DISCLAIMER: I do not own GA.

CHAPTER 1: An early morning announcement

It was a fine Monday morning as student did their usual morning routine since they all have classes to attend. In the class 2B of the Middle School Division, the students are busy doing their own thing. Some are quietly seated on their places, some are happily chatting with their friends, some are playing with their alices while some are just plainly teasing each other.

All of the noise suddenly disappeared once the three most popular and hottest 16 year old teens entered the room. The first one has messy raven hair and crimson eyes plus two earrings. The second one has blonde hair, azure eyes and a bunny wrapped around his arms. The third one has dark auburn hair with matching amber eyes.

"Kyaaaa!!! They're here!!! Ohayo Natsume-sama, Ruka-sama, Mico-sama!!!" Squealed a very hyperactive Sumire as she ran towards them to give them a morning hug as her hair was caught on fire.

"Kyaaaa!!! Put it out!!! My beloved hair is at stake!!!" She yelled as the water from the vase was poured onto her head by her friend.

"Tch. I already told you to get the hell away from us you ugly hag." Natsume coldly said as he headed towards his seat.

"Ugh, these fan girls never really know when to give up. How come you managed to survive through all these years when I've only entered the academy for about a year?" Mico grunted as he sat down.

"Hai. I agree with Mico. They never really know when to give up. They've been like that ever since we were 8 and yet they still don't bother to stop even though their hair gets burnt by Natsume." Ruka added. "You're really lucky that you've just been here for about a year."

"Tch. Now that you're here, you should get used to it especially to the parts when they bug and follow everywhere you go." Natsume stated.

"Look who's talking about the getting used to it part. At least I don't burn their hairs even if I have the chance. I'm not like a certain flame caster whom I know." Mico replied with a smirk while Ruka just chuckled.

"Hn. Don't blame me. The ugly hag who formed the damn cub is really annoying the hell out of me."

"He's right. She even acts as if they own the three of us." Ruka added. "She never stopped bugging us even if her hairs gets on fire almost every single day.

"I didn't even know that girls in this academy are this hyper just because of a guy. My sister isn't even like that." Mico stated.

"Where's your darn sister anyway? You keep on talking about her every single day." Natsume asked as he was still reading his manga.

"At home." Mico answered.

"How come she's not here? And who's older?" Ruka asked.

"I didn't want her to come even though she wanted to go with me when I transferred here. And I'm the older one."

"Does she have an alice?" Asked Natsume while raising an eyebrow at him.

"Hai. But I'm the only one who knows since her alice is not that easily detected by other people so I just kept it a secret. The only people who knows about her alice is me and her." Mico replied.

"Does she have the elemental alice just like you?" asked a very curious Ruka.

"Iie. Her alice is something rare. It would be a miracle if she'd be here since the academy people didn't even notice that she had an alice when they came to our house to pick me up."

"Why didn't you just let her come with you? It's really obvious that you miss her." Natsume said.

"She'll be safer at home. Who knows what could happen to her in this academy. And besides, if she comes here, she might be forced to do missions like us. I don't want that to happen." Mico answered.

"Oh. So you're protecting her just like how Natsume protects Aoi." Ruka butted in. "You're a very nice onii-chan, Mico."

"Ohayo minna!!! Please settle down now." Mr. Narumi said as he entered the room. "I have an announcement for all of you so you better lend me your ears." He continued as the whole class quieted down.

"Tomorrow, you will be having a new classmate." He started as he heard some student murmur about it while some are just plain uninterested just like Natsume, Ruka, Mico and Hotaru. "So I expect that all of you should be in good behavior when the newcomer arrives."

"Good behavior? Is this sensei crazy or what? Since when did this class have a good behavior? All of them are noisy. Even if I shoot them with my Baka Gun and even if Inchou gives them scary hallucinations they never learn to shut up." Hotaru thought as one of her classmates raised her hand.

"Sensei, is the newcomer a girl or a boy?" she asked.

"She's a girl." Mr. Narumi replied with a smile. "She's very friendly, cheerful, and bubbly as well so I'm sure that you can get along with her real fast."

"And I'm also sure that a couple of your classmates would be really glad and surprised at the same time when she'll come to class tomorrow." Narumi thought.

"Who are the couple that you're thinking about Narumi-sensei?" asked the mind reader, Koko.

"So you've read my mind again? Tsk. You'll soon find out, Koko." Narumi replied with a smile.

"Friendly, cheerful and bubbly? Whoa. That girl has the same traits as Mikan. –sigh- I wonder how that baka best friend of mine is doing? It's already been a year that I haven't seen her." Hotaru thought. "That baka is not even replying to any of my letters. What's happening to her?"

"Huh? Friendly, cheerful and bubbly? Could it be that it's??? Naaahh. That would be totally impossible." Mico thought. "I just hope that she's doing well lately. She hasn't been answering to any of the letters that I have sent her for the past few days."

"Sensei, is she beautiful?" asked a random guy.

"Well, you'll know the answer about that one tomorrow morning. So if you students, especially the guys, wanna see how she looks like, you better not be absent tomorrow." Narumi replied with a wink.

"Tch. Another stupid girl." Natsume muttered. "That would be an addition to the irritating people in this school."

"I just hope that she'll not be included in the NaRuMi Fan Club of Shouda-san." Ruka added. "Having almost every girl that's in this class drooling and swooning over you is really tiring."

"I doubt that. Is there any other girl in this blasted academy who is not a member of that darn fan club other than Hotaru?" Mico stated as the two just thought for a while.

"None." Natsume calmly answered.

"He's right. I don't know anyone else." Ruka added. "It seems that every girl that I meet along the campus are one of them."

"Now do you get what I mean? That girl would more or less be a member of that club. Seeing the good looks that we have, she'll bound to fall head over heels for us. Hotaru was the only one in the right mind who never fell gaga for all of us." Mico said.

"That's because she's already Ruka's girlfriend, you dimwit." Natsume butted in.

"Exactly my point. But even if she was still NOT the girlfriend of Ruka, she never fell head over heels crazily in love with us or even with Ruka." Mico answered while Ruka just listened to the two.

"What makes you so sure that she was not going crazy for Ruka?" Natsume asked while cocking his eyebrow.

"I know because she's also from our place. She's even our neighbor." Mico answered back as Mr. Narumi started to speak again.

"Okay, since there will be an emergency faculty meeting, you guys are dismissed early. Adieu!" Mr. Narumi said as he skipped and twirled out of the room as the students suddenly followed.