A/N Ok, I'm a TOTAL Percabeth shipper and I really hate Rachel but when I was falling asleep I had a good idea for a story involving Rachel and then I forgot it. So now I think that if I keep typing I'll remember.

Disclaimer: Not my series! (Does anyone even read disclaimers)?!

Rachel's POV

Yawned and snarled at my clock, it was the first day of summer and I forgot to shut for my alarm.

Great, now I'll be tired for the rest of the day!

That might sound a bit strange, "Okay, you're a little sleepy, what a problem!" But today I was going to Percy's place and we were having an end of school/beginning of summer party.

And I can't say party because it's just us two. Just me and him!

I slammed down hard on my alarm and rolled back into my bed so I could get a few more hours of sleep.


"Rachel, Honey are you going to get up?" I startled in my sleep to find my dad shaking my shoulder awkwardly like he didn't know what to do with it.

"Eh, what time is it?!" I murmured, over half asleep.

"Well, it's 11:28." There's my dad, always exactly precise. Not 11:30, 11:28.

"Five more min- WHAT," I called, suddenly alert. "Dad, I've got to be at Percy's by noon! Why didn't you wake me?!"

"I, but you were sleeping." Dad looked like I had just slapped him silly.

"Oh never mind, just let me get ready!" I grumbled and pushed past him as he got up from my king sized bed.

I sprinted over to my dresser, yes actually sprinting, my room is that big.

I combed through every T-shirt I owned until I decided on a dark blue one and my one pair of khaki shorts that weren't covered in my doodles.

I hoped that my floor length mirror worked like one at a funhouse and my hair wasn't quite as tangled as it appeared.

"Bye Dad see you later!" I yelled once I grabbed a bagel and was heading out of the door.

I think he called after me something I but I was already running down the street, bagel in hand.

I decided that with my awful luck it'd be quicker to jog to Percy's that catch a cab, if I was fast I could still qualify as 'fashionably late.'

I rounded the corner of Percy's street and found his building.

I felt kind of nerdy when I counted four floors up and three windows to the right so I'd find Percy's room.

Once I was outside of the apartment I slowed down so I wouldn't be panting when I went inside.

I climbed the stairs slowly and knocked on his door, holding back my excitement as much as I could. A whole day of just me and Percy!

The door opened, much too slowly until I could see his face smiling and bright.

"Hey," Percy's eyes twinkled as he talked. "What's up?"

I swallowed hard making a strange gulping sound, thank gods he didn't notice, and managed a "Hi, not much."

Then his expression changed, he look at me grudgingly, like he was scared of what my reaction would be to what he was about to say.

"Uh, Annabeth called and asked if she could stop by oh her way to camp today," He took a deep breath, "and I said you were coming over, but she was welcome if she still wanted to come and she said sure." Percy looked almost scared.

"Yeah, okay, that's cool." I couldn't believe what I was saying, this would ruin everything!

Percy was stunned, "You really don't mind?!"

"Why would I?" I piped innocently.

He swallowed, "You know, you kind of hate each other."

I wanted to acknowledge his point but I refrained, I couldn't make him upset.

"Ok, sure, Annabeth. I bet that each time she smiles the devil cries." I didn't know if I was talking to Percy or myself

"Huh?" I forgot Percy was a slow.

"C'mon, like she's so perfect all of the time, Satan must be pretty upset with himself for not making her the slightest bit cruel."

"Um, ok?" He did clearly not understand anything I had just said.

"Never mind," I mumbled, "when's she coming over?"

"Annabeth will be here at 1:00ish."

Oh joy, less than a half hour till she's here.

"So what do you want to do?" I put on a happy face; I'd just have to be bigger person.

"Let's see, we could… I don't really know."

"Hmm… do you want to go get ice cream or something?" I suggested hopefully, all I had for breakfast was a bagel and I was hungry.

Percy looked uncomfortable. "Don't you think we should wait until Annabeth gets here?"

"Of course," I muttered, everything was always Annabeth.

"So what should we do?" C'mon you didn't sprint all the way over here to be bored.

"It's up to you," Percy was persistent.

"Nope, not at all, your house your decision," I could be persistent too.

"You're the guest, you can choose."

Ding Dong! Ding Dong!

(A/N Ok that wasn't half hour but so what?!)

"Oh, cool that's Annabeth!" Percy ran to the door.

"No kidding," I hoped he didn't hear that.

Rachel remember, you're here for Percy, just be nice!

I took a deep breath and marched over to the door.

"Hey Annabe-," I caught my breath and blinked hard.

Is that really her?! She looks gorgeous! Lord, no wonder he loves her!

I gulped and smiled, "Excuse me; I have a bit of a cold."

So, what does that have to do with anything?!

"Rachel and I were wondering if you wanted to go get some ice cream." Percy smiled at me and I hope I didn't blush.

"Sure sounds great." Annabeth agreed. She looked the slightest bit smug because of my shock.

Yay! R&R Please!!!! Tell me what parts you liked, and or hated. Flames are

accepted! Oh, and even though this is off topic, if you light a match (OUTSIDE!)

and spray it with bug spray it looks SO cool! IDK when the next chapter is coming

up because I have limited computer time due to all of my wacky tests but give me

ideas and stuff!