Chapter 1
Off to CalSci
Alex was used to being pulled out off school whenever it was convenient for MI6; he was not used to being sent out off school by the school itself. The day started off pretty normal for most students, however for Alex it was abnormal, since he was not on a mission. Alex walked into the school, stared at by the entire population. Alex walked into History and all conversation stopped.
"Good to know you decided to grace us with your presence to day, Alex," the teacher said as he walked in.
"Good to see you to, Mrs. K."
The day continued on in much the same manner, with teachers commenting on his absence. The last class of the day came, math. The teacher gave a lecture on derivatives and anti-derivatives. Alex noticed most of the class was struggling to follow along. Alex, however, found the lecture simple to follow. But then again, he technically had the credits for a degree in math, science (biology, chemistry, and physics), medicine, history, military tactics, English, and linguistics for 23 languages (Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Russian, French, German, Korean, Polish, Hindi, Bengali, Vietnamese, Swahili, Tamil, Wu, Turkish, Farsi, Cantonese, Burmese, Oromo, Berber, Hausa, Zulu and Afrikaans). Alex was only 16, but his missions had helped him learn many languages and skills, and Ian wanted Alex to know everything he could teach him. As well as being well learned Alex had a black belt in 10 types of martial arts (karate, judo, taekwondo, kung fu, kendo, krav maga, jiujutsu, ninjistu, tai chi, and hapkido) and could shot a gun or arrow. Alex was definitely dangerous.
"Mr. Rider, will you please complete the question on the board." Mr. Reese asked, hoping to embarrass the boy from missing too much school.
Alex answered the question without even blinking. The teacher stared; shocked he actually got it right. The teacher, thinking it was a lucky guess, asked Alex to explain. The rest of the class realizing it must be right and a lucky guess. Alex explained the answer, without hesitation. Mr. Reese was obviously confused as to how Alex could understand the work so much easier than the rest of the class, but had missed more than half the semester. Many of the other teachers were probably wondering the same thing. They probably did not realize that Alex new more than all of them combined.
"Very good, please stay after class Mr. Rider."
"Of course, Mr. Reese."
Thirty minutes later the class was over and Alex made his way to the teacher desk.
"Alex, I don't know how you can be so obviously ahead of the class when you are rarely here."
"I study a lot while I am in the hospital."
"So it would seem."
"May I ask what this is about, Sir?"
"Though I do not believe you deserve this honor, I feel you are the only one capable in all of my classes of attending a summer program a CalSci. It is with Dr. Charlie Epps, a world renowned mathematician. I hope you consider attending. I am allowed to recommend one student."
"It would be an honor. I will have to check with my guardian, but I hope I am able to attend."
"I will be there, along with Mrs. Bedfordshire, who wanted to advance herself, and Mr. Bray, who will be there to support the student we send."
"Will my guardian be able to come?"
"Of course."
Alex took the information from the teacher and ran out of the room excited. Mr. Reese, however, went to his meeting with Mr. Bray and Mrs. Bedfordshire to discuss his choice. He figured they would either be excited to watch the boy or disappointed in his ability to make a decision. Mr. Reese walked towards the conference room, entered and took his seat.
"Who did you decide on?" Mr. Bray asked.
"Alex Rider."
"That is an interesting choice. Why?"
"He has been at school so little, so I would have expected him to be weeks behind and even to have forgotten what he previously learned. He seems, however, to be sharper and understands what is currently being taught, even when the other students don't understand the lesson. But they have been to class and have even gone over some of the material once."
"I think it is a good decision." Mrs. Bedfordshire interjected.
"As do I," responded Mr. Bray.
"Why? I thought you would have been mad and I would have to defend myself."
"This may be your first year here, so you have only seen Alex's sporadic attendance. But, Alex was at the top of the class and had perfect attendance for quite a while until his uncle died," Mr. Bray informed the now confused teacher.
"Didn't his parent do anything to help the grief?"
"His parents passed away when he was a baby."
"So who looks after him?"
"His housekeeper adopted him."
"I see. So why are you happy about me nominating him?"
"Because the kid has the brains, maybe, we can convince him to stop whatever shady actions he has taken part in."
"You mean the drugs and gangs."
"To tell you the truth, I really don't believe any of those rumors."
The meeting went on to discuss plans for the trip.
***Alex's POV***
I was definitely happy. I was being given a chance to leave the country and not have to fight for my life. It would be harder for MI6 to get to me, though that would not stop them. As I entered the house, I heard sounds coming from the laundry room.
"Jack?" I called.
"I am in the laundry room."
I walked into the laundry room. I saw Jack folding the laundry. I walked over, picked up a shirt and started folding.
"Jack, do you want to go to California with me?"
"If this is a mission, then say no."
"It is not a mission. I was asked to go there for a math camp."
"Oh, that's wonderful. Of course I will go. Who else is going?"
"Mr. Reese, Mr. Bray, and Mrs. Bedfordshire are all going."
Jack signed all the forms. The next day, I turned them into Mr. Reese, who seemed excited that I was participating. School was out for summer break two days later. And within a week of being invited to the camp, I was boarding a flight. We would stay in CalSci dorms when we arrived. We were renting a car to use in California. Everything was arranged. I stepped off the plane.
We retrieved our luggage and rented the car. When we arrived at the campus, we were checked in to three dorms that were all next door to each other. Mrs. Bedfordshire and Jack shared one. Mr. Bray and Mr. Reese shared the second dorm. I had the third and final dorm to my self. Before I did anything else, I made sure, my gun was concealed (I asked MI6 to get me permission to carry a gun just incase any past psychos wanted revenge, especially SCORPIA). When we were settled in, I went to find out who this professor Epps was. Using the map I was given, I navigated my way to his office.I knocked on professor Epps' office door.
"Come in."
I opened the door to see four people sitting in a circle/square.
"Ah, you must be one of the summer students. Hi, I am Amita."
"I am Larry."
"I am Don Epps, Charlie's brother. I am a part of the FBI."
"And I am Charlie Epps. And you are?"
"I am Alex Rider. It's nice to meet you."
"How old are you?" Amita asked.
Mr. Reese entered at that moment.
"Jerry, it's good to see you."
"Charlie, it has been a long time. Alex, there you are. Jack was wondering if you wanted to go get some food."
"Does anyone else want to join?" Mr. Reese asked the others in the room.
"Of course." Chorused four voices.
"The more the merrier!" exclaimed Mr. Reese.
We all exited the room. During lunch, Don got a phone call.
"Epps here…suspect? right there." Don hung up. "It was nice meeting you all. Alex, don't stress over any of Charlie's work."