Clean Sweep

There've been lots of variations on this theme before, especially AeroTendo's "Clean Slate 2," but I'm trying my hand anyway. Why now? Why not! You write fan fiction with the plot bunnies you've got, not the plot bunnies you wish you had. This won't be long; the only reason it's not a one-shot is because I'm sleepy and need to go to bed now.

Kim Possible and ancillary characters ©Disney.

What if the parapulsor power cell in Clean Slate had had a little more throw-weight?


"That's not a battery! It's a parapulsor power cell!" Dr. Lankford interjected.

"To-may-to, to-mah-to," responded Drakken, as he jammed the cylinder back into the Memory Recovery Machine. "Hah! Fixed it!"

"No you didn't!" shouted Lankford in horror as the MRM began to vibrate uncontrollably.

"What's going on?" cried Drakken, eyes wide, panicked by the violently shaking piece of equipment in his hands.

He looked over to see Lankford disappear out of the laboratory in a blur of labcoat and loafers. At that very moment Kim snatched the MRM from his hands and made as if to dash towards the door herself.

Without warning there was a flash of light and a powerful explosion. The room went dark.

When the smoke cleared, the twisted shards of metal that had been the MRM sat in the middle of the room, surrounded by a scattering of 3x5 index cards. Drakken, Shego, Kim, and Ron were splayed out on the floor, beginning to move about groggily. Debris from the ceiling had effectively sealed off the door as well as the breach which Shego had earlier made into the children's ward.

"Whoa," said Ron, sitting up. "What just happened?"

"Did something happen?" responded Drakken from the floor.

"Yes, something definitely did happen," chimed in Kim.

Shego looked down at herself. "Why am I dressed like a mint-chocolate-chip harlequin?"

Ron looked at her. "What's a harlequin?"

"What's mint-chocolate-chip?" asked Kim.

Shego's brow furrowed. "I…I don't know…" She rubbed her head.

At this, Drakken looked down at himself and frowned at his own attire.

By this time they were all standing, regarding each other and the wreck of the laboratory.

"Should we call for help?" asked Kim.

They listened for a moment and could hear muffled voices and sirens from beyond the mangled metal shutters and blocked doorway.

"You're green!" said Ron suddenly, pointing at Shego in shock.

"Yeah, I don't feel very well at all," she replied, continuing to rub her temples.

"No, I mean, you're green." He found a shard of metal and brought it to her face as a mirror.

Catching sight of her complexion, Shego gasped and put her hand to her mouth.

Now they all took a second look at each other.

"And you're blue!" said Kim, looking at Drakken.

"I'm…what? Well, on the inside, maybe…" he replied, his voice betraying his confusion.

"No, I mean, you're blue." Kim strode over to him and, on a sudden hunch, pulled off his right glove. Drakken blinked in silence at his pale-blue hand.

"Umm…," started Ron, "so, is anyone else, like, unable to remember how we got here, or where here is, or what we're doing, or…who we are?"

Four pairs of eyes swiveled around the room, taking in the physical damage and the peculiarities of the other occupants.

"Okay," said Shego, "I don't know who you are, or who I am, but I know that," and she pointing at Kim's hair, "comes from a bottle. I've never seen hair that color."

Kim pulled a lock of her hair down so she could examine it, then looked angrily at the green woman. "How would you know? And, may I remind you, your skin is green? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!"

"Or red," offered Ron helpfully.

Kim and Shego just looked at him.

Drakken cleared his throat. "It appears there was an explosion," he said, pointing about.

"No duh!" Shego and Kim said simultaneously. Suddenly Kim found herself saying, "Jinx! You owe me a soda!"

"What?" Shego demanded, jeeringly. "What are we, in high school?" Then she paused, and scrutinized the red-head and the blond. "Hmmm. Maybe."

"What is going on?" asked Drakken, exasperated. "Where are we?"

"That's not the question," replied Ron, carefully. "What I want to know is, who are we?"

There was a pause as they all warily eyed each other again.

Kim was the first to interrupt the silence. "Explosions, costumes, unusual…erm…skin coloration…I think I've got it."

She smiled at Shego and Drakken. "You must be superheroes!"