A/N: So this has actually been on my hard drive for God knows how long, I just forgot it was there! So here is the long awaited, probably forgotten, chapter!



Alex glanced up from the map he'd been studying to find Matt sitting across from him.

"Hi Matt," he said. "Everything okay?"

"I wanted to talk to you about Emily."

"Oh? What about her?" asked Alex, curiously. "I know she was having a hard time with the situation with Davies and all, but she seems to be coping."

"No, nothing to do with Davies," said Matt, watching Alex intently.

Alex sighed and folded up the map. It was fairly obvious he wasn't going to get any work done until Matt had finally reached the point.

"What is it?" he asked, wearily.

"It's about you. And Emily."

"What?" blurted Alex, nonplussed.

"You've been getting closer to her recently," said Matt. "I just don't want to see her hurt again."

"Wait, you think me and Emily…? No. Just no."

"Oh thank God," breathed Matt. "Not that I don't like you, Rider, but Emily… well. You're not right for her. And you'll probably be leaving at some point."

Alex sighed. "If you must know… she reminds me of Jack. Right down to getting angry when someone breaks her heart."

"Yeah. I know what you mean," agreed Matt. "Speaking of which, we do have a guard on Davies, right? It would be very inconvenient if he mysteriously died before we had a chance to question him."

"Eagle and Snake are on guard duty at the moment," Alex informed him. "Wolf and Graham will be taking over in an hour or so, Tom and Graham three hours after that."

"Then you and Panther?" asked Matt.

"Yep. Which leaves you with Yassen," smirked Alex.

"Oh come on," whined Matt. "How about I go with Panther and you go with Yassen?"

"Because I'm already sharing a room with the man," said Alex, wryly. "Just take a book or something. You'll be fine."

Matt sighed. "Fine. What's on the map, anyway?"

"It's the one we took from Faulkner's office," said Alex, unfolding it. "There are some places marked in different colours, but no key. I think one set might be where they have the families of the commanding officers."

Matt peered at it.

"Well, it's not the red dots," he said eventually.

"And you know that why?"

"Because half of those dots are our safe houses, and the others close enough for worry."

Alex paled and looked at him.

"You're serious?" he asked, faintly.



"Emily!" roared Matt, striding out of the SC (Strategy Centre. For some reason, Eagle had no issue with them shortening it.).

"Yassen, Wolf!" called Alex, urgently.

"What?!" yelled an irate voice from a bedroom.

"Wolf, just get your arse in here!" yelled Alex.

There was a series of short, cut off curses then Wolf appeared. A few moments later, Yassen came up the stairs with Emily.

"We need to talk," said Matt.


"So we have four houses that are uncompromised, including this one," said Emily. "Mainly because we don't operate out of three of them. I have no idea why they don't know about this one, but I'll take what I can get."

"There's no way we can fit all of our soldiers in the houses," said Matt. "There's too many."

"How many, exactly?" asked Wolf, tersely.

"500, ish," said Emily. "It's not exactly an army in modern day terms – it's not even the same amount as they have in the city, and they're better equipped. But it's enough for us to interfere with their plans, stop communications and supplies to the front."

"And now you have nowhere to hide them," said Alex. "How many can you fit into the houses you have left?"

"Well this is the largest," said Matt morosely. "We can probably sleep forty in the attic, here, and another thirty-five in the bedrooms at a push. We could stretch that by twenty if we sleep in rotations, but beyond that there's no way you can do anything."

"And the other houses?" asked Alex. "How many can they hold?"

"Forty each, I reckon, maximum," said Emily.

"How many of the women could blend back into the general population without being arrested?" asked Yassen, speaking for the first time.

"We've got 200 women in total," said Matt, "But I know several of them have been actively linked to the resistance so… 150?"

"That's 220 in the houses, and 150 in the population. We've still got a hundred and thirty that we need to re-locate," said Yassen, calmly.

"Which dots are less accurate?" asked Alex. "We'll have to keep using them until we have something else worked out."

Emily sighed and leaned over the map again.

"These three," she muttered, pointing to three safe houses spaced throughout the city. "They should give us enough room to house the remainder."

"Ok. Matt, could you contact the safe houses we're still going to be using and tell them to expect visitors?"

Matt nodded and left without a word.

"Okay, we can hardly empty them all at once, so which are in most danger?"

"Well, these four are dead on," scowled Emily. "But this one is only a street away and it's got a far larger amount of soldiers stationed there."

"So we tell those five to move as soon as it's dark. The large house to this safe house here," said Alex, pointing to one of the points Emily had marked as safe, the one that was furthest away from the others, "And the other four can get split between these two," he elaborated, moving his hand to hover over the other two still-safe houses.

"Meanwhile send orders to be ready to the other houses and give them a location to go to should they be attacked," said Wolf, and Alex nodded in agreement.

"No," said Emily, frowning. "If we do it like that, then we'll have too many coming here in one night. We send the large house where you said, but then send each of the others to a different safe house. It will spread them out more."

Alex nodded thoughtfully. "How many soldiers are we moving here?"

"About a hundred and twenty," supplied Emily. "Well, no. Seventy. The rest will hopefully be sinking back into normal life for a bit."

"How many does that leave us?" asked Wolf rubbing his head. "I always did hate maths."

"Well, a hundred and twenty soldiers are already safe – or as safe as can be – so in total that's two hundred. We'll have about a hundred and fifty five still to locate, spread across thirteen houses."

"Right," said Alex. "I'm going to say that everyone comes to the closest safe house. We can even up numbers gradually that way, with less pressure of being discovered."

"Well, to be honest, if we pair these off and send them to these," began Emily, marking arrows onto the map, "and then these five come here, we're about sorted. We're slightly over capacity, but we'll send them on within a couple of days."

"Awesome. Send one to each safe house each night, and two here?"

Emily nodded. "I'll get Matt to send the orders," she said, quickly leaving the room.

Alex hoped they'd avoided a crisis, but only time would tell.


Alex was about to go to bed when Yassen approached him.

"Madame Weatherill contacted me. It's time for us to repay her."

Alex paused and eyed his bed longingly for a moment.

"Alright," he sighed. "Let's go."


A/N: Thanks for reading guys, let me know what you think!