thought and when he reiterated that he'd do anything for her, she felt some tears threatening to fall, so she proceeded to explain everything: the pills she'd taken, the side effects, her own contraceptive prescription and the overwhelming lust that was eating her insides.

Sousuke straightened, his heart giving him the sensation that it froze. He took a step back and immediately regretted it, seeing how his charge was ashamed and desperate.

Not wanting her to think that his reaction was the product of his judging her, Sousuke he took her hand and led her home.

He couldn't imagine that a gesture as innocent as this one would arouse her even more.

She rushed near him and before letting her pride come in the way, she asked him to help her.

His breath caught in his throat and Sousuke tried to explain her he couldn't do that… that he hadn't any specific knowledge on that subject and virtually no experience with women.

But Kaname stood her ground. He was the one who offered to help and she really needed some. Furthermore, they both knew his arguments were nonsense.

"I'm sorry to ask you for something like this, Sousuke, and I understand you find it a bit too much, but be sure I won't beg you. If I don't come home with you, I'll get someone else. I'm quite confident I'll be able to find a man happy to go to bed with me." Her tone and her posture were strong and showed no doubt. She was resolved in her purpose and if he refused to give her what she wanted, she'd get it somewhere else.

That solution was completely out of the question, but he only succumbed because of her last statement.

"I know you don't see me that way, and I'm already aware you aren't interested in a girl like me, even for a fling, but I really need some help and I'd preferred it be yours."

His heart clenched at her dejected voice but he couldn't answer her.

He only kept her hand in his, opened the door for her and followed her in the lobby. Sousuke knew there wasn't another alternative, but just like she said, he agreed that if anyone had to help him, he was the best choice.

Sousuke never allowed himself to think about their relationship and its obvious evolution. He didn't allow his mind to wonder in what stage they stood, but when saw her dark chocolate eyes burning with lust and fear, he knew he couldn't let her down.

He led her to her apartment and asked her in a low voice: "What exactly do you want me to do?"

He avoided her eyes and Kaname was grateful of it.

Blushing she neared him, in a husky whisper, she said: "Touch me."

So here it is. Before you all try to get my head off for cutting the story at that point, keep cool, YES, I intend to make a second part. I'm still working on it (in French) and I will post it (in English) as soon as I can, I swear.

And, yes, I do know it's quite a stupid plot and very unirrealistic idea but I found it funny. So I hope you enjoyed it, if only just a bit. Anyway, I'd like to thank both Galilab who's always triing to make me write more on FMP and Perpetual who always manages to make something good from my crappy stories with her wonderfull skills and amazing patience. I couldn't do anything without you. And of course, thanks to all of you for reading my rambling.