So I got this idea after I read a Twilighted thread asking for a Jasper/Bella fatherly bond fic. If you want the link to the thread just let me know.

Everything in Twilight still happened and this is Carlisle's POV mid-chapter 1, New Moon.

I don't own anything. I just like playing with Stephenie's less developed Twilight characters!

"Alice, is this all really necessary?" I asked.

"Of course it is, Carlisle! It's her 18th birthday! She only gets to live through it once you know." Alice sang as she drapped the last of the hundreds of pink streamers on the chandelier.

Esme appear next to me and wrapped her arm around my waist.

"Oh Carlisle, let her have her fun. You know it's useless to try and fend her off anyways."

I turned to kiss my loving wife on the forehead and smiled.

"Yes, I guess your right. Alice is a force of nature that can't be fought." I laughed. "Poor Bella, she's going to be Alice's new Barbie isn't she?" I joked.

Esme stifled a laugh.

"I'll make sure she doesn't go too far with that." She smiled.

Alice jumped off the chair she was standing on and rushed over in front of us.

"Aww Mom! Come on, Bella will love those makeovers! Please don't cancel my credit cards! PLEASE!" Alice begged with her infamous pout in place.

"I will if I have to. Just don't go overboard. I don't want you to overwhelm her. This party is going to do enough of that already."

Alice sighed in relief and went back to finishing up her last minute decorating.

My wife knew exactly how to handle our children. She truly was a mother to them, in ever sense of the word.

Esme is thrilled to have a new daughter to look after now that Bella is part of our family.

I couldn't be happier.

In such a short time, Bella has become a daughter and so much more to me.

She makes my son the happiest I've ever seen him.

He truly is a changed man.

Before Bella, Edward was always on the sidelines in his own little world watching others lives play out.

He just lived through his existence, never really living it to the fullest.

His life was empty and emotionless before her.

He never even showed anyone much affection.

But now that he has found his other half, he has someone to live for, someone to love, to cherish.

He's alive and so full of joy.

I will never forget the joy on my dear Esme's face the day Edward returned from his first date with Bella in his meadow.

That was the day Edward Cullen was born again.

His face was a permanent smile as he walked through the door.

Esme could tell that everything went well, but she asked him how things went anyways.

His voice was thick with affection and his eyes shimmered in hope. His words were clear and to the point.

"I'm in love."

"Oh Edward! I'm so happy for you. I have waited for this day for 80 years. Oh! My son is in love!" Esme sang happily.

Edward crossed the room and took Esme in his arms to embrace her in a hug.

Esme gasped in surprise and clutched him to her frame.

Esme cried in happiness.

She laughed and smiled, and cried some more.

Never had Edward been so forward to show her this kind of affection.

Sure they had hugged before, but Esme was the one to always initiate them.

Ever since that day he's been much more open, and definitely more affectionate with all of us, especially towards Bella.

Bella changed him.

I am so thankful to her. She single-handedly brought my son out of his shell.

The loving and caring man my son is today is all thanks to my clumsy, blushing, beautiful human daughter.

We are forever grateful.

I could now hear the rattling and roar of Bella's old truck a few miles out.

"Five minutes! Everyone get your butts down here!" Alice called out.

Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett breezed into the room.

Emmett had their gift in his hands.

He walked over to set the empty car radio box wrapped in silver paper down with the rest.

The first sounds I could hear around the bend were Bella's angered voice.

"Well, maybe Alice will give me what I want."

I looked over to Alice to find some explanation of what she meant.

Alice shook her head and sighed.

"This isn't going to be your last birthday, Bella." Edward said sternly.

Oh, well that explains it.

The only thing those two ever argued about was about Bella becoming one of us.

I heard the truck pull up the drive and come to a screeching halt.

"That's not fair!"

I sighed.

I wish my son would see reason.

I normally wouldn't condone a changing unless it is absolutely necessary, but for my son's sake, I believe he should reconsider.

I don't even want to begin to think of what he will do once she grows old, and passes into the next life.

It would destroy him.

"This is a party, try to be a good sport."

"Sure." Bella mumbled.

I heard a car door close and then Bella spoke.

"I have a question."

Esme and I stood up and took our places just a few feet from the door to greet her.

"If I develop this film," She started. "Will you show up in the picture?"

I tried to hold back my laugh, but that was a lost cause.

Even Esme had her hand up to her mouth to stop the laugh from escaping.

Ridiculous myths.

Honestly, who came up with all those humorous legends?

We composed ourselves just as they reached the door.

"Happy birthday, Bella!" We all cheered.

The poor girl blushed a few shades of red.

She really didn't like the attention.

Her eyes widened as she took in the room that was covered in pink.

Her face was of pure horror.

Edward tried to comfort her, which only slightly worked.

Esme, being the loving mother figure that she is, hugged Bella and kissed her forehead.

I walked up beside her and held her by the shoulders.

I leaned in to whisper in her ear and comfort her.

"Sorry about this, Bella. We couldn't rein Alice in."

She greeted the rest of the family and then Alice declared it time to open presents.

Esme and I sat on our couch as we watched a very confused Bella open her first gift.

Esme leaned closer towards me and brushed her lips to my ear.

"Do you think she'll like our gift?" she whispered.

I took her hand and kissed it gently.

"I'm sure she'll love it." I whispered back.

She smiled and turned her attention back to our new daughter.

"Open mine and Edward's next." Alice said as she held out the small silver wrapped gift.

Bella turned and glared at Edward. "You promised…"

"Just in time!" Emmett boomed as he walked through the door.

He and Jasper came closer to see what Edward had gotten Bella.

Edward pushed aside a lock of Bella's hair from her face.

"I didn't spend a dime." He whispered to her.

Bella's eyes slightly glazed over and she sighed in defeat. "Give it to me."

Emmett chuckled when Bella snatched the gift from Alice's hands.

She rolled her eyes and started to fumble with the wrapping paper of the gift.

"Shoot." She mumbled.

She held her finger in front of her face, a single drop of blood dripped from her paper cut.

And then it all happened so fast.

"No!" Edward roared.

But it was too late.

Jasper snapped at Bella's hand.

Edward jumped up and threw Bella back out of Jasper's reach.

He threw himself at Jasper as he was about to lunge at Bella again and their bodies collided in midair.

The sound of shattering glass broke me out of my shocked state.

Bella was lying on the ground surrounded by glass from the table holding her gifts and cake.

Her eyes were widened in shock and horror.

I rushed to her side.

Bella was gripping on to her hand tightly.

I lifted her up onto the couch to get her away from all the glass.

Snarls and growls continued to echo throughout the room.

I turned to look at Edward still pinning Jasper down.

Jasper was thrashing wildly trying to get away and towards Bella.

Emmett was now holding him down too.

This is not going to end well.

I needed to get everyone out of the room.

"Edward, Emmett, Rose, get Jasper outside."

The three struggled to get him outside.

I could hear Edward's screams and curses as he continued to growl at Jasper out in the forest.

"Oh God the blood…" Esme whispered as she threw her hands up to cover her nose.

"You should go too Esme." I said in a hushed voice.

"I'm so sorry, Bella." She cried and left to aid the others outside with Jasper.

Alice brought me a towel to clean Bella up.

I turned my attention back to the fragile girl in my arms.

Her breathing was irregular, her pulse was through the roof.

Her heart was pounding in her chest and I was afraid she would go in to cardiac arrest.

Bella groaned and flinched as I tried to grab her hand.

Her eyes were squeezed shut and she was biting her lip so hard that it was beginning to draw blood.

Her body began to twitch.

I was worried that she was going into shock.

"Bella? Bella, can you hear me?" I brushed my hand over her cheek and she flinched at my touch. I quickly removed my hand.

She nodded and groaned in pain.

"Bella let me look at your hand so I can clean it."

She hesitantly let go of her hand and I gasped in horror.

Oh God.

Right on the palm of her hand was a bite.

Jasper had bit her.

The wound was oozing with venom and the cuts were starting to scab over quickly.

"Oh no…" Alice cried. "We have to do something Carlisle."

Bella immediately clutched at her hand again and held it to her chest.

She should be screaming for dear life by now.

The venom was getting deathly close to taking her under.

Her body thrashed wildly but still she did not scream.

Edward, as well as everyone else but Alice and I, were now miles out with Jasper.

Alice is still not strong enough to suck the venom out.

That would only leave me.

I had never drank from a human, I wasn't so sure if I could handle it.

When I had changed the rest of my family, I had only bitten them, never drank.

Would I be able to taste human blood for the first time in over 300 years and be able to control myself?

How would it affect my job at the hospital?

"You can do it, Carlisle." Alice affirmed. "You need to do it now or it will be too late."

I nodded and took Bella's hand in mine.

She let out a whimper and a few other groans.

She desperately tried to pull her hand free from mine.

"No…" Bella cried, it was barely a whisper.

She thrashed violently again, trying to stifle a scream.

"I'm sorry for all of this Bella." I pleaded.

I brought her hand to my lips.

"Carlisle wait!"

I froze and turned to Alice.


"Carlisle…" Bella's voice was rasp and cracked. I turned to look at her again.

Her eyes were barely open and where shedding tears over her reddened cheeks.

"Please…" she cried. "Don't…"

"Bella, I –"

"Please…" she begged again.

She took my hand in hers and squeezed as hard as her strength allowed.

She was gasping for air now.

Her heartbeat was alarmingly fast, it sounded almost like a humming bird.

"Ugh…Please, don't…just…don't." she continued to beg. She clutched at her arm and chest.

Her eyes bore into mine, begging me to leave the venom in her.

She wanted this.

I wanted this for her.

Everyone except Edward and Rosalie wanted this for her.

Would he hate me if I let it happen?

I took her other hand in mine and gripped it firmly.

It was beyond his decision anymore.

She was my daughter now, and hell if I would take another child away from Esme.

I had to make the choice for our family.

"As you wish, Bella."

She closed her eyes and a small half smile formed on her lips.

She was ready.

I quickly bit her wrists, both of her ankles, and lastly at her neck and pushed out as much venom as I possibly could to speed up the transformation.

As my lips left her neck, Bella's eyes snapped open and she gasped loudly.

Her back arched and she let out an ear piercing shriek.

I held her close to my chest trying to comfort her as much as I could.

I'm sorry, Edward.

"NO!" he roared in the distance.

I could hear his footfalls growing closer now.

It had to be done.

Sooooo, What'd you guys think?! =D

Next will be Edward's POV, and everyone's reactions to Carlisle's decision.

Sneak Peak of next chapter if you review!


(FYI, This fic will not be updated as frequent as my Another Chance sequel. Amor Fati is my main focus right now. As soon as I'm done with that one all my attention will be put into this one and another fic that I am in the works of starting as well.)

***I have new blogs up with a bunch of stuff for both of those fics now too. Links are up on my profile, check them out!***