Okay well I was watching That Turner's Boardcast Movie, The Swan Princess and I was like 'Ohmigosh that would be perfect for Inuyasha and Company.' So yeah I hope you like and the next chapters are done and will be up momentarily. TTYL!

The Swan Princess: Inuyasha Style


The great dog demon King Inutaisho paced the floor outside of the Nursery, his wife, (insert Inuyasha's mother's name), was in labor. What is taking so long, it wasn't like this with Luna. I hope nothing happens to her or the child, he thought worryingly. For you see Inutaisho was married once before and had another child, a son named Sesshomaru; but sadly his first wife had died 4 years ago of a mysterious illness that had swept through the Western Lands. His current wife was a human and he feared that the birth of their hanyou child would be too much for her to bear.

Suddenly an elderly midwife came out of the room and said, "My Lord, I am happy to announce that The Great Lady has given birth to a healthy baby boy; but I am sad to say that Her Majesty is slowly fading from this life and wishes for you to come to her before she is gone from our world." Inutaisho quickly ran into the room and looked upon his queen's wan face.

"My dear," he said gently grabbing his wife's hand and reassuring her, "everything will be alright. I promise love."

"No Inu I know my time here is done." She replied weakly, "Just promise me you'll take care of our son. That is the only reason I will regret in leaving this world, leaving my poor boy alone in this cruel, prejudice world."

Inutaisho then saw the babe lying in a crib, picking him up he looked at the child and said, "I promise my dear, I will protect him with my life." Then again looking at the baby said, "My son you will be named Inuyasha, a name that will one day be of great respect, admiration, feared by his enemies, loved by his allies, and hold great power."

"Inuyasha, what a good name for my son; Inutaisho let me see him so I can look upon the face of my son." (insert Inuyasha's mother's name) said.

As Inutaisho laid the babe in her feeble arm she looked on his face, and slowly slipped from the world of the living.

Two years later the recently widowed queen of the Eastern Lands stood on the balcony on the northern side of the castle and the Royal Announcer announced, "Our fair and beloved Queen Mai would like to announce the birth of her daughter, Princess Kagome." The towns people cheered as the infant princess was held for everyone to see.

The queen then held a viewing of the princess for all the nearby royalty, among those present were her old friends, the King of the Eastern Lands and his two sons, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru.

"Hello dear Inutaisho how is everything in the Eastern Lands?" Queen Mai said curtsying to her friend.

"Things are well in the East, I see things are good well here, too." Inutaisho replied as he kissed her hand.

"Yes they are, but sadly Kosuke died four months ago, he would love to see you and your boys. Speaking of your sons, don't tell me these two are the little boys I remember from our last trip to the East. My Sesshomaru you are quite the handsome young man, and Inuyasha you are the spitting image of your father." She said as the young princes bowed and she curtsied as a reply. "Well would you like to see my daughter?"

"Yes," Inutaisho answered. "The boys have also brought presents for the young one."

"Why thank you boys, that was very thoughtful of you. You may leave them by the cradle." Mai replied.

As the boys left Inutaisho and Mai stayed by the throne and discussed the problem with Lord Naruku, the ruler of the Northern Lands who wanted to take over the four Kingdoms for himself and purge the continent of those he deemed as unfit, which included the Hanyous and the Youkai who mated with humans and produced the Hanyous.

Then they looked over at the cradle and saw Inuyasha dangling a silver chain with a beautiful silver locket attached to it. "Well isn't that interesting." Mai said thinking up a plan.

"What is interesting, Mai." Inutaisho replied.

"Your youngest son, wouldn't it be interesting if him and my Kagome were to marry; it would unite our kingdoms and help hold Naruku back." Mai said while in deep thought.

"Yeah that would be great, but you know dear Mai; though you are a good friend of my dear departed wife and so dear to my heart as you had been to hers, I do not feel an arranged marriage is a good idea for they will grow up knowing it was forced unto them and dislike not only us but also one another. I am not though against the children spending time together so they have the choice of marriage and chose on their own free will."

So the plan was put in motion, each summer after the young princess's eighth birthday, they would spent each summer at the summer castle of one of the two kingdoms in alteration until the princess's 18th year on which if the two are not promised to one another they would give up on the scheme.

Unbeknown to Queen Mai, Naruku was plotting to invade the Western Lands. During the princess's second year his troops attacked villages in near the borders of the Northern and Western Lands. Queen Mai, leading the defensive, helped stop the attack and using her Miko powers to seal Naruku's demonic powers inside of himself but he escaped before they could destroy him for good.

Soon, though, everyone forgot about Naruku and focused on the day in the not too distant future when Inuyasha and Kagome would meet and hopefully fall in love.

In the shadows Naruku watched as the young royals grew up. He also worked to hide the existence of his own young daughter, Kikyou. He knew not what plan he had for this girl but he knew for her to be hidden would be more beneficial to him than if the world knew of her.

As to not to stop their plans, neither Mai or Inutaisho told their children or anyone else. Sesshomaru suspected their plans but never voiced that he had this knowledge, but waited to see how their plan would unfold.

I hope you like. Thanks for reading. Review and I'll the next chapters up soon. (= C= So yeah I'm not too good at these end of chapter rambles, So thanks for reading and read my other stories.

Luvs Kai H. & Co.