Disclaimer: Although I'm in love with Seth Clearwater, there is no way I could own him even if I wanna!

A/N: Thanks to all those who reviewed and put my one-shot "JakeXNessie Sexy Fluff" on their favorites! You guys are the best ever! Here is another story of mine, hope you enjoy it.

Being an Imprint 101: The Look Starts an Imprinting Story

Carina's POV

I, Carina Ramirez aged 18 years old, had been in the United States of America for a year now getting a degree in Architecture in the University of Washington.

My relatives here took me in and they literally had me flying from Hong Kong―I'm a Filipina but since my Dad got a job in Hong Kong, we all moved―to here. I don't know what it is that they saw in me but they were just too eager to take me in.

We have a weird family history that caused me to be in the same age group as my second-degree aunts and uncles that every time we hang―yep, we're pretty close, too―or accidentally see one of their friends, they would tell me to call them cousins.

My relatives here are nice and my aunts and uncles told me that they wanted to pay for my college fees because they were overjoyed to know that my grades are above average (but not the smart type). A month before I graduated in high school (Hong Kong school curriculum is complicated; don't bother about it and just read along), they instructed me to get a student visa.

And so here I am. In the USA, in Seattle in fact.

But now, since it's summer vacation and I've just visited my family for my spring break last May, I am staying over one of my grandparents' place here in Forks where it rains constantly and I have yet to see the sun out for an hour at the least. And mind you, it's summer.

It's my first summer here in Forks that I could remember (even though my relatives would tell me that I've been here during summer once or twice when I was young). I mean, yeah, my first summer in the States was in Seattle. In Seattle. This is Forks. Catch my drift? Okay.

Anyway, I've never had a gloomy summer ever in my life. I mean, never before this. My summers are always filled with the hot baking sun, beaches, sand, ice cream and anything cold, and me being surrounded by the tropical heat which is in Philippines (I don't spend much of my summer vacation in Hong Kong; plus, all I'd ever do there is go to buildings with air-cons or stay in the confinements of my room sleeping with the air-con on).

After a week of hanging out with my family and gaining weight, I decided to go running. Not jogging, I hate it. It's so slow and you'd have to keep the same pace to last whereas in running, you just run whatever way you wanted to.

Being the former cheerleader-turned-choreographer in my high school for three years (gaining wins and respect along the way) and part of the gymnastics team (which doesn't hold much competition so there's a lot of time for me to do cheering), I get my daily exercise. I have to have it so that I could be in shape (and in no way am I buff; just muscled on the right places), considering that Mom cooks good food. I actually avoid cooking for myself when I'm alone because I might like cooking a tad too much and just cook and cook.

I think that this is the longest time I haven't done any running because my body is programmed to sleep―or hibernate; yeah you could use that term―during summer. I abuse my body by doing a lot of work during school days that it had made a compromise on its part. But until now, the longest time I've had lying around was three days.

One day, I asked my grandmother.

"Grandma, where can I run or do any exercise? Do they have a gym here?"

From some papers that she was reading, she looked up to me. "Forks high school does but I don't think they'd let you in. No one around here exercise much, except for hiking and biking." I mentally winced when she said that. I was never fond of hiking and biking. "Unless you want to run up and down the mountains using the mountaineer's path."

I considered that option and found myself rejecting the idea as much as I rejected the idea of the former choices. Maybe even more.

You see, when I was still 13 years old, I decided to run up and down the mountains. I'm not clumsy but on that day, it seemed that the mountain hated me because I tripped and slipped down only to be stopped by a tree. And although I was grateful for that stop, I ended up in the hospital with a cast on my right leg and a soft brace for my back. I was also thankful that it wasn't much and that I'd only be in the brace for two weeks and the cast for two months.

Yes, you could say that I was scarred for life about these mountain slopes when on foot. I don't mind them when I'm on the car or when someone's with me.

"Uhm," I said rather hesitantly. "is there any flat surface I can use? The beach or down the road maybe?" I almost regretted saying the last option because I remembered that the road that I would have to take is downhill. I am scared about slopes in general. Add that to my clown phobia. I hoped that there's a beach nearby.

My grandmother seemed to think for a moment. "There's a beach down La Push in First Beach that you can go to for running. They get more sun there and you would love it." she said.

"How far is it? Are there any signs?" I asked, silently glad that there is.

"It's about thirty minutes from here. And it's easy to get there from here. I've been there quite a lot, visiting some friends. Just go north and then there's going to be a sign directing to La Push. You're going to see that on your left on North Forks Avenue. And then it leads you there. Just don't go anywhere, keep it straight and then you'll see a beach and that's that." she said and it's a good thing that I can memorize those kinds of details in an instant.

"Actually, now that I've remembered it, you've been there before."

"Really?" I asked, curious now.

"Yes. I remembered you playing with some of the local kids there in the sand."

"Oh. Well then, I'll check and see if I could still remember when I get there tomorrow." I said, grinning.

She chuckled a bit. "Are you sure you'll be fine there? You can always drag your aunts and uncles to exercise. They need it more than you do."

"Nah. I'm going to be fine." I said. "I'll be going there tomorrow morning and I might leave early. Thanks for the directions, grandma."

The next day, it was a bit sunny. And grandmother had said that when it's like this in Forks, it would surely be sunnier in La Push. So I put on an aquamarine light hoodie―just in case―that shows my curves and a black knit shorts that reveals my flawless legs that were the girls' envy (I'm not being proud but yeah). It won't be too cold and I knew I'd be sweating.

After putting on my black sneakers and tying my silky raven-hair, I grabbed my car keys. I went down, ate breakfast and said goodbye to my relatives.

I pulled out my red Toyota Vios from the garage and drove away to First Beach.

About thirty minutes later...

I parked in the nearest place I could find. And when I got to the beach, I was like: 'Dude! It's so pretty and blue!'

It was kind of windy but I knew that it was just enough. The cool breeze was the perfect contrast to the morning sun. Grandma was right, it was sunny here.

After earning some looks from hormonal teenage boys that were clearly tourists―who would blame them when I look like Adriana Lima but with black hair, brown eyes and a bit fairer? And even though I'm shorter than her, people tell me I have more curves than I would let on; and no, I'm not being proud―and stretching, I turned my iPod on. I have an iTouch but since I'm running and not just walking around, I'm using the one that I bought with my own money from summer jobs: my purple iPod!

I started running, even more energetic than usual because I felt invigorated. You know the feeling of just running―the wind on your face and washing all the unhealthy stuff suffocating your body? Well, I do. And it's damn good. The song 'Boom Boom Pow' by Black Eyed Peas, though not the type for dancing, certainly helps with running. It helps me to propel forward and stretch my legs and let go of the strong stamina that I'm keeping.

As I run, I realized that this place is feeling all too familiar. I had been running for about four minutes now, trying to reach the boundaries between First Beach and Second Beach which is quite far. And then, when the song changed and there was that pause and I could hear my surroundings, I heard a chorus of booming laughter not quite far from me.

I slowed down and looked at my left where the sound seemed to be coming from and then I saw them. They were sitting on the sand underneath a nearby tree not so far away. There were about four of them and all were shirtless and russet-skinned. This made me notice how muscular and big they are. And all good-looking, too. The other three were laughing, some even looking at me then back to each other; some even whistling subtly, except for one that has black hair as dark as mine―and mine is already the very contrast of the whitest material. His eyes from what I could make out was a different shade of brown, light brown even, than those with him. Like the others, he was muscular. And he was looking at me with the oddest look I've ever seen in someone's face.

Was that the kind of look that those who desire someone so much give to them? I'm not sure what it really looked like but a large part of me says that it was something else. Hell, it might even be pure adoration! Yeah, right.

I am not a prude. Just a virgin. Hard to believe but yes, I am. Never had time to look for guys what with my busy schedule. I've seen porn―it was a dare!―and I've made out couple of times before I got really committed into cheering. And yes, my best friends and I talk about sex. But I have never ever been in love and I have never ever seen someone look at me like that. Even in the face of those who really want me―or so what my friends say.

Suddenly, he got up and ran back to the reservation. I shook my head as if clearing it of any dusts and looked ahead. The music now shifted to Shake It by Metro Station.


Sometime later...

I just finished my laps―running back and forth of First Beach to the boundaries of Second Beach―and I'm feeling thirsty. I was going back to my car to get my bottled water, which I'm not so sure if I brought some, and I would need to pass by the guys who were laughing earlier. It surprised me that they were still there.

Okay, just in case. Tae kwon do? Check. Flying kick? Check. Self-learned jab? Check. Adrenaline rush? Check.

I walked past them, the guy I was looking at earlier didn't go back yet. An unexplainable disappointment washed through me. I put my iPod volume down. And in doing so, I heard someone said: "Damn, Seth's imprint is hot!"

"Brady, don't let him hear you say that." another one said and they all busted out laughing again.

Curious, I glanced at them. They were all looking at me, not past me, directly at me and they all waved and smiled friendly. I gave them a small smile and waved timidly and walked a bit faster.

I reached my car and searched for a bottle of water. Crap. I didn't bring any water. And right now, my mouth is as dry as a Texan summer at lunch time. Okay, that might be an exaggeration but who cares? I'm thirsty as hell!

And then I remembered the shop that I saw that was near the beach. They should have a bottled water. I took my purse and stalked to the shop.

When I walked in, I was surprised to see that he was there. Sitting on a stool near the counter, looking dazed.

On the counter was a woman. Her hair was black and long and she was red-skinned. Her eyes were brown, light. Her figure was just like a runway model's but hers was not the anorexic type. She was almost a foot taller than the other woman she was talking to. This woman looked different. She was pale with a hint of a blush. Her hair was an odd bronze color and it was in curls which seem to bounce whenever she moves. She has the most beautiful brown eyes I have ever seen and her body was well-proportioned.

The two women were so different yet so similar with the fact that they're both beautiful. Even I couldn't compete with that.

All the eyes in the room flew towards me as soon as I walked in. The Native woman looked at him―who was looking at me intently again, I might add―and then at me. The other one did the same. After a couple of exchanging glances from both (the routine went like this: me, him, each other; me, him, each other) and a bit of shock when they have seemed to realize something, both women gave me a knowing smile.

Politely, I smiled back and went straight to get a cold bottled water. I decided to get some chocolates as well so that I could restore my energy fast.

As I approached the counter, the woman with the bronze hair said goodbye to the one in the counter. She also said goodbye to him. He was still watching me as I approached the counter.

I tried very hard to just look ahead of me and not to be self-conscious.

"That would be two bucks and 75." she said, still smiling softly but it was too innocent. Something was up.

I reached to my purse and counted my coins. Unfortunately, it only reached to a dollar and a dime. I would have to spend my lucky five-dollar bill. Yeah, I know. Stupid. But it was something I've made up while still young. Whenever something good, really good, happened to me I would look at my wallet and see what the smallest bill I've had there and keep it until I had to use it for desperate measures. And when I did use it, it depends on how big the bill is, I would be happy for some time until I find a lucky situation again.

This time, I have five bucks. Huh. I might be happy and lucky for a little while there. I've had this since my first month in Seattle. My aunts and uncles and I were shopping―Mom told me to just buy my clothes here so I wouldn't have to bring a big luggage―when we happened to go and have a look at a shop that sells clothes a bit pricier than other shops. Good thing I was the last to go in because suddenly an alarm went off.

Guess what? I was their hundredth customer to go in! I was immediately awarded a VIP card―which makes me pay only half the price of the clothes; anyone who has it must spend at least a thousand in one go; according to the sales lady, so far there's only five of us―and a thousand dollar gift certificate.

That day, my aunts and I and my uncles bought a LOT of clothes since the limit is a thousand and now that I have a VIP card this would really be a lot. It wasn't a problem to us since this store really caters for men and women and they have their eyes on certain items and I was just too fascinated with shopping.

Later on, while unpacking, I took my wallet and the smallest bill there was this five-dollar bill. Talk about lucky.

Anyway, back to the present. I was deciding whether or not to use the bucks or just let go of the chocolates and spend more than a dollar. Who am I kidding? I've been conditioned to eat chocolates after exercise along with drinking water. Once, I was so tired to get some chocolates that I went straight to bed. In the middle of the night, I jolted awake and couldn't stop shaking. Good thing mom has a stash of chocolates and gave me some. Who knows what could happen when I didn't get a bite or two and end up shaking in my car?

Quickly deciding, I took the five-dollar bill and handed it to her. In the process of doing that, I accidentally brushed my fingers along her palm and boy was she burning. Maybe it's just me. I, after all, just finished my running and am still in the process of taking off some steam.

"Oh, shoot!" she said which caused me to look up to her. She turned to me and gave me an apologetic look. "Sorry, the cash register seemed to be stuck. I'll just go get some tools and I'll be right back. Unless of course you would want to leave."

The wheels in my brain started working. Ordinary people may not be able to see or feel it but the excuse she gave was a very subtle version of the real one. I have a great perception about things that I could tell whether a change is coming. And although I can't give details because I don't see that, I could at least say if it's good or bad and again, I can't tell how good or bad it is. And first impressions last really long to me because it only takes me an hour to observe and I would be able to see the potential of someone. I can see hidden meanings in a person's body language if I pay attention.

And right now, I am paying attention. Like right now. This excuse is a very good one and most people would believe it but not me. And there's a nagging feeling that tells me to just stay here and things will work out. However, my stupid mind just can't show it to me. Yeah, my brain has a mind of its own (confused? Me too.) and it likes to surprise me. Also, I can see that the woman I'm facing right now is not the owner of this store. If she is, then she wouldn't look at how much the prices are. She would know it like the back of her hand. Except if the shop is new which I don't think is the case. Maybe the real owner asked her to keep an eye on it.

First impressions last long. For me. Those guys down there at the beach are not jerks. That much I could tell. Because if they are, I wouldn't be here right now. There are four of them if you're going to count him and I'm sure they could easily surround or follow me and corner me because there aren't a lot of people today and the woods are just nearby. It was just me and my overreaction. My adrenaline rush that made me check mentally if I still know how to defend myself as I haven't done any martial arts for six years. Plus, when I looked at his eyes, I felt safe. I'm not in any danger at all but the sense of safety was there. It was so strong. It was like he'd do anything for me.

I was taken aback by that thought. Whoa. Where did that come from?

"I'll wait." I said. I just wanted to get this over and done with. And talk to him of course. Chat and hmm, I don't know, maybe exchange numbers?

I mentally slapped myself after that thought. Fine! Be that way! But you have to admit he's hot or I'm going to drive you crazy! That little voice in my head is a nagger. Seriously, where is that voice coming from? I have to know so I could pour acid on it. Ha! Tough luck you're ever going to find out. Plus, if you poured acid on me I'm afraid that you'll fail miserably in college. I AM your brain after all. Okay, that is so not good. I would need a therapy once I'm back in Seattle.

That thought suddenly didn't sound appealing. I have a feeling this day is the turning point of my life and that Seattle is not the place for me anymore.

"Okay, I'll be back in a couple of minutes." The woman said and went outside.

My legs felt tired so I decided to sit on the chair not far from him.

I left my iPod in the car and now, I'm music-less. I just hope that he strikes a conversation soon or I would have to start it. I've never done that but I'll do it now if I have to. Since when did I become like that?

"Hi." he said. His voice was husky and low. A bass. "I'm Seth Clearwater. And you are?" He extended his hand to me.

I turned to him and if I thought that he was good-looking from afar, well I really haven't seen him up close just yet, now have I?

I was distracted with the idea of him shirtless and I couldn't help staring a bit on his abs and biceps. I wonder what it feels like if I touch his chest? I scolded myself and looked up. Damn! His lips were red and sexy. The desire to kiss him was powerful but I controlled myself. His hair was black as midnight. It was thick and shaggy and a bit long. I was subtly clutching the seat's arm support so that my fingers wouldn't wander and lock themselves in his hair. And then his eyes.

They weren't light brown. No. They were something else. The cashier's eyes, now, that was light brown. But Seth's is golden brown. Like the color of waffles. Freshly-made waffles. They were smoldering. It is as if they were trying to see through my soul.

"H-hello." I stammered a bit, darn it! I cleared my throat a bit and continued, "I'm Carina Ramirez. Call me Carrie for short. Nice to meet you." I took his hand and shook it. Damn was he hot! Literally and figuratively.

"Me too, Carrie." Seth saying my name sounds so good and much better than hearing it from other guys.

He smiled. My heart skipped a beat and he grinned. He couldn't have heard it, could he? Nah, that was impossible. But― This time, I blocked out that annoying voice in my head.

Was it just me or did he look hesitant when he pulled his hand away? I was ogling, I knew it! I just hope that he didn't notice.

"You're warm." Yes, that was my stupid response. I wanted to slap my mouth when I saw his face harden with my comments. "Sorry," I muttered.

A couple of seconds of silence followed. "So, new here in La Push?" he asked.

"Nope." I answered, pronouncing the 'p' with a pop, I was smiling now. "Actually, I don't live here at all." His face fell so I made a quick amend, not sure why I did that, though. "But I'm visiting my relatives in Forks all throughout summer."

He perked up a bit. "So you're still a student?" he asked again. I have a feeling that we are going to play twenty questions.

I nodded. "College student. University of Washington." I added the last bit when I saw that he was going to ask where.

"What course?"

"Architecture." I answered then decided to ask him. "What about you?"

"What about me?" he seemed confused.

I smiled. He was cute when he looked confused. Oh my God, stop it Carina! "Let's start with the basics. How old are you? You're too big to be a teenager." I half-mocked.

"I'm not. I'm 23 and I have a mother and a sister," he was playing along. "The woman who wickedly left us alone here is my sister: Leah."

Then we got into it. Talking about our lives. When I told him I was only 18, he looked surprised. He thought I was already in my early 20s. I told him how I got here and where I was from. I think I told almost everything about me. What I was in high school, who my best friends are, my family, my life. It was just so easy talking to him. Makes me feel like I've known him forever. In fact, truth be told, he looks familiar.

In turn, Seth told me stuff about him. His family, why he's the only guy there, and his friends. Seth only went to a community college in Olympia and took automotive technology and he's now working in a shop here in La Push. It was his day off today. I guess it was that shop that I passed on my way here, the one across the biggest house I've ever seen in a small community.

We didn't notice the time until I got really thirsty and when I took a sip from my water bottle, I noticed the wristwatch I was wearing. It was almost eleven! Whoa!

My eyes widened and Seth noticed. "What?" he asked, conscious.

"I didn't notice the time. It's almost eleven now." I said, showing him the watch. "I better go now." I stood up.

"What about your change?" Seth asked me. He seemed reluctant to let me go.

I thought about it. Good luck bills really work for me. Obviously, Leah, his sister, did us a favor and I think I should give her a tip. I smiled at him.

"Nah, it's fine. I'm really late. People at home are probably wondering where I am, anyway." I answered.

"Oh." he said and seemed to be thinking about something. "Do you want me to walk you to your car?"

I was surprised by his thoughtfulness. I should be worried about this: having a stranger walk me to my car. If I don't have that queer little gift of perception, I would've ran away from here a long time ago. But as it is, I'm not worried.

"Yes." I was smiling brightly as I said this.

On our way to my car which I parked a couple of blocks away since I wanted to warm up by walking, we talked and talked and talked again. We passed by the auto shop where Seth must be working because I could tell that it is the only one there. A man―russet-skinned, black-haired and very muscular as it was evident because he's not wearing a shirt; seriously, what's up with guys and showing off their muscled chest?―who was sitting on the porch across the auto shop waved. On his lap was the girl that Leah was talking to earlier. Her arms were around his neck and I had the unfortunate timing of turning earlier than Seth because I saw the man nip at her neck. I turned away quickly.

When he saw me, he grinned at me like an idiot. The girl was smiling half-apologetic, half-amused.

Seth stopped and I followed suit. "Hey, lovebirds!" he called out.

"Speak for yourself, man!" The man said. I got confused and I looked at Seth and I swear I could see him blush. The couple laughed.

"Anyway, this is Carina." Seth said, gesturing to me. "Carrie, this is Jacob, my friend and boss, and his wife, Nessie." he turned toward them.

"Nice to meet you." I said and shook hands with them when they offered it. When I was shaking Nessie's hand, I said, "Nessie? As in, the Loch Ness Monster?"

When I realized what I had said, I blushed and quickly said something else. "No―I meant―" My words were jumbled and I can't form a coherent sentence. My mumbling stopped when I heard Seth snicker behind me, and Nessie and Jacob laughing. "Yeah." I added and ducked my head.

"No. That's absolutely funny. People always ask that and just when we all thought that no one is going to ask again since I've settled here for months now, you asked." Nessie said after her laughter fit. "But since you asked, nope. It's not the Loch Ness Monster. My full name is Renesmee and my husband here," she playfully glared at him. "is too lazy to say it. So he invented a nickname for me."

"That's nice." I said.

"Well, catch up with you guys later." Seth excused us. After saying a quick goodbye to the couple, we continued walking.

After a couple of minutes, we reached it.

"Well, thank you." I said. "It's nice meeting you Seth." I was smiling. I just realized that I can't keep the smile off my face. And I don't mind the pain. I got in my car and started it.

Seth leaned in to tap on my window. I opened it and saw that he was looking at me with passionate golden brown eyes. My breath hitched.

"Hey, can I get your number?" he asked. I was closer to him now and I could feel his cool breath on my face.

I grinned. "You're pretty straightforward, aren't you?"

He beamed. "That's because I don't believe in pick-up lines. And you're too beautiful to ignore."

At that, I blushed. He didn't use the word 'hot'. He used the word 'beautiful' on me. My guy friends say that if a man said that to a woman, then they would want to keep a relationship and not just a fling.

Does that mean Seth would want to be in a relationship with me? Cue: blush harder. I tried shaking off the thought. I leaned to my compartment to get my phone, a small pad and a pen. I wrote my number down and gave it to him.

I was smiling. Seriously, I can't recall a moment that I stopped smiling whenever we talk. "Here you go." I gave him the paper. "Now what's yours?" I asked him. He gave me his number.


"No. Thank you." he said. I noted the double-meaning there.

"Should I expect a call from you tonight?" I asked. People say I always bat my naturally long and curly eyelashes―intentionally or not. This time, I intended it to.

"Excited now, aren't we?" he teased.

"I don't want to prep for nothing." I told him. Oh hell yes, I'm excited! I wanted to shout it out.

"I guess I will, Carrie." It wasn't an all-out promise but it certainly sounded like that. Earlier, when he called me by my nickname, it sounded good. When he introduced me to Jacob and Nessie using my full name, it sounded even better. But now that he said my full name and we're alone, it definitely sounded a thousand times better. And hot. And sexy, rolling off his tongue in a sensual manner which I so didn't mind.

"I'll wait for your call, Seth." Was it just me or did I really―DID I REALLY―purred his name?

Whatever. I had the satisfaction of seeing his eyes pop wide before he regained it and smirked. He straightened his form and after waving, I drove off.

As I drive towards the house, I realized that I just flirted with him. Blush went back to my face as I thought of that. But something from my attention-seeking voice in the head made me do it.


Seth's POV

I don't know why I'm awake at 6:30 in the morning. Seriously? What is up with me? It's my day off and instead of me sleeping in until noon or, better yet, afternoon, here I am awake. Sitting in the kitchen with my Mom and Leah across me.

"Leah, can you guard the shop? Eve and I are going to Seattle to buy something." Mom said while sipping at her coffee. Eve is Embry's mom and Mom's friend.

"What about Embry?" Leah asked. As it was Sunday, the Yoga Center that Leah's working at is closed. Yes, you heard me right people. Leah, my sister who I love despite the fact that she has an ever-bitchy attitude towards the pack, has softened and is now a Yoga instructor. Time heals all wounds, I guess. But that doesn't mean that she can't kick a jerk's ass anytime.

"Embry's coming. We need someone to lift a wooden table." Mom answered.

"Oh. Okay." Leah said. Told you she softened.

After that, we ate breakfast silently. Mom only had a couple of waffles and coffee while Leah and I shared the remaining twenty and chugged a milk carton each. Yes, werewolves or shape-shifters, need their milk no matter how old they are. And I'm proud to say that I've never had coffee or too much alcohol ever.

I washed the dishes after that.

"Trying to be in Santa's nice list this year?" Leah asked when she gave me her plate, smirking. She softened, yes. How soft? I can't say soft enough.

But I decided to give her this one. "Yes. Considering my naughty ways with women this year." I said. It's true though. Devirginized at the age of seventeen and since then I've had my fair share.

Mom and Leah smacked my head. "Ow." I whimpered.

Leah rolled her eyes. "I'm going to shower and then I'll go to the shop." she told Mom.

"You do that. The spare key is on my table in my room."


Quil, Brady, Collin and I were on the beach, just hanging. We were all wondering why we woke up so early. Especially Quil, he was on patrol last night.

"Seriously, though. It's freaky. I mean, it's a Sunday for crying out loud and then suddenly, I'm awake." I heard Brady tell us.

I wasn't really listening at that moment. I was focusing more on the soft thump that can be heard from a distance. Well, that werewolves like us can be heard from a distance. And that strange yet bewildering knot in my stomach.

"Hmm, strange. Not many people jog. They usually hike for exercise." Quil said.

"Huh, what?" I asked him.

"Don't tell me you can't hear the soft thumping on the ground." Collin said.

"Oh that. Yeah, I do." I answered. As the sound become more and more audible, I had the urge to look whoever it was. It's as if there's a pull guiding me to look. I immediately saw the brownest eyes I've ever seen.

And then BAM!

It's like someone shot me and my soul left my body almost immediately because I feel like I'm floating now. Except that I could still hear my heart and I know 'm still alive. How?

As soon as I feel like floating, as soon as gravity had hit zero on me, as soon as I was being carried away, I felt a slight tug coming from her.It was like she controlling me. I was her and cables and wires and yarns and everything that could hold me down ties me to her. She my orbit now and I was orbiting around her.

Fuck. I just imprinted.

The hollering from the guys confirmed that. Apparently, as soon as I turned, they all turned. And Brady and Collin whistled.

"Damn she's hot!" Collin said.

"Yeah." Brady agreed and they turned towards me. "Isn't that right, Seth?" He must have noticed the glazed look in my eyes. "Seth?" he called tentatively and tried to nudge me.

Quil was snickering. "Seth just imprinted." And they all laughed.

I don't care. I was too lost at the moment.

And then she turned. The guys were right. But I wouldn't use the term 'hot' on her. She's beautiful. Breath-takingly so. Her face looked familiar and I tried to remember where I've seen it. I came up with one: she looked like one of those well-known models that girls envied and always talked about. But I know that it was not that. It was a distant memory far back. I just ignored it and focused on the now.

Her hair was raven-black, a contrast to her fair and rosy skin. Her face, even though a bit cheeky, is well-sculpted. And even from afar, her lips were the cute shade of pink. Her body, even though covered with a light hoodie, still make a great shape. She's curvy and sexy. She could compete with Rosalie. And then her smooth long-running legs. It's toned and I could guess that she exercises a 's short, yes. That is easily seen. But that doesn't stop her legs from looking long and sexy. And she's wearing shorts so I'm free to ogle.

That was when I realized that her gaze is boring into mine. It was scrutinizing. I decided to back away for now.

There's too much heat for me. This is one of those times when I can't decide whether to love or hate my werewolf genes.

I ran to the store. Just needing a break.

When I got to the store, I saw Leah and Nessie talking. What is up with people being up so early? I guess Jacob didn't keep her late last night.

Both women turned to look at me.

"Hey Seth!" Nessie and Leah greeted.

I just nodded at them and sat at the nearest chair. Obviously, I still looked dazed and they noticed.

"Are you okay?" Nessie asked, concerned.

"Drink." Leah said and tossed me a cold bottle of water. I caught it and drank.

I didn't realize that I'm thirsty until water ran out. It took me a few seconds before I could speak. They were still looking at me with concern.

"Yeah. I'm good." I said and cleared my throat. I changed the topic. "You're up early." I commented.

"Oh well. No rounds last night. Jake was pretty tired." Nessie said and there's a shy smile on her lips. Yes, she can make sexual innuendos but there's still some awkwardness.

Leah and I laughed. Mine sounded strained, though.

I don't know how long I was sitting there. Leah and Nessie paid me no mind as they could tell that I wanted to be alone for now. I tried to focus on what the two were talking about but every time I listened, I would wonder what her voice would sound like. Would it be like wind-chimes or church bells? Silky smooth or feathery soft? But no matter what it would be, I know it's going to sound good for me.

One might think I'm fighting my imprint. No, that's not the case. I just needed time to re-assess myself if I am going to try and talk to her.

And then she walked in. As soon as she did, my head shot up to her direction. Leah and Nessie followed soon, though. And I could see the surprised look she had when she saw me there.

I could also feel the gaze that Leah and Nessie are giving me. I could almost hear the movements of their eyes and heads as they continuously look at me, then to her and then to each other. During that little routine, it somehow clicked to them.

And then she smiled so I guess that those two were smiling at her. But it wasn't a real smile. It was something you give when you're being polite. I can't wait to make her smile genuinely.

As soon as she went to get a bottle of water, I heard Nessie talking to Leah in a low voice so that no human could pick it up.

"So that's why he's edgy." she said.

"Yeah. I know. Why don't we give them a time alone?" Leah suggested, giggling to herself.

"Sounds like a good idea." Nessie said, smiling deviously now. "I'll go ahead now. Jake must have been awake by now."

With that, Nessie said goodbye at the same time as she came up to the counter to pay for her purchase.

I wasn't being too secretive about my looking at her. And I could tell she was feeling a little self-conscious, the veins in her neck shows that she's restraining herself from looking at my direction.

"That would be two bucks and 75." Leah said. I took a quick glance at her to see her smiling a little too innocently.

She reached to her purse to get money, and from the clanking of coins, I could guess that she's looking for the exact amount. Clearly, she doesn't and after a second of indecision, she handed Leah the five-dollar bill she has.

Faster than what the human eye could catch, Leah did something to the cash register while she was looking at her purse, so when Leah would 'give' her the change, the cash register 'locked' and wouldn't budge.

"Oh, shoot." Leah said, impressing me with her theatrics that if I didn't know her, I would've believed her. This caused her to look at my sister who was giving her an apologetic look. "Sorry, the cash register seemed to be stuck. I'll just go get some tools and I'll be right back. Unless of course you would want to leave." The last sentence was spoken with a hidden meaning. Kind of like a reverse psychology. Damn my sister for briefly taking up Psychology before she turned into a wolf!

A part of me was yearning for her to stay, the other part was pleading for her to go because I don't want to scare her and I'm afraid that she would reject me. Her answer had me in mixed emotions.

"I'll wait." she said simply as if she can't guess what's going on. A normal human being would just ran away from this or be pissed at least. But she seemed calm as if she's expecting something good to happen.

Hmm, maybe I could strike up a conversation with her later. There's a seat beside me, maybe she'd sit there. I was thinking of ways on how to strike a conversation with her that I didn't realize that Leah had left us until she sat next to me.

It might not be obvious but I have been observing her from the start and knew that her body language suggests that she's waiting for a discussion from me. So I decided to man up and start it, much as I fear that she might reject me.

"Hi." I started. "I'm Seth Clearwater. And you are?" I extended my hand to her.

She turned, her brown eyes the color of chocolate staring at me, and she seemed somewhat shocked by looking at me. She recovered though, after almost a minute.

"H-hello." It's cute of her to stammer. She cleared her throat and continued. "I'm Carina Ramirez. Call me Carrie for short. Nice to meet you."

Carina. Carrie. Beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Exquisite.

And then she shook my hand. God it was soft like a pillow.

"Me too, Carrie." I smiled as I said that. It felt so good to know her name and nickname at the same time meaning she wants me to say it.

I heard her heart skip a beat in a good way when she saw me smile. I grinned. And then I realized that I was still holding her hand. She might suspect something so, hesitantly, I pulled away.

"You're warm." she blurted out.

The smile on my lips froze. Oh my god! She noticed. I knew it was a bad idea to shake her hand! I'm hoping against all hope that she won't run away now.

"Sorry." she mumbled when she realized what she had said.

I allowed a couple of minutes before I asked her again. "So, new here in La Push?" I asked, dying to know that little information.

"Nope." she said. "Actually, I don't live here at all." I felt my face fell when she said that. That means she's only visiting. No! How am I going to live when she leaves? "But I'm visiting my relatives in Forks all throughout summer."

She has relatives in Forks and she's here for the whole summer, meaning I have two months with her. I perked up with that bit. "So you're still a student?"

Carrie nodded. "College student. University of Washington." she added the last bit when she guessed that I would ask that soon. She's studying in UW where Jacob's sister, Rachel, a nerd, had gone. Carrie's smart and thank goodness that I imprinted on someone with brains.

"What course?"

"Architecture." Oh goody, she would get along with Esme and Alice Cullen. "What about you?"

"What about me?" I got confused. Was I concentrating on the way her lips are moving too much that I didn't notice if she had a question before that?

She smiled and oh sweet heavens, she looked radiant and devastatingly beautiful. "Let's start with the basics. How old are you? You're too big to be a teenager."

"I'm not. I'm 23 and I have a mother and a sister," I played along. "The woman who wickedly left us alone here is my sister: Leah." I told her that one truth.

And then we started talking about our lives. She told me she was only 18 and I was surprised. I had expected her to be in the 20s category because she looks so mature but not in a bad way. She told me how she got here and everything about her. Who she is in her high school (a cheerleader/choreographer), her friends, and her family. I was getting more and more in awed at her. Her credentials in high school until now and then the way she talked to those close to her in a loving and fond way.

In turn, I told her about me. My family background and my friends. I told her that I only went to a community college in Olympia and took automotive technology and that I'm working in Jacob's shop.

We were talking so casually and comfortably when suddenly, her eyes widened.

"What?" I asked her, alarmed.

"I didn't notice the time. It's almost eleven now." she said and showed me her watch on her delicate wrist. "I better go now." She stood up.

No. I didn't want her to leave but she had to. Besides, there's always next time now that I know where she's staying and it's easy to look for her in that small town. Plus, I have her natural scent in my head now. Lavender and vanilla.

But that doesn't mean I won't stall her leaving.

"What about your change?" I asked.

Carrie seemed to think about it but after some indecision, she smiled at me. I mean, she had been smiling at me since I talked to her. And I think I am, too.

"Nah, it's fine. I'm really late. People at home are probably wondering where I am, anyway." she answered.

"Oh." I said, thinking of ways to push my luck with her. She must have a car of she got here, mustn't she? I mean, it's impossible for her to take the bus, right? "Do you want me to walk you to your car?"

She seemed surprised by this but she recovered. " Yes."

On the way to her car, we talked about things again. We passed by Jacob's house and the shop right in front of it. I saw Jacob and Nessie cuddling on the porch and I have learned that when you see them, unless in a way when you least expect them, do NOT look directly at them in an instant. Because of their reflexes, you have to give them at least a couple of seconds until it sink into their brain that someone is passing through.

But Carrie doesn't know this and she made the mistake of looking at them when I slowed down to say 'hi' and saw Jacob nipping at Nessie's neck. Jeez, even from peripheral vision it's this bad.

Somehow, this made me wish that Carrie and I would cuddle like that in the near future. I would make sure of it. Imprint, remember?

When we turned to them, Jacob was grinning like an idiot. Ooops, I better not say it out loud to the mighty Alpha. Nessie was half-apologetic, though.

"Hey, lovebirds!" I called out to them once I stopped knowing that it's safe to look at them now.

"Speak for yourself, man!" Jake said. It's a good thing I'm red-skinned or she would see my blush taking over my face when she turned with a confused look. The two laughed because with their heightened eyesight, they saw the blush clearly. I decided to change the topic.

"Anyway, this is Carina." I said and gestured towards her. "Carrie, this is Jacob, my friend and boss, and his wife, Nessie."

"Nice to meet you." she said and shook their hands. When she shook Nessie's, she said something that made us all laugh. "Nessie? As in, the Loch Ness Monster?"

I was already snickering the moment she blurted that out and when she was trying to apologize. Then the two laughed. I was chuckling mostly at Jacob because I had told him many times when Nessie was still a baby that people would come to this conclusion.

"No. That's absolutely funny. People always ask that and just when we all thought that no one is going to ask again since I've settled here for months now, you asked." Nessie said. And then she explained that Renesmee is her real name and that Jacob, who was too lazy to say it since it's a mouthful, gave her the nickname. What Nessie said was true but it wasn't the whole story. I just can't wait to tell Carrie everything and tell her about this particular thing.

After that, I said goodbye to them and we continued walking. After a while, we reached her car.

"Well, thank you." she said. "It's nice meeting you Seth." she was smiling. Still. Not that I'm complaining since it is absolutely the most beautiful thing on earth. She got in her car and started it.

I leaned in to tap on her window. There is no way that I'm going to let her go without asking for her number. She opened it and I decided to use my charms since she has been using hers for a long time now. I 'dazzled' her, one of the things you learn when you hang out with vampires. Her breath hitched.

"Hey, can I get your number?" I asked, making sure my breath would tickle her skin.

She grinned. "You're pretty straightforward, aren't you?" When she spoke, I realized that I had risked myself from being too close to her because now, her sweet breath caressed my skin.

I smiled widely. "That's because I don't believe in pick-up lines." That's true, using them makes me feel like a liar and I don't lie. Not that much anyway. Plus, it's too late now. "And you're too beautiful to ignore." Again, I'm only saying the truth.

She blushed and it was so endearing. She tried to hide it by getting her phone, a pen and a paper. She wrote it down and gave it to me. And then she asked mine. I see she's interested in keeping in touch. I could start from there. I gave my number to her. My animal instincts makes it hard for me to forget important stuff.


If there's anyone who should say that, it should be me. "No. Thank you." Thank you for making me feel complete.

"Should I expect a call from you tonight?" she asked, batting her naturally long and curly eyelashes at me.

"Excited now, aren't we?" I teased.

"I don't want to prep for nothing." she told me.

"I guess I will, Carina." The way I said her name was almost sensual and I made it sound like a promise. And yes, I would call her as soon as nighttime comes. Screw patrolling, I could be late for that and I could reason with Jacob.

"I'll wait for your call, Seth." Did she really purr my name? Oh my, she's a tease.

My eyes widened when I heard that but I kind of like it so I settled down for smirking. I straightened up and waved and then she drove off.

Damn! That Carina Ramirez, my imprint, will oh-so-be-the-death of me. Why? Because right now, my heart is about to burst from its confinements and I feel like a teenager wanting to sing all the cheesiest love songs out there just right after I talked to my crush.

Oh no wait! She's not just my crush. She's my life for crying out loud!

Another Note: Sooo..reviews are very much welcome, either negative or positive. Thanks for going this far!