Reviews for Unbreak my heart
Guest chapter 7 . 5/5
*giggle*that is so something that randy and edge would cena
Guest chapter 3 . 5/4
I hope jeff ends up with dave. 3
UndertakerxJeff4EVR chapter 19 . 4/2/2012
OMG i love this pairing and im soo happy u got them together! Undertaker has been there for him since the beginning as much as i love the other 2 guys vying for Jeff's heart, they can go to hell in my imagination world of Wrestling slash when it comes to Undertaker and Jeff Hardy!
CannibalHolocaust chapter 19 . 6/20/2011
. Urgghh, sorry that i wasn't able to read this ono :/ I did try. but their were just to many pairings for me to handle. (I only pair Jeff with either Mark, Matt or Shannon.
GenericallyFunnyUsername chapter 10 . 2/15/2011
:) the sockos were too cute! I was giggling like mad, were u serious about the rehab?
remy loves you chapter 4 . 10/23/2010
ireally like this sory but it seems that jeff doesn't care who he kisses or go out with
Rainbow Penguinz chapter 19 . 7/20/2010
Ahhh! So Yumilitious! I love it! It needs s a sequel! XD
GhostAsylum chapter 19 . 6/5/2010
hello i really like ur Mark and Jeff fics they r just ment 2 b plus thx 2 my cousin blackslayer told me bout this so ur awsome!
QueenWinchester24 chapter 13 . 3/15/2010
I Just Have One Thing To Say Go Hunter.
BreakingFable chapter 7 . 10/28/2009
So much to say, and I'm only 7 chapters in! I love this story. Your battle between Cena and Batista for Jeff's affections is really cute and engaging (I'm voting for Dave!). Your villain(s) hiding in the shadows and stalking Jeff truly came off as sinister and creepy. I can't wait to read the rest! :)
Esha Napoleon chapter 19 . 8/27/2009
Grandma Napoleon: YES YES YES YES! Esha owes me $100 bucks HAHAHA

Thank You Thank you Thank you!

Esha: Should've have seen that coming!
dehlia666 chapter 19 . 8/19/2009! Not Mark! What about poor Dave?

~looks longingly at her team Dave flag~

Maybe I'll be able to use my flag with your next story? Hm...
BellaHickenbottom chapter 19 . 8/17/2009
YAY! MARK AND JEFF ARE WONDERFUL! me so happy now. I kinda wanna see jeffs party though with John and Dave's reaction to Mark.
Takerslady chapter 19 . 8/17/2009
YES! YES! YES! I LOVE THIS! I'm so hapy Mark won, I was hoping so bad for him to be with Jeff, from the beginning. I couldn't review until I knew the winner. I would have died if John or Dave had won, they were nice but just not the one for Jeff. MARK FOREVER! Great story and great ending! I LOVE YOU!
takers dark lover chapter 19 . 8/16/2009
YAY! The one I wanted to win won. It should just be that way Jeff should always be with Mark. Loved it!

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