I do not own Roswell or any of the characters. No matter how much I wish to...

I should really be continuing the chapters on my story that I should be writing about now but I had this stuck in my head. I hope you enjoy this at any rate.

WARNING: Slash. Well, not too much, more of Max's thoughts rather than actions up until the end of course.

Set during Season One.

Michael/Max with mentions of Max/Liz Max/Tessa and Michael/Maria

This is a two shot.

Part Two

I know what you're doing. I can feel your eyes on me as I lie here pretending to sleep. I hold back the urge to open my eyes and look at you. I keep my head turned away just in case. I don't want you to know that I am awake. I don't want to see that look in your eyes that you get sometimes when we're alone.

I think i've known for a while now, I just didn't want to see what was right in front of me. Maybe I don't want to lose our friendship over this or perhaps I don't want everything to change. I'm a coward, I know, and I accept that. You know how much I want to fit in, for all of us to fit in, and to be with you would set us apart from everyone else even more. I can see how you wouldn't care, but I do, and so does Isabel. She wants to fit in more than anything, I want my sister to be happy.

I wonder why you don't hate me right now. I often think of reasons as to why you come to me at night and I believe it's because you have no-where else to go. You proved me wrong, though. You went to Maria the night you left Hank's for the last time. I can't stop the feeling of jealousy and hurt when I think about it, but then I realise that I was there with Isabel when we confronted the two of you. I keep that thought in mind whenever I remember. Why do you go out with Maria? You told me you don't hold any feeling in regard of love to her. Attraction yes, but do you see yourself spending all your time with her? I hope you don't. Then again, I am a hypocrite.

I'm going out with Liz, a wonderful girl who I have loved ever since I had met her. Love. A complex feeling that could be tagged to different things. I love her. A different kind, though, to you. You make my heart jump, make me want to do and say things that I would never have thought of doing for Liz. I want to make her happy, even at the expense of my own. That's not fair to either of us, you would argue. I can imagine you saying it while you shake me. It's true. I feel content with her, I feel safer than I would have felt if we date.

Your moving now, sitting up. I let my mind take hold as I listen to you move around. I feel like I've cheated you somehow, but I don't know what. You steal away my attention. It nearly got me into trouble more than once with Liz. Didn't you realise? You would say something funny and I would stare at you, eyes glazed apparently. Your actions, though, they make me feel things for you that no-one has ever pulled from me in my life. When you speak about her, I know you care, it hurts. What I have done to you is much worse. You stopped after a while, maybe you saw how I felt? Most likely, you are oddly perceptive, annoyingly so. Endearing to, in a way. I'll never tell you that, it would go to your head.

Our next problem was Tessa. I kissed her. I didn't realise until after I did it when she pulled back away from me. In front of Liz to unfortunately. When you found out, though, that was the hardest. You looked broken. Right then I finally realised what was blindly obvious, what Isabel was hinting non too subtly at, you were in love with me. Still are for reasons I cannot possibly fathom. I hurt you, I continue to do so over and over again. Yet you still show love that I don't deserve. It's nothing like Liz's. What we share is nothing to what you and I could have. It's shocking what I found out does to a guy. Every time I kiss Liz, I imagine kissing you. I have to remind myself that I was with her. Harder than it sounds, believe me.

All thought freezes when you move towards me suddenly and I have to focus on my breathing again. You're making me aware of your pressence, painfully so. I hear the floorboards creak slightly under your bare feet. I'm suddenly itchy and it takes all of my will power not to move. I feel like a rabbit cornered by a fox. A disturbing picture I create but I can almost see your fond smile. I check myself quickly to make sure my eyes are sill closed. My breathing is slow and even. I should consider acting.

I hear you stand and I fight down the sudden notion of reaching up and pulling you back down so we could be close again. Disappointment swells up inside me at your actions. I was waiting for you to do something. I don't think I want to know what it was, I would panic probably and scare you away. Would you think I would hate you, though? I could never hate you. Never think for a second that I would, it's a silly thought.

The sudden dip on either side of my head startles me and I cannot help but turn to face you even with my eyes close. An automatic reaction. I now know what I want you to do. You are so close to me. I try to remember if you had done anything like this before. I'm a light sleeper, though. I am quite sure you haven't. You must know that if you did anything that it would cause me to wake. I don't think you care at this point though. I can feel our breaths mingling and I have to admit, if only for a second, that I was tempted to tilt my head and lean up to kiss you. I bury the feeling to act straight away. You do the complete opposite, much to my surprise. My skin actually tingles and you move even closer and I know what you are about to do.

I feel you press your lips to mine gently. Barely a touch before you pull back. I was about to move when I felt them on mine again, harder this time. I stay still for a moment, wondering what I should do.

Before I could act on anything I hear you sigh against my mouth. That was what made my decision. I open my eyes and lock them on your dark ones. I see your shock before it turns to guilt and slight fear of what I would do. You move to pull away but I surprise both you and myself.

I kiss you back.

The end. Now I can focus on my other stories. Hope you enjoyed it.