
Alex never would know the lengths that K Unit and Wolf especially had taken to keep him from falling back into Yassen's hands. All he knew is that he woke up safe in another shock white hospital room. This time he was unrestrained, the malaise that had a hold over him for the last week at Brecon Beacons was gone replaced with clear senses and a sharp mind. Everything felt sure and stable again.

The nursing staff assured him that he had made a full recovery from his assault by Crowe and subsequent withdrawal. He had even been permitted to see Wolf though the other man had been silent throughout their entire brief interaction. Obviously he was taking the loss of his unit hard. Alex was similarly situated. Not only had he lost the majority of K Unit, Yassen had also been felled, by Wolf, the nurses had whispered conspiratorially. After weeks in recovery and physical therapy he had been given a clean bill of health he had been released into the care of a much more talented and careful handle that he had been promised would not abuse him like his last, Yassen, had.

The man had welcomed him with open arms and a wide smile as though they had known each other forever and perhaps they had, Alex had long since given up on piecing together his past that was full of lies. He now looked forward to his future learning more about his trade from Ben Daniels under the careful watchful eye of Scorpia.