It had been a month since the end of school, a month since Phoenix's return to Dragon Gates.

Mike had been tutoring her non-stop for the past two months, getting her ready for NEWTs. Phoenix hadn't had a spare moment to see Jasper or Dani and she could tell the Horntail was getting antsy.

"Mike, I am over prepared now, the tests are in a couple days, let me see my dragons." Phoenix begged when he came over Friday afternoon.

"Ok, I guess you're right, and Charlie wants you back to training when the tests are over." Mike said.

"Have fun on your trip, use the journal often." Phoenix said.

"That's right, I leave in an hour." Mike said.

"I'll take care of Justina while you're gone." Phoenix promised.

"You leave in a month Nix, besides, Justin is visiting an old friend." Mike replied.

"Oh, good for him." Phoenix smiled. "I need to see the dragons now, they must be so annoyed with me by now."

"Sorry." Mike muttered.

"No big deal, bye Mike." Phoenix said ran out. She felt something push at her mind as she ran towards Jasper's new den, her lost stamina returned in full.

'Jasper?'Phoenix called.

'Phoenix Black?'The dragon called back.

'I have waited months to hear your voice Jazz.'Phoenix smiled.

'Here to ride?' Jasper asked.

'I am, finally. Make the first fly the best, since I leave in a month.' Phoenix replied and walked into the den.

'You do? Why?'

'Not forever I promise, Dani can tell you about it better than I can.' Phoenix smiled at the dark red dragon.

'Can we fly now?' The dragon asked.

'Saddle or bare back?' Phoenix asked. Jasper picked up the riding blanket and handed it to her.

"Bareback it is." She smiled and placed the blanket on his back. She hooked the black rider's collar around his neck and mounted.

"I'm ready." Phoenix said and grabbed the collar. Jasper stood up carefully and walked slowly out of the cave, excitement rushing through him. In seconds, the dragon, now full grown, was in the air. The flight lasted too short in Phoenix's opinion, but saw Anton waiting for her by the mouth of Jasper's den.

"To what do I owe this visit?" Phoenix asked happily.

"I got an owl from the British Ministry this afternoon, they want us to send our ambassador to meet the new minister." Anton said solemnly. "I say go if you want, but only if you wish."

"When do I meet them?" Phoenix asked.

"Tomorrow. You would leave as soon as you are ready and stay in London for the night. You will be in town for your tests already, so it isn't like you are making a special trip." Anton said. "When your business is over, make sure they send a copy of your scores to me for your file, and then take a week off. Unwind from the heavy studying and prepare yourself to leave at the beginning of next month."

"I can be ready in ten minutes once I return to my room." Phoenix sighed, knowing her wasn't giving her an option.

"Good, here is your plane ticket." Anton said.

"This meeting will decide if I return as an ambassador." Phoenix told him. Anton just nodded and let her go.


Phoenix arrived at the Leaky Cauldron late that night. Tom stood at the counter, cleaning glasses as shady charecters watched her closely.

"Miss Black?" Tom smiled when she reached the counter.

"Need a room and a drink."
"You a full Handler yet?" He asked.

"Not yet, so give me a butterbeer."

"When you become a full Handler, come back and see me."

"Will do," she promised, accepting the key he handed her.

"Drink will be up to your room in a few minutes."

Phoenix nodded and started upstairs where the rooms were. She walked the rows until she found number 15.

It was a small, one bed room with a desk and a fireplace with a pot of floo powder on the mantle. It wasn't much, but it was just what she needed.

Phoenix dropped her bag on the bed and walked to the fireplace, grabbing a handful of floo powder when she got there.

"Anton Dupis, Manager's Office, Dragon Gates, Sinia, Romania."

She threw the floo powder in and waited for his face to appear in the flames.

"I see you got there ok."

"Yes sir," she replied. "Final check in."

"Good, thank you Miss Black. Get some sleep and good luck tomorrow."

Phoenix promised she would and the connection was cut.


When Phoenix woke up the next morning, she slipped out of bed and dressed quickly. She grabbed breakfast at a muggle diner on the way to the Ministry so she wouldn't be late for her first test. Her testing would go for three days, two in the morning and two in the afternoon. She would cover all the fields she needed to know, which was all but a one or two, such as Divinations.

"Miss Black, so glad you could join us," the proctor nodded when she entered the room. She nodded briskly and found the place she would take her test. When the clock struck 8:00, the proctor shut the door and locked it. He took a stack of papers in his hand and handed them out to everyone with quills.

"This test will be two hours. You will then be given ten minutes. If you are taking the Charms NEWT, stay where you are, if not, please vacate this room. Practicals for the Transfiguration NEWT will take place after lunch at 2:00 sharp. Good luck to you all."


At 12:30, the alarm rang out and quills were laid to rest. The proctor collected all the tests and quills as the test takers filed out of the room. Phoenix was about to leave when the proctor called her back.

"Miss Black, as you will miss your transfiguration practical, due to a meeting with the Minister of Magic, we have seen it fit to reschedule it for tonight at 6:00. Will that work for you?"

"Yes sir, that will be fine."

"Good, don't be late."

"Course not." She promised and left the room. Her meeting was at 1 o'clock so she had to rush to the elevator. She was only just able to catch it before it left, but she was unfortunate enough to get the one with one of the aurors, Dawlish.

"Miss Black," he scowled.

"Dawlish," she replied as the elevator began to move. The two stood in an uncomfortable silence until the elevator stopped. Kingsley got on and smiled at Phoenix.

"Miss Black, good to see you again."

"Hello Kingsley, how are you?"

"I am well, and yourself?"

"NEWTs," she replied. The man nodded in understanding.

"I remember those. How are you doing?"

"Only had two."

"Transfiguration and Charms?"

"Yeah, Charms practical at 4:00."


"6:00, thanks to the Minister."

"Wonderful, when do you have your Defence NEWT?"

"Tomorrow afternoon, 2-6."

"I will see you there then."

"You the proctor?"

"Yes, I believe this is your stop,"

Phoenix looked up and nodded. "See you around Kingsley."

The man nodded and closed the elevator doors. Phoenix made her way down the hall way to the doors that led to the Minister of Magic. She took a deep breath and knocked.

"Come in!" A familiar voice called.

"Hello Minister, sorry to keep you waiting." Phoenix said as she sat down.

"That's fine, Miss Black, I have reason to believe you know why you are here?"

"Yes, you wanted to meet with our representative." Phoenix smiled. "Lucky for me I was in town."

"Yes, the NEWTs. Why not wait a couple years, you just took OWLs."

"I am more than prepared for the NEWTs. A friend of mine has already passed the Romanian equivalent and has been tutoring me since OWLs finished."

"So you have dropped out of school?"

"Yes ma'am. One never stops learning, just because they have passed their tests. Even when I have reached Handler, I will still be learning. For this reason, I feel my energy is better focused in the field of dargons."

"You are very mature, Miss Black."

"I grew up fast, but that is no concern."

"You are an extraordinary young woman."

"Thank you Minister."

"Well enough about school, let's get onto business. I wish to reconnect with your Gate."

"I would speak to Anton then, but I will put in a good word, Minister."

"That would be wonderful dear, how did the program help this year?"

"We have thirty new applicants. Some from Hogwarts even."

"Do you know any of them?"

"Alas, I do not, but I will by summer's end." Phoenix replied.

"I certainly can't wait to see your ceremony, Miss Black."

"I was unaware you would be there."

"Anton and I have been friends for years, Miss Black."

"Phoenix, please."

"Of course," the Minister smiled. "You'll call me Amelia of course."

"Of course," Pheonix smiled.

"Well, it has been an honor to meet you Phoenix. I hate to rush you but we both have other appointments. I hope you will return."

"I will discuss things with my boss." Phoenix promised.

"I'm glad.

"Well, I really should be going, good bye Amelia."

"Goodbye Phoenix. Has anyone ever told you, you look just like your mother."

Phoenix stiffened. The memories were still to fresh in her mind.

"I've heard," she nodded. "Before I go, I advise you not to try and make Harry Potter the Ministry's poster boy or use his fame. He personally only uses it if he has to. He hates the fame, and I care about him, a lot."

"I was not planning to, but I appreciate the warning."

"Well, I must get to my next appointment." Phoenix replied as a knock sounded on the door.

"Ah, it seems Mr. Potter is here."

"It would seem so." Phoenix smiled as Harry walked in, grumbling about having to meet the newest dunderhead.

"Hello, love." Phoenix smiled. "Stop grumbling under your breath, its rude."

"Phoenix, what are you doing here?"

"Gate business, goodbye Amelia, either Anton or I will get back to you soon." Phoenix smiled and left the office.

"Mr. Potter, it's nice to finally meet you. I just asked you here to hear your opinion on the Ministry and to apologize for Fudge's treatment…" Phoenix heard as she walked away.


Phoenix finished her tests late Tuesday night. She returned to her room at the Leaky Cauldron and flooed Anton her final report.

"Good, take a week off. We'll be happy to see you back here next Friday."

"Ok," she nodded. "I'll be back Friday morning."

"I will start getting your schedule set up for gate visits."

Phoenix nodded again and the connection was cut. She was getting ready for bed when her fireplace flared to life.

"Neville?' She mumbled.

"Hey, we heard you were in England."

"NEWTs." She replied.

"Mum told me to floo you. She wants you to visit."

"I have the next week off," she mentioned. Neville nodded and his head turned.

"Mum says you can stay here, if you'd like."

"That would be nice," she smiled. "Can I come tomorrow?"

"Of course. So you really aren't coming back."

"No, hey Nev, I need to get some sleep."

"Right, sorry, night."
"Night." She mumbled and cut the floo. With a loud yawn, she crawled under the covers and went to sleep.


The next morning, she left her rom key with Tom. She stepped out into Diagon Alley and apparated to the Longbottom's Gate. With a simple rap, she made her presence known. She stood outside for a few moments before Neville opened the door, beaming at her.

"Welcome back," he welcomed, opening the door wide enough for her to step inside.

"Don't get mud on the carpet!" Neville's Gran snapped at the girl.

"Is she here?" Alice called from the kitchen.

"Hello Mrs. Longbottom." Phoenix smiled as she entered the kitchen,

"Phoenix Black, my you look so much like Bella, how are you faring dear?" The woman asked.

"Told you the magic did wonders." Neville grinned.

"I believe it did, I'm doing okay, I guess, as well as I can I suppose."

"I have no doubt Bella is proud of you. Well, Neville has been telling me all about school, seeing as when he first told his father and I, we were not able to really listen."

"I've gotten to fourth year."

"What a headache that year was," she groaned.

"What happened?"

"Go ahead Nev," Phoenix told him, dropping her bag in a chair. Neville continued on talking about school as Phoenix sat and sipped at a cup of water. She hadn't slept well the night before, so she got fidgety and moving her fingers aimlessly. Before she realized what she was doing, a small bear of blue flames was scampering across the table. A small smile graced her lips as she moved it all over the large table.

"Phoenix!" A booming voice cried. She jumped in fright, making the bear disappear.

"Mr. Longbottom," she smiled.

"That was amazing, how long have you been able to do that?"

"Since I was five," she shrugged and created a deer.

"What flawless technique, who trained you?"

"I trained myself," she replied.

"I have not seen skills this good since I was a boy."

"Really?" Phoenix wondered.

"Yes." Frank nodded. "Only starters who have that kind of control are the masters."


"You have me impressed."

"Are you a master?"

"Me? Nowhere near you." He said.

"Dad?' Neville asked. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm a starter," Frank replied.

"It's where you get it from, Nev," Phoenix said.

"Now its my turn," Frank replied.

"Your son is a pounder," Phoenix said. "Been teaching him year?"

Neville nodded and sipped at a cup of water.

"Well, I propose, we go out, to celebrate." Frank said.

"Celebrate what?" Alice asked.

"Our good health, the appointment of a new Minister, and having our family back." Frank said pulling all of them into a hug. Phoenix felt out of place and seemed to shrink back.

"Phoenix, you are family too." Alice said.

"Always have been, and with out your mother, you'll need support." Frank said. Phoenix nodded and allowed a few tears to escape.

"Where's your guitar?" Alice asked getting their minds off death. "Neville said you are really amazing."

That brightened Phoenix's expression as she shuffled through her bag and found the guitar and enlarged it.

"Why don't we move to the living room, Augusta loves music, it may touch that valuable organ in her chest, that most people have."

"The heart dear?" Alice asked.

"Yes!" Frank said. Phoenix rolled her eyes and sat on the couch and the Longbottoms sat around her. Augusta was scowling.

(Hoist the colors from Pirates of the Caribbean 3, some words changed)

"The king and his men
stole the queen from her bed
and bound her in her Bones.
The skies be ours
and by the powers
where we will we'll roam.

Yo, ho, fly together,
hoist the Colors high.
Heave ho, thieves and beggars,
never shall we die…

Phoenix sang and strummed, seeming to be in her own world as she played. None of the wizards knew the song, but all felt a tingle down their spines. The song was magical, a song of death, an old song from the days of the pirates.

"That is a song for dead men." Augusta spat.

"Some have died
and some are alive
and others fly in the sky
with the keys to the cage...
and the Devil to pay
belay to Fiddler's Green

Phoenix kept singing. None of the Longbottoms knew why she had chosen this song, and neither did they want to.

"Stop this madness!"

"The bell has been raised
from it's cavern grave...
Do you hear it's sepulchral tone?
We're a call to all,
pay head the squall
and turn your wings toward home

Phoenix did not stop and Augusta started towards her, but Alice stopped the older woman.

"Yo, ho, fly together,
hoist the Colors high.
Heave ho, thieves and beggars,
never shall we die

Phoenix finished and returned to the world of the living.

"What possessed you to choose the dead man's lullaby?"

"It is a Dragon's song. Those who used it, took it from the dragons." Phoenix replied

"That song brings death." Augusta snapped.

"It is a sign that one of our own has died." Phoenix said calmly. "I've known it since I was young. The dragons use it to honor their dead family and friends. I have heard it far too many times this year." Phoenix sighed.

"Your speak of your mother." Alice said. Phoenix nodded and set her guitar down. Her hands were shaking in pain.

"It was your goodbye." Frank said. Phoenix nodded again and let a tear fall.

"What about your song at the funeral?"

"My old lullaby, a song of passing, not to honor her death."

"Does the song have a name?" Neville asked.

"Dragon requiem." Phoenix replied.

"Why don't you play something else?" Alice suggested. Phoenix nodded and picked up her guitar once more.

The song she strummed was more upbeat and showed in her body. Her tears melted away, making way for a smile.