What can I say, except sorry that this has taken so long to finish. I lost the ability to "see" Gene & Alex over the last couple of months, and I although I always knew how I wanted this story to end, I just couldn't find the words to write it.

Anyway, it would seem that they've come back to me and so, here it is, the final chapter. I really hope you like it. For some reason I'm incredibly nervous about this one as I know that so many of you have been waiting patiently for me to bring it to life.

A big thank you goes to Louella who reminded me about the song that I've used as the title of this chapter. Cheers, Lou.

Once again, a huge thank you to every one who takes the time to read. (and for your reviews as well). It means the world to me.

Characters are not mine; they're the property of Kudos. Lyrics are the property of Paul Young.


"Love, since you've been gone
I opened my eyes
and I realize what we had together…..

Come back and stay for good this time……
Don't ever leave me..."


He was lost the moment he touched her; oblivious to anything but the feel of her smooth, silken skin under his fingertips and the soft, warm curves of her body pressed against his. Gene slid his hand along the line of her jaw, pushing his fingers into her hair, lifting her face up to his at the same moment that Alex wrapped her hand round the back of his neck and gently pulled his head down towards hers.

His lips brushed hers, slowly, softly, terrified that she would pull away or, even worse than that, slap his face in retaliation for all the terrible things he'd just said to her. He knew that what he should do was apologise, try and put things right, but he couldn't think straight; all he could do was hold her to him as her tongue traced the curve of his top lip, and then there was no going back. He kissed her fiercely, with a hunger that bordered on desperation, feeling her fingers tighten in his hair as she made a soft whimper of sound. With his free hand, he couldn't resist stroking the soft swell of her breast, still worried that she would pull away, and he felt a surge of delighted surprise as she urged herself harder against him. Needing no further encouragement, he pulled at her dress, tugging it open roughly, hearing the material rip, the buttons bouncing and rattling as one by one, they hit the stone-flagged floor.


She was lost the moment he touched her; un-heeding of anything other than his fingers threading their way through her hair, his body pressed hard against hers. Gene felt cold, his shirt soaking from the rainstorm, his hair curling damply at the nape of his neck as Alex pulled his head down to meet her mouth. She kissed him slowly, delicately, so afraid that he would push her away; that he really meant all of the terrible things he's just said. She knew that what they really needed to do was talk, that she need to apologise for her dreadful behaviour, but she couldn't stop kissing him, lost in the taste of him as her tongue slowly traced the curve of his top lip. She clung to him, digging her fingers into his hair, moulding her body against his as he kissed her back, unable to stop the whimper of sheer bliss that escaped her, as his kisses grew harder and more insistent.

Head spinning, all rational thought almost gone, Alex forced herself to try and attempt to work out exactly what was happening, but it was hopeless. All she could think about was how good Gene was making her feel. They'd gone from blazing row to blazing lust in about thirty seconds flat. Could it really be this easy? Would he ever forgive her for what she'd done? You're worrying too much, she told herself as she gave up the battle to think logically and just let herself fall headlong into the glorious sensation of Gene's mouth on hers.

Alex felt his hand brushing the curve of her breast, heard the shirt rip as he pulled it open, his fingers sliding into the cups of her bra, stroking, teasing, her nipples peaking instantly, aching for his touch. She wanted him now, she couldn't wait anymore, she didn't care what he thought of her. It was clear, on a physical level at least, that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. His breathing was hoarse as he dragged his mouth from hers, trailing hot, wet kisses down her neck, over her collarbone to reach her breast, his teeth nipping lightly through the lace, She reached for his belt, wrenching the buckle undone, tugging down his jeans and boxers, her hands clumsy with desire, and as her fingers brushed the tip of his cock, then wrapped round the length of it, he groaned deeply and thrust hard into her hand.

"God, Alex….want you…want …..you… so….. much….


His whole body was on fire, his heart pounding, his breathing unsteady. He blazed with the need to be inside her, to make her his, to posses her. Gene tried to concentrate, struggling to think, to sort out exactly what was going on. One minute they'd been shouting abuse at one another and the next they were all over each other, like two horny teenagers. Could she really forgive him enough to be happy with what was happening? It couldn't be this easy to fix, could it? Maybe it was? Maybe he was worrying too much? He kissed his way across her collarbone, dipping his head to nip at her breast through the lace of her bra. The breath caught in his throat as he felt Alex undoing his belt and then her fingers were stroking him, driving him wild, leaving in no doubt as to what she wanted. He groaned deeply and thrust hard into her hand.

"God, Alex….want you…want …..you… so….. much….

Pulling her round, he edged her backwards for a few unsteady steps until her shoulders bumped against the wall, his mouth on her neck once more, his teeth biting hard at the flesh of her shoulder, giving in to the primitive desire to mark her, to brand her as his and his alone . Alex flung back her head, her body writhing against him, her hand working him hard, as he reached up under the hem of her ridiculously short dress and hooked his fingers under the elastic of her knickers.

She was soaking wet, her flesh hot and silky as he slipped two fingers inside her, curling them forwards, stroking skilfully, making her whimper once again. He leaned back slightly, wanting to see her face. Eyes closed, lower lip caught between her teeth, Alex's whole face was suffused with an expression of total desire. As if she could sense him watching her, she opened eyes and stared deep into his, her pupils dark and smoky, the need in them plain for him to see. He flexed his fingers again and she let out a loan groan of pure lust, her whole body shaking.

"Please…..please, Gene"

It was too much. He couldn't wait any longer. He needed her now and she clearly wanted him as much as he wanted her. Gene dragged down the damp scrap of black lace that constituted her underwear and as Alex wrapped one leg firmly round his hip, he lifted her up and surged into her, feeling her open, then close around him, hearing her moan wordlessly as he pushed in to the hilt. He held her there, one arm hooked under the curve of her arse, the other bracing himself against the wall, and for a long moment, he gazed at her, drinking her in, trying desperately to retain some sense of control.


Alex felt cool touch of stone on her skin as Gene edged her backwards and she flung her head back in delight, feeling his teeth suddenly bite hard at the flesh of her shoulder. She knew that there would be a bruise there later, the mark of his ownership on her skin and she shivered with desire at the thought. She curled her fingers firmly around the hot, firm length of him, working him hard and felt his cock pulse in response.

His fingers stroked along the flesh of her inner thigh, wriggling their way under the elastic of her knickers, sliding inside her. She could feel the oily wetness between her thighs, letting out another whimper of pleasure as he curled his fingers forwards, hitting just the right spot, his touch igniting every nerve ending. Alex bit her lip hard, her eyes fluttering closed as she felt the first flickers of orgasm building within her. Oh God, she needed him now. Needed him in her, filling her completely, needed him to make her feel like no-one else could.

Opening her eyes she saw that he was watching her, his pupils huge and unfocused with lust. His fingers flexed again and she let out a ragged gasp, begging for him.

"Please…..please, Gene"

He dragged down her underwear, lifting her up, hooking her leg higher with one hand. She could feel his cock nudge against her, hot and slick, just for an instant, before he surged up into her. Alex moaned in ecstasy and dug her fingers into his shoulders, holding his gaze as he held her still, braced against the wall. This was what she'd missed most during all those lonely, miserable months without him; the raw, uncompromising passion of him, the fierce joy that he seemed to take in possessing her totally.

He began to move, slowly at first, his thrusts increasing steadily in depth and power until Alex could do nothing but wail with incoherent pleasure as she spiralled up into her climax, her whole body shaking, convulsing tightly around him. She felt him thrust harder, powering into her fiercely, his hips slamming against her, his breath coming in tortured gasps as his own climax gripped him. Alex could feel the tension in his body, the deep shudder of his final few thrusts, the hot rush as he spilled into her with a long, low groan that twisted into growl of total pleasure.


Jesus Christ… ohhhhhh fuck….. he couldn't hold on much longer. He nearly come on the spot as he'd entered her, the sensation had been so intense. With a combination of sheer willpower and the fear of how bloody embarrassed he'd be if it happened, he'd managed to hold himself back, but he knew he was fighting a losing battle. She just felt too bloody good. In all those lonely, miserable months without her, he'd never once come close to feeling the way he did when he was with her. Gene gritted his teeth and held on for dear life as Alex came, her flesh convulsing around him, crying out in ecstasy as she shook with the force of her orgasm.

He really needed to come now, needed to feel himself flooding into her as her hot flesh tightened around his pulsing cock. The thought tipped him over the edge and he urged himself deeper into her, harder and harder, his heart racing and his breathing ragged as he came with a groan of near-pain, the pleasure so acute it made his whole body shudder uncontrollably.

He buried his face in her neck, breathing in the scent of her, trying to recover enough breath to speak. He let her leg down gently and slipped out of her, pulling her against him. He held her, not sure what to do or say but knowing that he had to do something before it all got too awkward.

Through the open French windows, he could hear the hiss of yet more rain and the muted mutter of thunder higher up the mountain. A drink, he thought… a drink will calm us both down, break the ice. His mouth twisted into a wry grimace….not that there should be very much ice left to break, given the fact that they'd just shagged each other senseless, but he never really knew what the hell was going on in Alex's mind. His eyes suddenly focused on the material of her dress… it wasn't a dress at all…

"That's my shirt" he mumbled indignantly, pulling away from her so that he could see it better, remembering the ripping sound as he'd pulled it undone. "You're wearing my bloody shirt!" Why the hell had he just said that? He knew that he'd sounded cross and sulky, but really, it didn't matter one way or the other about the shirt. He was just surprised that was all, and far too tired to watch what he said, let alone how he said it.

Alex gazed at him, her eyes still smoky and unfocused with the remnants of her orgasm.

"I know…my clothes got wet in the rain…I didn't think you'd mind." She gave him a mischievous grin. "I'm sorry Gene."

She glanced down, seeing the missing buttons and the jagged and torn material, and to his consternation, the grin wobbled and faded within seconds, the tears welling up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry" she told him again, and this time there was a sob in her tone as her face crumpled into an expression of utter desolation and she began to cry. Gene heaved a deep sigh and closed his eyes in resignation. This wasn't a good sign. Tears were never good and he really didn't have the energy to deal with them now. He knew that they had to talk at some point; that things need to be said, but please God, not right at this moment. He'd made her cry already and he'd only get in more of a mess, say the wrong thing again. He was exhausted; the phrase "shagged-out" had never been more appropriate as far as he was concerned and all he really wanted to do was go to sleep.

He looked at Alex again, noticing for the first time just how pale and tired she was. She was skinny as well, far too skinny, the flesh stretched tight over her cheekbones, the bones of her wrists as thin and delicate as a bird's. She hadn't been taking care of herself, that much was obvious. He realised that she was worn out too, emotionally as well as physically and that she needed him to take charge.

Suddenly he knew exactly the right thing to do, and bending down, he swung her up into his arms. She gave a small shriek of surprise, wrapping her arms around his neck and he was reminded vividly of carrying her into the station on the very first day he'd met her; when he'd thought she was just another a tom and she'd thought he was beyond contempt. It had taken them a long time to overcome those first misguided impressions of one another, and even longer for them to realise just how much they needed each other. Well, he needed her, at any rate. He knew that now, and all he had to do was to find the courage to her know how he felt. He mucked it up between them so many times and it wasn't going to happen again, he was absolutely certain about that.


As Gene let her leg down and gently slipped out of her, Alex wrapped her arms around him tightly and clung to him, her legs trembling with exhaustion. She could feel his heart racing against her chest, his hot breath on her neck. She knew that she still needed to explain things to him before everything got too awkward or, worse still, he got angry with her again, but she hoped and prayed that the fact that they had just had the most incredible sex would go some way to curbing his temper. Unfortunately though, with Gene you could never be really sure how he was going to react. As she searched for the right words, listening to the sound of the rain outside, she heard him mutter something against her neck. He pulled away from her suddenly, his expression indignant.

"You're wearing my bloody shirt!"

She gazed at him, struggling to focus on him, her body still humming with the aftershocks of her orgasm.

"I know…my clothes got wet in the rain…I didn't think you'd mind." She gave him a contrite grin, trying to make light of the situation, hoping that he wouldn't mind, although he'd sounded really pissed off. "I'm sorry Gene."

She glanced down and saw the missing buttons, the jagged and torn material. Oh shit……..it was ruined. ……..of course he was angry with her. She felt the tears welling up and was unable to stop them, her voice breaking into a sob as she apologised to him again.

She saw him let out a deep sigh and close his eyes in resignation. That wasn't a good sign. He'd never liked tears, and she knew that he was always deeply uncomfortable when faced with any sort of hysterical woman, but she couldn't stop crying. She just couldn't find the energy to pull herself together; She was too tired to even think .Alex knew that they had to talk at some point; that things need to be said, but please God, not right at this moment. She was a complete mess and she knew she'd say the wrong thing. Gene looked exhausted too; the dark shadows under his eyes emphasising how pale and drawn his face was. It wasn't fair of her, dissolving into an emotional wreck when he was so obviously worn out, but all she wanted was for him to wrap his arms around her, for him to take care of her and make things better.

Without warning he stooped, swinging her up into his arms and she gave a small shriek of surprise, wondering what on earth he was doing, remembering the other time that he'd carried her like this. She'd been so frightened and alone, and in all the confusion and horror, when everyone else had looked at her with pity in their eyes, not knowing what to say to such a violently orphaned little girl, he'd bent down and talked to her softly, called her "little lady" and made her feel just a little bit better. He'd made her feel safe. He still did, even after all these years; even in this other strange, unexplained, inconceivable existence, and she needed him with her always. Now she just needed to find the words to explain how she felt. She'd messed it up between them so many times and it wasn't going to happen again, she was absolutely certain about that.

She held on to his neck as Gene carried her out into the hall and down the corridor into his bedroom, depositing her heavily onto the mattress.

"Sorry….you OK?"

He didn't wait for her answer, concentrating on pulling off her boots and removing her belt, before stripping off his own clothes, leaving everything in an untidy heap on the floor and climbing into bed.

Alex watched him warily, unsure of what to do next. He pulled the sheet out from under her and flung it back. "Well, come on then, get in. You look as knackered as I am, Bolly."

Bolly….he'd called her Bolly.

Alex felt her heart leap as she took off the torn shirt and lay down next to him, resting her head on his shoulder. She felt his hand cup her face softly, just moments before she slipped into a deep, contented sleep.


He wasn't sure of what to say, hoping that she would understand what he wanted without the need for too much conversation. He was so tired he could barely string a sentence together.

"Well, come on then, get in. You look as knackered as I am, Bolly."

He'd called her Bolly.

He'd said it without thinking, the familiar nickname coming unbidden to his lips, and his heart soared with relief as Alex smiled at him tremulously, pulling off the ruined shirt and lying down next to him. He pulled her into the crook of his arm, reaching up to cup her face with his hand, falling into a deep, contented sleep within seconds.

The early evening sun woke him. Hanging low in the sky, it shone directly through the open French windows, falling over his face and Alex's sleeping form. Gene drew a deep breath and breathed in the scent of her; roses ……and vanilla……. and spices. He turned slightly, studying her, unable to quite believe that she was really there, in his bed, with him.

She slept peacefully, curled on her side, one hand on his chest, a leg flung over his. The sunlight illuminated the light scattering of freckles on her nose, the generous sweep of her eyelashes, the luscious creaminess of her skin and he felt a deep, languid contentment spread through him at the sight of her. He grinned to himself as he recalled how he'd woken her earlier, slipping under the sheets to kiss every inch of her glorious body, his mouth tasting her, musky and sweet, his tongue lapping at her until she'd sobbed with delight. How she'd drawn him back up the bed, straddling him, still in the first throes of her orgasm, riding him until he'd shouted out, gripping her hips hard, pulling her down onto him as exploded into her, the world spinning and dipping crazily as he'd climaxed so hard that for a moment he'd thought he might pass out from the intensity of the feeling.

He needed a cigarette now, was desperate for one, in fact, but he didn't want to smoke in the bedroom; not with Alex there. He knew she didn't like it and even though it was his house and in theory he could do as he bloody well pleased, he eased himself from her embrace and, pulling his jeans and shirt back on, he grabbed the fag packet from his beside table, and made his way into the living room.

He went out on to the veranda to smoke, leaning against one of the wooden pillars, looking out across the swimming pool to the view of his bedroom beyond. Through the French windows, he could see a glimpse of Alex, still soundly asleep. He shook his head, his face breaking into another grin of delight. He was fairly sure that things were going to be alright between them; he just had to stop pussyfooting around and actually tell her how he felt, even though he was terrified at the very thought of it.

As he ran through a few phrases in his mind, trying them out in case they sounded ridiculously soppy, the telephone rang, its tone shrill and deafeningly loud in the heavy silence of the house. Gene hurried into the kitchen and grabbed the receiver, partly because of an ingrained copper's response to a ringing phone, but mostly because he didn't want Alex to be disturbed.

"Hello?.....Charlie! ……What the bloody hell have you been up to, ringing me about some bird you met in the Railway Arms……


Alex woke to the feeling of warm sunlight on her face and the distinctly unwelcome absence of Gene in the bed bedside her. She opened her eyes, seeing movement outside on the veranda. It was Gene, staring into space as he smoked a cigarette. She saw his mouth curl into a delighted grin and she knew, without any doubt, that he was thinking of her. She smiled too, remembering how she'd woken earlier to the feel of Gene kissing his way down her body, his mouth hot and wet against her sensitive flesh, her fingers tangling in his hair as his tongue lapped and flickered, making her sob with delight. As she'd straddled him, the heat of her climax spreading throughout her whole body, she'd slid herself over him and onto him, pushing down hard until she could feel him high up inside her. She'd ridden him fast and hard, arching her back as he'd held her hips tight against him and shouted out as he'd spilled into her in a hot, sweet rush, and she'd thought that she would almost faint, the pleasure was so exquisite, colours spinning and swirling before her closed eyes.

As she lay there, her body still heavy and languid with the aftermath, she heard the telephone begin to ring shrilly. Without even thinking about it, she was up and out of bed in an instant, pulling on Gene's torn shirt as she hurried down the corridor. As she reached the hall, she stopped. What the hell did she think she was doing? She didn't have to answer this phone. It wasn't hers and anyway, she wasn't even on duty, she was on holiday. She shook her head at her foolishness, amused at her ingrained, police officer's reaction to a ringing phone. Anyway, Gene had got there before her. She turned away, intending to let him have his conversation in private, but she was pulled up short by Gene's opening words and she couldn't help by listen.

"Hello?.....Charlie! ……What the bloody hell have you been up to, ringing me about some bird you met in the Railway Arms……"What?…........Alex? Yes, she's here….....how the bloody hell did you know that?"

There was a long pause and Alex held her breath, waiting for Gene's reaction. She wasn't disappointed as his voice rose into an incredulous shout.

"You did what!....... You sly old bastard!"

Alex crept nearer to the door now that she knew the conversation was definitely about her. Gene was standing with his back to her, laughing now at something that Charlie Armstrong was saying.

"No, you're right, I don't deserve her……what do you mean 'God knows what she sees in me?'…… Yes, she is very beautiful. …. absolutely drop-dead gorgeous."

Alex felt a blush creep across her cheeks as she caught the note of pride in Gene's voice.

"Yes, I'll do things properly… What?... no, I won't mess it all up again, you cheeky sod! Well, she's naked and in my bed at this very moment, so yes,…. I suppose you could say it's very going well…. it's a bloody dream come true, to be honest."

She stifled a giggle, admiring the line of Gene's shoulders, outlined clearly by his black linen shirt.

"No I haven't talked to her yet……why? ……we've been a bit busy…….well, what do you think we've been doing, you dozy sod! ………………….yes, I know that I've got to apologise for being a total prick.…..All right, Charlie! There's no need to go on about it!…..I know I behaved badly………..well, you know full well how I feel about her. I bored you stupid about it, after all. ……Yes, I promise I'll tell her.…..it's just easier said than done, that's all……."

Alex watched as Gene ran a hand distractedly through his hair. Charlie was obviously giving him a hard time.

"Oh come on Charlie! You know I'm not good at that sort of stufff………….what?……….just three little words? They'd be "mine's a pint" then, wouldn't they?……All right, all right……. I'm only joking……. of course I won't say that…… of course I love her, you prat! Being without her nearly bloody killed me, you know that! I'm not going to let her go again, am I? Not if I can help it. This is forever as far as I'm concerned."

Alex felt her heart skip a beat, jumping and pounding in her chest as though she'd been running for miles. He'd said it…Gene said that he loved her….that he wanted her forever. Not to her face, but at least she knew how he felt about her.

"No! I don't want to talk to Peggy. Jesus Christ, if you put her on the phone, I'll never get away! Charlie? Charlie! ……Right, that's it…..I'm going now….."

Gene banged down the receiver, glaring as he did so. Alex saw him take a deep breath and square his shoulders, only for him to look up and catch sight of her, standing in the doorway. His face twisted with nerves, the panic in his eyes clearly visible, even from where she was standing.

"That was Charlie." He shifted uneasily and cleared his throat.

"Yes I know." She had to bite her lip to stop herself from smiling at his obvious discomfort.

"Oh…so you heard that, did you?"

She nodded again. "Yes. I heard most of what you were saying, actually."

Gene looked away from her, then down at the ground, before raising a hand to rub awkwardly at the back of his neck, before sneaking another worried glance at her. "What all of it? The whole conversation?"

Alex nodded, unable to stop herself from smiling any more. "Yes, all of it. Every little bit of it. Even the three little words."

His face froze for an instant and then he shrugged, diffidently, staring at his feet once more, male bravado obviously dictating that he front it out, despite his apparent terror.

"Well…now you know,….you know how I feel…." He paused, fixing her with his fierce silver/blue gaze, "…….about you. That I...you know,...... that I....." He stopped and just stood there, with an expression of such helpless longing on his face that Alex felt her knees buckle at the sight of him. She crossed the room to stand in front of him, trying to speak, but he shook his head, taking her face in his hands and kissing her deeply, again and again, showing her how he felt without the need for any words.

"So" he murmured eventually, drawing back from her, his expression oddly serious. "Would I be right in thinking that you didn't marry the knobby posh-bloke doctor after all?"

Alex stared back at him, caught off balance by his question, and as he flashed her a wide, naughty-boy grin, she began to smile, holding on to him tightly, the laughter bubbling up from deep inside her. She wasn't afraid to tell him now. She could finally let him know exactly what he meant to her, with fear of the consequences. He loved her and now that she knew the truth, it would be more than enough for her for the rest of her days.


Gene banged down the receiver quickly before Peggy could get to the phone. He'd never get away once she started interrogating him about his private life. Right, come on. You heard what Charlie said. Take a deep breath and just go and tell her. Just say it…out loud…...three little words…it can't be that hard, can it?

He looked up and saw her standing in the doorway; all green eyes, and endless legs, and tousled hair and he felt the panic clutch at his chest. She was so beautiful, so unbearably, terrifyingly beautiful that for a moment, he couldn't even speak, let alone tell her that he loved her.

"That was Charlie." Please God, let her say that she didn't hear anything; please let her say that she's only just woken up.

"Yes I know."

Shit. She knew it was Charlie. "Oh…so you heard that, did you?"

Bugger….apparently she'd heard most of what he'd said. He didn't want to ask the next couple of questions, but he knew he had to.

"What all of it? The whole conversation?"

He watched as Alex nodded, smiling. "Yes, all of it. Every little bit of it. Even the three little words."

He froze, his heart racing in terror. Come on Gene. You can do this. Get a bloody grip.

He shrugged, diffidently, trying to be nonchalant and failing utterly. Oh sod it. Just tell her. She knows anyway.

"Well…now you know,….you know how I feel…." He paused, wanting to see her face, but still unable to actually say the three little words out loud. "…….about you." He tried again to tell her, but he was tongue-tied, helpless in the face of her impossibly perfect beauty. She stared at him for a moment, an expression of such utter happiness on her face, before crossing the room to stand in front of him. She began to speak, but he shook his head, taking her face in his hands and kissing her deeply, again and again, telling her how he felt without the need for any words.

"So" he murmured eventually, drawing back from her, schooling his face into an expression of mock -severity. "Would I be right in thinking that you didn't marry the knobby posh-bloke doctor after all?"

Alex stared back at him, caught off guard and as he grinned at her, relieved that he'd managed to lighten the deeply emotional, and frankly terrifying mood, she began to laugh.

"No, I didn't marry him! I ran after you instead. Only you were nowhere to be found and I ended up on a wild goose chase that led me to Manchester. I met Charlie in the Railway Arms."

He shrugged again, trying to make light of his desperate escape. "I came straight out here. I couldn't face seeing anyone. Watching you, getting ready to marry him nearly destroyed me, Alex."

She said nothing, but her fingers threaded their way through his and gripped them hard.

He shook his head in wonder, aiming for lightness of mood once again. "Fancy you meeting Charlie bloody Armstrong!"

"Thank God for me that I did, because I'd almost given up any hope of finding you. It was him that told me to get myself on a flight out here, because you were drinking yourself into an early grave." Alex reached out and stroked his face, her eyes soft with love.

"Listen. I know you find it hard to say, but I'm not afraid anymore. I want to say it. I need to say it to you...... I love you. I don't want anyone else, Gene, I only want you…forever." She broke off her voice catching in her throat. "….and I'm so sorry about all the mess I've caused, all the pain I've put you through. I've been selfish and unthinking and I don't know how I can ever make it up to you…"

He stopped her words with a kiss, his head spinning with the incredible realisation that Alex Drake loved him. Nothing else mattered; nothing. She loved him and he would hold that knowledge close to his heart until his dying day. Right now, however, all he wanted to do was show her exactly how she'd just made him feel by uttering those three little words. And maybe, while he was showing her, he'd even find the courage to say them back to her.

"Alex" he growled.


"Come back to bed."


Alex put down her powder brush and stared at her face in the mirror. It was the first time since she'd woken up that she'd been alone in the peace and quiet of her flat and she took a minute to relish the silence. In all the rush and excitement she'd needed a moment just to calm down and so she had whispered her intention to him and slipped away upstairs for just five minutes to make herself presentable again. She studied her face in the mirror, making sure that her face was once again flawlessly made-up and, that all smudges of mascara were gone from around her eyes. It would seem that she always cried at occasions like this.

Satisfied with her appearance, she made her way over to the wardrobe, hanging up her heavy silk coat on a hanger, taking care not to crease it too much. The October day had been chilly, despite the sunshine and she'd been glad of its warmth, but she didn't need it now that she was indoors. Finally, she surveyed herself in the full-length mirror on the inside of the wardrobe door, smiling in delight at the radiantly happy woman reflected there. The deep amethyst silk of her dress clung to her body, the tight bodice pushing up her breasts and accentuating her waist.

Inevitably, her eyes were drawn to the photograph that she kept tucked in the mirror frame and she smiled to herself, remembering the feel of his arm wrapped around her waist, his indrawn breath of surprise as she leaned into his embrace, the look of desire in his eyes …….

Suddenly realising that she'd been far longer than five minutes, she gathered up her small handbag, and pulling the door of the flat closed behind her, she made her way downstairs.

She hesitated at the doorway of the restaurant for a moment, watching as Luigi teased Gene about something. As she stood there, unsure of whether or not to interrupt them, Gene looked up and caught sight of her, staring as if transfixed, while the smoke from his cigarette trickled lazily from his mouth, wreathing around him a shifting blue haze, before drifting slowly up into the air.

Alex blushed under his scrutiny, looking down at her hands with a small shy smile, as she smoothed out the skirts of her dress. When she raised her eyes to his again, he was still staring at her, a look of fierce pride on his face, his eyes dark and cloudy with love. There was a pause, the silence seeming to stretch forever as everything that had happened, everything that they were to each other, hung between them.

Luigi stopped talking, realising that Gene's attention was focused entirely on someone else and that he wasn't listening to a word he said. He turned to see what had transfixed the usually self-possessed DCI and saw her, standing shyly in the doorway, looking like a fairytale princess, her hair pinned up on top of her head in some deceptively simple style, the perfect fit of her dress clinging to every perfect curve of her perfect body. He looked back at Gene's face and what he saw there was enough to make his heart sing with joy.

She walked further into room, accepting the delighted congratulations of her colleagues, making for the bar. Someone pressed a glass of champagne into her hand as from the corner of her eye, she saw Gene stride across the floor with his customary long-limed grace to stand beside her at the bar. Her hands trembled as she put the champagne glass down, afraid that she would spill it and as she moved to face him, he pulled her close, his fingers brushing against the skin of her back. She trembled, every nerve on fire, sparks of electricity shooting through her body at his touch. Alex knew that he could see everything that she felt for him written clearly on her face. She felt the whisper of his breath on his skin as he leaned forward to kiss her.


Her perfume surrounded him, making him dizzy with longing. This day had proved to be better than he'd ever dreamed it would be, and the best part of it all was Alex, in that dress, looking so incredibly beautiful that it almost hurt to look at her. She was perfect and he loved her so much. He'd told her so, many times, the fear of those words vanished in the certainty of her love for him.

"Better?" he asked softly, the word rumbling up from deep in his chest, his voice catching slightly.

Alex nodded in reply, her hand coming up to stroke his face. He smiled, bending his head to kiss her again, but he was suddenly dragged away by Ray and Chris, and the rest of the lads, all of them clapping him heartily on the back. He gave her a rueful grin and turned his attention to them, accepting their congratulations and their teasing remarks with a good natured grace.


Alex found herself enveloped in a sudden cloud of confetti, and she turned to see Luigi standing in front of her, holding out his arms, tears in his eyes.

"Signora Hunt! Let me congratulate you! You look beautiful……no…… you look more than beautiful….you look stunning…the most gorgeous bride I have ever seen."