Disclaimer : I do not own any of the characters mentioned herein. This is pure fiction, written for entertainment only.

Thank you for your reviews!

This is the last chapter and I didn't even know it until I wrote the last seven paragraphs. Three quarters of this is smut though. And, yes, the winner is …? Please enjoy and don't forget to review!

A new story will be up next. I'm not going to tell you who Jeff will be paired with cos' it's not going to work out like it was originally planned.


Chapter 19

The guys made it to the restaurant and fortunately for them, the place wasn't packed. Most of the patrons would normally start drifting in after eight. They got a table at a secluded corner and seated themselves. Jeff found himself sitting smacked between Dave and John. Mark sat directly opposite him with Matt to his right and Adam on his left. Randy was next to John. They asked for beer before going through the menu and ordered with some assistance from the waitress waiting on them. Since it was still early, their food arrived quickly.

It was a typical Chinese restaurant which served exotic cuisine. Jeff looked dubiously at a particular dish. It was inky black with what looked like a mass of tentacles.

"What's this?" he asked uneasily, pointing at the dish with his chopsticks.

"It's octopus, stir fried with garlic, chillis and some secret spices," John said, picking up a sizeable piece and placed it on Jeff's plate, "Here, try it, it's really good!"

Jeff examined it closely, "Why is it black?" he asked, stabbing at it with his chopsticks, fascinated when it bounced. It really didn't look appetizing with its suckers and all.

"You know that black jet of ink they squirt to deflect their predators? Well, they use it to color the dish," John explained.

"Eww, I don't want it, you can have it, John!" Jeff wriggled his nose in distaste as he picked it up with his chopsticks and put it on John's plate.

"Come on, just have a taste, it's really good!" John insisted as he picked up the morsel of food and moved it towards Jeff's mouth.

"John, I really don't want it," Jeff put a hand up to avoid being fed something he really had no stomach for. But John was persistent and Jeff finally opened his mouth reluctantly to accept it. He held it in his mouth, unable to bite down and chew, smiling weakly at John who beamed at him. As soon as John turned his attention back to the table, Jeff discreetly spat it out onto a napkin. He quickly grabbed his beer and chugged it down to try and wash the crawly feeling left in his mouth. He had completely lost his appetite and sat, playing with the food heaped on his plate by both John and Dave who were trying to make amends for hurting his feelings earlier on.

Dave noticed that he wasn't eating and bent down to whisper in his ear, "What's wrong? You don't like the food?"

Jeff shook his head, "No, I'm just not that hungry."

"You have to eat something, why don't we see what's for dessert? I know you have a sweet tooth, there must be something in there you'll like," Dave encouraged him with a smile.

Jeff brightened up at that, some ice cream would just be dandy! He asked for the dessert menu and browse through it quickly. He frowned, no ice cream? They had all types of sweet pastries, cold syrupy desserts with fruits and jellies. He sighed, putting down the menu. Everything on the menu was authentically Asian, including desserts!

Mark noticed Jeff playing with his food. He was pushing them around his plate, occasionally taking a small bite. He made up his mind to bring Jeff out to a burger joint later on.

The rest of the guys tucked into the food with gusto. They had a lot of work ahead of them and wanted to get down to it as soon as possible.

While Mark settled the bill, Matt pulled Jeff aside, "We're going to do some shopping but Mark hates it. Do you mind keeping him company? You can go to the beach to wait for us, we'll find you there when we're done."

Jeff nodded, "Okay, call us when you're ready but what are you getting?"

"Dave wants new shirts and I'm thinking of updating my wardrobe. Eve was telling me that I shouldn't wear black all the time, I'll just have a look around," Matt said smoothly with a straight face.

Jeff gave his brother a sly grin, "So, you are finally accepting some womanly advice! I can tell she already has a great influence over you, I'm glad for you, Matty!" He moved forward to give his brother a hug.

"I'll introduce her to you next time, you'll like her!" Matt returned his hug.

The brothers broke apart and Jeff looked at John, Adam and Randy, "Are you coming with us or going with them?"

John hesitated, he really wanted to follow Jeff to the beach but Adam said quickly, "We're just going to tag along with Dave and Matt, have some fun at their expense, unless you want us to annoy you and Mark instead!" He wriggled his eyebrows suggestively at Jeff.

Jeff giggled, "No, you go with Matt and Dave, I'll see you guys later."

They left hurriedly with Adam pulling a reluctant John along after saying their goodbyes. Jeff turned back to see Mark walking towards him.

"They will call us when they're done with their shopping. What do you want to do, Mark?" Jeff linked his arm around Mark's as they left the restaurant.

"You want to grab a burger or something because you didn't eat much in there," Mark asked as his eyes looked around for a burger joint.

Jeff's eyes lit up, "Can we? I've cravings for cheese burger and ice cream!" he bounced excitedly on his feet.

Mark laughed softly at his child-like exuberance, "Come on, I just spotted one at the corner."

He led Jeff to the nearby burger joint. The mostly young crowd got excited when they saw them and rushed forward to ask for their autographs. Both men willingly obliged and it took a while before they were finally done. Jeff placed his order quickly and after paying, pulled Mark out of the joint. Besides the burger, he had bought two ice cream cones, one for Mark as well.

"Here, I hope you like vanilla," Jeff offered one cone to Mark who accepted it with thanks.

Both men headed out of the mall and found themselves walking towards the deserted beach. It was breezy, the night air filled with the sounds of the waves lapping gently at the shore. The sky was dazzling with countless stars twinkling merrily, and the moon shone round and bright, it was really a beautiful night.

Mark and Jeff sat themselves on a bench and ate silently. Jeff quickly finished his ice cream and was about to attack his burger when he noticed Mark's melting ice cream, it dribbled down the side of the cone.

"Don't you like ice cream?" Mark had hardly touched it.

"It's not that, I'm full and ice cream and beer just doesn't mix," Mark explained. He had a lot to drink as well at the restaurant earlier on.

"Oh, I can take that off your hands if you don't want it," Jeff giggled and took the cone from Mark. "Wait, let me get that off your hand," saying, Jeff brought Mark's sticky hand to his face and started licking the melted ice cream off it.

Mark felt shivers of thrill run through his body as the feeling of Jeff's little tongue pervaded his senses. It sent warm and delicious sensations shooting up his spine and he felt himself flushed. His breath hitched and he let it out raggedly. He could feel his cock twitched with arousal and he almost groaned out loud. Jeff remained oblivious of the effect he had on Mark and continued to lick until he got Mark's hand clean.

"There, all clean," he announced, releasing Mark's hand before going back to lick furiously at the ice cream that was now dribbling all over his own hand.

Mark noticed his hands trembling as he continued to watch, fascinated and aroused at the sight of Jeff's pink tongue as it licked up the sides and around the cone. The front of his pants tightened considerably and he shifted uncomfortably. He needed to do something to get his mind off Jeff, the erotic images that were flitting through his mind were downright disturbing and he ached for release. What to do? What to do? He cursed at Matt for putting him in such a situation!

He started removing his shoes, "I just want to wade in the water a bit. It has been a while since I felt sand under my feet." He thought the cool water might calm his nerves and cool his senses.

"Wait for me, Mark. I want to go in too!" Jeff quickly finished his cone and started removing his shoes and socks, to Mark's chagrin. He stood there stunned when Jeff started pulling off his shirt and pants as well. He was now wearing only his boxers.

"Come on, Mark, I'll race you to the waters!" Jeff let out a whoop, running down towards the ocean. Mark saw him disappeared in the waters and then his head bobbed up.

He called out, "Come on in, the water's great!"

Mark let out a deep sigh, muttering, "What the heck, the cold water will deal with my problem soon enough!"

He hurriedly removed his clothes and wearing only his boxers with a tent-up front ran and plunged into the waters.

He came up and found Jeff next to him, "It's warm, this is really great!" Jeff gushed and started to swim out.

Mark decided to follow him, it was dark and he didn't want anything to happen to Jeff. He kicked out and with a few strong strokes reached Jeff's side. They swam side by side until Mark advised him to turn back. They swam back and got up to sit on the sand, the light breeze causing Jeff to shiver and he moved in closer to Mark, huddling against him.

Mark hesitated for just a second before wrapping his arm around Jeff, pulling him close to his body, "Better?" he asked.

Jeff smiled appreciatively and nodded, "Yeah" he said and snuggled closer to Mark, resting his arm on Mark's leg casually.

Mark almost jumped out of his skin when Jeff touched him. He could feel himself trembling and Jeff felt it too, "You must be cold, too."

Jeff wrapped both arms around Mark's waist and leaned his head against his chest, "Now, we can both keep each other warm," he said softly.

Mark closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of Jeff's body close to his. He had held Jeff many times before but never almost naked. He moved his hand down Jeff's shoulder to his arm, caressing lightly the smooth fair skin. He heard Jeff sigh contentedly and felt him shift. He was taken aback when Jeff's hand crept up his chest and his fingers tentatively caressed his pectorals before lightly brushing his nipples. Those fingers were now replaced by the warm of Jeff's mouth as he started placing small kisses all over his chest.

Mark's body tingled, he moved his hand to cup Jeff's chin to face him, "What are you doing?" he whispered gazing into the dark emerald orbs that dazzled under the moonlight.

"Mark, I … I just want to touch you, do… do you mind?"

Mark saw how nervous Jeff was but he wondered what would all this lead to if he allowed him to carry on?

Jeff mistook his silence for rejection, "I … I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you," his voice quavered as he quickly moved to get up, trying to cover up his embarrassment.

"Jeff ..," Mark started but Jeff turned away and ran towards the bench where they had left their clothes and started pulling them on. Mark got to his feet and in a few strides reached Jeff's side. He put one hand on Jeff's shoulder but Jeff shrugged it off. His face was turned away and Mark knew that he had hurt his feelings.

"Jeff, I didn't mean to hurt you, I just don't know what you want," Mark tried to explain.

He heard sniffles and his heart wrenched, his pup was upset. Jeff dragged his sleeve across his eyes and murmured softly, "It's okay, it's my fault. I know where I stand."

Mark could hear the hurt in his voice and he knew he couldn't just let Jeff walk away feeling the way he was.

He pulled Jeff to face him by both shoulders, "Care to tell me what you mean by that?"

The moonlight clearly reflected the tears shining in Jeff's eyes.

"Who would want me? I know you don't! Dave and John will leave me once I give them what they want, just like Hunter did! Please, just let me go, I want to be alone!"

He choked on his sobs as he tried to free himself but Mark tightened his grip, "How can you even think that? I told you, Jeff that I'm not good for you, weren't you listening?"

Jeff looked forlornly at Mark before whispering in a pain-filled voice, "You don't need to explain, I really do understand what you're saying. Please, just let me go."

All Jeff wanted to do was to run as far from everyone. Whatever Mark or anyone said, he knew that no one could ever love him, he had been soiled and defiled! What Mark really meant was that Jeff was not right for him!

Jeff was crying brokenly now, struggling to free himself. Mark was angry with himself for upsetting him. Only one thought prevailed and that was to make things right. Without thinking twice, Mark pulled Jeff into his arms and kissed him deeply on the mouth, silencing his cries. His body shivered with excitement when Jeff's soft lips parted willingly for him, allowing him to explore the sweet recesses of his warm cavern. Jeff tasted so exquisite, his sweetness so enticing! His arms had wrapped themselves tight around his neck and he was whimpering softly against his mouth, returning Mark's kisses with equal fervor.

Both men finally broke apart, breathing hard. They looked into each other's eyes, at a loss as to what to say. Jeff leaned up to brush his lips against Mark's and when he didn't pull away, he became bolder. He lapped at Mark's lips, nibbling gently on them. His heart soared when Mark responded by opening his mouth and his tongue came out to duel briefly with his before Mark took over and ravished his mouth.

Jeff lost himself to the overwhelming feelings assailing his senses. He moaned sweetly, pressing the length of his body against Mark shamelessly, wanting Mark to dominate and take him. He felt Mark's hardness stab at his abdomen and his body reacted wantonly. Keening with need, he arched his back to press and rub his groin against Mark's body which elicited a loud gasp from Mark.

Mark breathed out harshly, he was trying to regain some control of his senses but Jeff was making it extremely difficult for him to do that. His own traitorous body was rebelling against his sense of righteousness. Finally, with a low growl, he caved in to its demands. He lifted Jeff's legs to wrap around his waist and moved his hands to grip his buttocks as he grind down against Jeff's hardness making him cry out with need. Jeff wanted Mark to touch him, to take him, to fulfill both their needs. Both men were now trembling, their bodies crying out for assuagement. They ground their hips against each other desperately, their eyes hazy with need and lust. It wasn't a position they could maintain for long though. Mark almost toppled backwards trying to maintain their balance.

Through it all, Mark knew that it wasn't the place to finish what they both started. He put Jeff down on his feet and took deep breaths to regain some semblance of control over his senses, finally managing to ask, "Are you sure you want this, Jeff? I don't want you to regret this!"

Jeff said, in between gasps, his fingers trailing lightly all over Mark's chest, "I want you, Mark! You said to focus my attention on someone, I choose you. I want you to touch me, make me feel loved, wanted. Please, I want you to make love to me!" he begged in a needy voice, his body trembling for fulfillment.

Mark pulled him in and kissed him passionately before releasing him. "If that's what you want, I'm not going to deny you because I want you just as much, but not here! Let us get a room at the resort and we can spend the night. I'll show you then just how much you mean to me!" His desire was evident in his eyes.

Mark pulled on his clothes and grabbing Jeff's hand, they made their way to the resort which was within walking distance. They managed to get a room and headed quickly towards it. Jeff blushed as Mark's eyes roamed his body. Now that they were alone and there was no darkness for camouflage, he was back to feeling nervous and awkward again.

Mark backed him slowly towards the bed until his legs hit the bed. He cupped his face and tilting it slightly, bent to take Jeff's sensuous lips. Mark kissed Jeff deeply and only when he felt Jeff relaxing against him did he moved to unzip his pants. He released Jeff's mouth and was pleased to see the emerald orbs darkened with desire. Mark pulled off Jeff's shirt and bent on one knee to remove his pants. From his stooping position, Mark looked up straight into Jeff's eyes, holding on to his gaze as he slowly slid Jeff's boxers down his legs and off him. Jeff now stood in full naked glory in front of him and the delicious sight sent quivers up and down his spine.

Mark's cock pricked to attention as his eyes took in the indents of the hips, to the dusting of blonde hair that tapered to the 'V' of his groin, to the slender shaft nestling on the soft blonde curls, down to the sensuous curve of those hips to the well-toned thighs, tapering to those long and slim legs which had wrapped around him not long ago.

As Mark got up slowly to his feet, he slid his hands up slowly the sides of Jeff's legs, up his hips before holding onto his waist. Jeff is absolutely beautiful! The boy was now flushed with embarrassment and Mark could feel desire raging through his body as he continued to feast his eyes on Jeff's beauty.

He was brought to his senses when Jeff called to him in a whisper, "Mark, I'm cold. Please hold me," goose pimples already appearing on his arms.

Mark quickly removed his own clothes and gently pushed Jeff down on the bed. Jeff scooted further up with Mark hovering over him. His eyes were wide with anxiety and his breaths were coming in short gasps.

"Just relax, Jeff, I'll make you feel good. I promise not to hurt you," Mark spoke to him soothingly.

Jeff swallowed hard before nodding, "I… I'm okay, just a little nervous."

"I understand, but I want you to tell me if it starts to hurt and I promise to stop." Mark didn't know if Jeff had fully healed within and wasn't about to take chances of making him bleed again.

Jeff lay back and closed his eyes, trying to relax. The position he was laying brought back the bad memory of Bradshaw raping him and fear started to grip him. He started to hyperventilate and whimper and struggled to a sitting position. Mark saw the fear in his eyes and wondered if he had acted too hastily.

"What's wrong, Jeff? Maybe we shouldn't do this."

"Please Mark, I want you to love me but I … I … can't do this on the bed!"

Mark was momentarily puzzled and then it finally dawned on him.

"I think I understand, why don't we try this, you get on top of me," Mark suggested and when Jeff nodded, he shifted to lie on the bed and pulled Jeff to lie on top of him, his head resting on his shoulder.

He ran his hands slowly down Jeff's back, caressing the smooth skin lightly and a thrill went through him as he felt Jeff respond to his touch. Jeff shifted in his arms and Mark felt him kissing and nibbling his chest. His hand moved down to splay on his abdomen and Jeff tentatively caressed the soft skin there. Mark's breathing hitched as the fingers moved lower, almost touching his pubes. He allowed Jeff to initiate, realizing that Jeff needed to be in control to feel safe.

While Jeff continued to arouse him with his soft touches and kisses, Mark moved his arm down to caress Jeff's nether cheeks. They were firm yet soft and the skin was smooth to the touch. He ran his fingers up along Jeff's spine and down and tentatively brought his fingers to Jeff's sacred entrance. Jeff jumped and gasped when Mark caressed the puckered skin with his fingers. He whimpered and buried his face against Mark's neck, his body trembling with what Mark was doing to him. Mark continued to rub gently around the area and he was pleased to hear the soft mewls emitting from Jeff's mouth. He suddenly realized that he had no lube and he needed to improvise fast. An idea hit him and he sat up, still holding Jeff to him.

He got off the bed, "Hold on to me, we're going to need lube," saying he carried Jeff into the shower. Adjusting the heat, he turned the shower on and got under it with Jeff who had both arms wrapped tightly around Mark's shoulders. Mark poured some shampoo to act as lubricant into his hand and adjusting Jeff so that he was now straddling him with his legs wrapped around his waist, Mark slowly pushed his finger in. He rotating the digit gently and managed to finally breach the ring of muscles.

Jeff whimpered softly but he didn't protest and Mark started to thrust his finger in and out. After a minute, he added two more fingers and it became almost impossible to move them around. He could hardly splay his fingers wide enough to stretch him and he found himself quivering with excitement at the tight fit that would soon envelop his cock.

Gently but surely, Mark worked to loosen Jeff and once he felt Jeff was nicely stretched, he began to thrust his fingers at a faster pace and was rewarded with the sweet moans of Jeff. Jeff was arching his lower body to meet Mark's fingers, he was starting to keen and Mark could tell that he was ready to take him in.

Pouring more shampoo into his hands, Mark lubricated his cock and moving Jeff to lean against the wall, he lifted him slightly with one hand, while the other held his cock in position and he gently pushed into Jeff. Jeff cried out and Mark stopped. His cock head was already in and the urge to push was great but he held himself back, he didn't want to hurt Jeff.

"You want me to pull out?" Mark managed to gasp out, his body trembling as he fought for control.

Jeff shook his head emphatically, "Nooo.., it hurts but I want you to continue. Please, Mark, just push it in already!"

He cried out when Mark did just that and both men gasped sharply, Jeff because he was suddenly stuffed with Mark's huge vessel and the pain took away his breath and Mark because his cock was locked in a death vice grip and he couldn't breathe. He could feel his heart thudding away. Sweet Jesus, how am I going to move, he's goddamn tight!

Mark waited, his breaths labored. He gritted his teeth, trying to calm his senses because he knew he would lose it if he were to give in to the urge to thrust. He waited, giving himself and Jeff time to adjust. He was well endowed and he didn't want to hurt Jeff before he could pleasure him.

Jeff squeezed his eyes tight, gasping with the pain but it was slowly ebbing. Mark started to pull out and thrust in and a rhythm was established. Jeff felt pleasurable sensations sweeping through his body. His senses reeled as Mark increased the pace. He heard himself keening and he arched to meet Mark's thrusts and before long, both men were rocking frantically against each other.

Using the wall as leverage, Mark grind down hard and up into Jeff's body. Jeff cried out wantonly, his nails biting down onto Mark's shoulders, leaving angry red marks. Mark growled, trying to hold off his release and prolong the love-making. He continued to piston his hard cock deep into Jeff's core, setting a hard and furious pace. Jeff thrashed his head around, his eyes squeezed shut, his body arched at an impossible angle. The thrusting became frenzied and Mark felt himself coming. He wrapped one hand around Jeff's shaft and started to pump rhythmically with his hard thrusts. It didn't take long, Jeff arched upwards and then stilled, a shudder ran through him and he cried out Mark's name as he found his release. The spasms of his inner muscles clenched tight around Mark's cock, milking him and Mark climaxed with a shout, a single word leaving his mouth, 'Jeff!' before shooting copious flow of warm cum into Jeff, filling him to the brim.

Both men collapsed to the floor, Mark pulled out and cradled Jeff in his arms, both panting out harshly. Once they had caught their breaths, Mark moved and kissed Jeff tenderly on his lips.

"Did I hurt you?" he whispered tenderly against his lips.

Jeff shook his head and smiled up at him, "No, but I feel really sore."

Mark chuckled softly, "I'll run you a hot bath, it will ease the pain."

He moved to get up but Jeff pulled him back down, "Don't, I'm comfortable the way I am. Please hold me, Mark, I don't want you to leave me."

Mark's eyes softened at Jeff's words, "I don't want you to forget what I told you earlier, I'm not the best man you should be with."

Jeff's eyes grew misty with tears, "I don't care about your past, I have one too! If you can look past all that and accept me for who I am, then I know that you are the right man for me! You told me to look for someone who loves me just as much as I love him, to find a man who treats me like his equal, a man who trusts me and whom I can trust, well, I found him! You're that man! You've been there for me right from the start but I was just too blind to see. All the things that had happened to me, they took all my attention and I couldn't see past that! Now that I've found you, I'm not letting you go! I love you, Mark! Please stay with me, don't leave me!"

Without a word, Mark pulled Jeff into his arms, holding him tight, "If you'll have me, then I'm yours! I love you so much, Jeff!"

They started to make out but the water started to turn cold. Mark got up to turn it off.

"The hot bath will have to wait until there's hot water," Mark grinned at Jeff before grabbing a towel to dry Jeff and himself off.

He lifted Jeff into his arms who giggled, "What're you doing, Mark?"

Mark pecked him on his lips, "Taking you to bed, we can play some more or are you too sore?"

Jeff blushed at his words and was about to say something when he heard the phone ringing in the bedroom. Mark quickly headed back to the bedroom to take the call. It was Matt and Jeff looked at Mark helplessly, how to tell his brother that they weren't going home with them that night?

Mark chuckled before taking the phone from him, "Hey Matt, you don't have to worry about that little problem we talked about, I'll be bringing Jeff back only tomorrow night. Good night!"

He ended the call, turned off the phone and did the same with his. He didn't want any interruptions and knowing Matt, he would try to call them again.

"Now, where were we before we were so rudely interrupted," Mark grinned as he turned his attention to his new found mate.

Matt tried to call again but he wasn't getting any response.

He thought over what Mark said and his face slowly broke into a grin, "Wow! He sure works fast and I thought he needed pushing!"

He chuckled, "Looks like Jeff got his birthday present early from Mark!"


Okay, I swear that wasn't intended until the last two chapters and I said to myself, "I'll shoot myself if Jeff didn't end up with Mark!" Sorry to those who were rooting for Dave and John. If I'm going to get Jeff to end up with anybody else, I have to exclude Mark from the story altogether! Note to self.

Reviews greatly appreciated ………………………………………..