A/N: I hope you like this.
Summary: Reflections of George Weasley after the Final Battle. Sort of sad, but not completely--bittersweet, I suppose. Note: DEATHLY HALLOWS SPOILER(S)! Twoshot. Second part will have Angelina in it. Written by DawnFire.
Revised Summary: Reflections of George Weasley after the Final Battle. Sort of sad, but not completely--bittersweet, I suppose. Note: DEATHLY HALLOWS SPOILER(S). Threeshot. Second part will have Angelina in it. Third part, well, you'll see. Written by DawnFire.
DISCLAIMER: I really don't own Harry Potter. Or his friends. Or the series of books written about him. If I did, I doubt that I would have even thought about killing off Fred. Or Sirius. Or Dobby. Or--you get the idea. I was crying when she killed off Fred...
April's Fool
His laugh was so bitter now, ringing horribly differently from the laugh he had had before.
He had thought, once, that nothing would ever go wrong, but that had been when he was much younger. He had since been disabused of that notion in his sixth year, with Lord Voldemort's return.
But he had still been alright, his world complete. He had his family, his friends, his twin. He and Fred were well on their way to opening their joke shop, their dream. Voldemort was not a huge threat to his happiness, not yet.
He had lost an ear, when they were nineteen, but that had not been so awful, even though he was always rather unpleasantly surprised when he glanced in a mirror and saw his ear missing. He was still alive, he still had his friends, still had the majority of his family (he had not considered Percy family at that time, and now found his older brother's return inadequate exchange for his identical brother's loss), still had his other half, still had his twin. And, in his foolishness and naivety, he believed that nothing and no one could take that away. He had still believed that he would never lose Fred.
And yet he was gone. And he would never come back.
His laughter was turning hysterical, turning to tears and sadness. It was no longer light-hearted and happy, and, to be honest, he was pretty sure that it would never be that way again. What reason did he have to laugh now?
He had been so foolish, once upon a time. So foolish to believe that nothing would go wrong, even as people died around him. So foolish to believe that the death and destruction would not, could not, affect him so personally.
He had not believed that the war could ever take his twin, his other half, away from him.
He had thought that, when it came time for them to die, they would die together, both fighting, or both aged, or mucking up an experiment together and then having an argument in the afterlife over who it had been, exactly, that had messed it up. But they would die together.
So naïve. So foolish.
They had been born on April Fool's day, and had thought it a marvellous joke.
Two twins, two identical pranksters, born on All Fools' Day? It was ridiculous. It was hilarious.
It was perfect.
They had joked about being April's Fools, playing every practical joke that they could think of, and then some. Once, on April 1st, they had set up a prank, and a banner that read, 'April's Fools wish you a Happy Fools' Day!' They had been twelve years old at the time, and had found it hilarious to have the entire Great Hall singing their praises—literally. The funniest part, to their minds, had been stern Professor McGonagall attempting to sing them into detention and Professor Dumbledore singing a rebuke that it was their birthday and that two such amazing pranksters should not be punished, especially on the occasion of both their birthday and All Fools' Day. From the way the Headmaster's eyes had twinkled, the twins had deduced that the praise he gave them had not even been forced.
He was truly April's Fool now.
So foolish, to believe that nothing could ever happen to destroy his life. So foolish, to have once believed that no war would ever come his way. So foolish, to believe that they would be Gred and Forge, the twins, forever.
Yes, George Weasley was truly April's Fool now.
April's Fool…
The End
A/N: The way that oneshot got written was me thinking up the title April's Fool and then finding a story to go with it...assuming you wanted to know that, which you most likely didn't...
I might write a second part--in fact, I probably will. It'll probably have Angelina in it.
Funny, really, how two out of my three finished oneshots are canon (follow the original series) and are fairly sad...don't look for the third, it won't be posted for a while because it would ruin another story that I have up here. The other oneshot that I have up here is basically the aftermath/reflections of/on Halloween 1981...ie, Voldemort's defeat...though it concentrates more on the tragedies...it's not 'make you cry' sad, though, just kind of--subdued. I feel like I, for one, would be more likely to cry over April's Fool than Cause and Effect, or Loss.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this. I'm putting this as In Progress because I'm planning on writing the second part...unless people really don't want me to, but I think I'd probably write it anyway.
Well, tell me what you think of this, please...I like to know...