Ok I know it's been done to death, but this is my version of the "I want a baby" spoiler, plays out. I have had it on my computer for a while and realized that i should post it before the show actually airs. Well enjoy.

I don't own bones.

Chapter 1 –

We were sitting in the car driving to Virginia to interview a young mother, for our current case. The ride had been quite, which was a little unusual for us but she looked like she had something on her mind so I let the silence go. She was watching out the side window, her chin resting in her hand and her brow was furrowed. She looked like she was hurting.

Nearly an hour later she had hardly moved it was making me nervous. "Hey Bones, are you ok you've hardly said two words since we got in the car?"

She turned and looked at me. I was expecting sadness in her eyes but rather there was just confusion. "I'm fine Booth; I'm just trying to figure something out in my head. It's nothing to worry about."

Ok that is worrying she never has to think about anything, she just knows it. "See Bones you trying to figure something out in your head is worrying because you always know exactly what to do. Why don't you tell me I could help." I gave her a smile that usually got her to open up.

She gave me her speculative stare, before taking a deep breath. "I want to have a child. I want to be a mother." She stated in that way she does when she does know how to phrase something other than bluntly.

That was out of left field, "Bones, that's great. I thought you didn't want to be a parent." She made a face, I didn't want her to misunderstand she would be an amazing mother. "Not that this is a bad thing you'll make a fabulous mother, really" I assured her.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive I've seen you with Parker, he adores you. And you manage to talk to kids and explain things even if you can't explain it to me."

"Thanks Booth, does Parker really adore me?"

"Are you kidding every time I've got him he wants to know if we can see you? And if we do see you he doesn't stop talking about you." I laughed, how could any kid not love her, she was fabulous with them. She smiled.

We pulled up at the crime scene and got to work. I watched her work her hair pulled into a knot at the nape of her neck, sunglasses askew, and squinting at the bones that were being unearthed. She'd always surprised me but I never expected her to want a child, I knew she'd be a good parent I'd even tried to convince her of it when we were solving the murder of Andy's mom. Something was bothering me though, she'd just told me she wants to be a mother, but she's not married, or in a relationship. When did she want to have the kid? Who did she want to be the father?

"Pack it all up and send it to the Jeffersonian," I heard her tell the FBI tech. She walked over to me pulling of the latex gloves. "Ready Booth?"

"Sure Bones. Back to the Jeffersonian." I smiled and offered a hand to help pull her out of the mud and we traipse back to the car so she could get out of her jumpsuit and change her shoes. We stopped at a local restaurant for dinner before getting back on the road again.

Halfway to D.C. and we were discussing to possibilities for the case when I decided I wanted to ask her my question. "So Bones, about the wanting a kid thing, is that like an immediate desire or is it something that you've decide that you now want if you were in a long term relationship?"

She looked at me for a minute, her blue green eyes trying to read my features. "Well I've been thinking about it for a while and I want a child within the next two at most three years. And no it doesn't have to part of a long term relationship, which seems unlikely for me anyway as I've never managed it."

"Well, if you want a child soon but don't want a long term relationship with someone, who do you want to be the father? Surely not a one night stand?"

"No, not a one night stands…" She trailed off; there was something that she wasn't telling me.

"Bones, you can tell me surely you know that I won't judge." I coaxed.

"Ok Booth, you have to promise not to say anything, just think about what I'm about to say and we can talk about it in a few days. I don't want to push you."

"Bones your being ridiculous," I moaned, what could it be that she's making me promise not to say anything.

"Booth just promise" she used my own intimidation stare against me.

"Ok I promise, tell me."

She inhaled, and looked at the road, "Booth, I want you to be the father." I opened my mouth to tell her that of course I'd be the father of her baby.

Her hand covered my mouth so quick I had no idea where it came from. "Booth, you promised just hear me out." I nodded and indicated she should go on.

Now she looked at me, "Booth, you have all the qualities that some one looks for in a good mate. You're handsome, smart, charming, and fun. You are patient when the time calls for it and passionate when that's required. You are a man that understands, not only lives his life according to a strict code of morals, and strives to make sure that other do to. You are an excellent parent to Parker, spoiling him, schooling, and worrying about him." She smiled and hesitated on the last next part.

"Bones, there is something more, I know you, you've got something else."

She looked at me trying to force herself to keep eye contact, "You promised that you'll never leave me. And while we're not romantically involved, you are my best friend and part of my family, I know that you'll always be there for me no matter what happens." She flew through it.

I had no idea that she'd actually started to believe that I wasn't going to leave her. I couldn't leave her was the truth. I covered her hand that was on the console between us with mine and squeezed, looking at her. "Bones, I'm not going anywhere. Don't worry."

She released a breath, and smiled at me. "Well are you going to say something?"

"You made me promise not to, and I don't break promises lightly." I would definitely be the father of her child but she said she didn't want me to say anything right now so I wouldn't. She smiled and nodded. "I do have something to tell you though." She looked at me again, "Thank you."

"Your, welcome." She smiled as we pulled into the Jeffersonian parking lot.