+Anima were some of the most talented people in the country's history. But that didn't matter to them. We were different and dangerous. They took the easy path. It may not have been the right path but they took it anyway. They hated us.
My path had once been simple. I'd gone along with the discrimination and now that I was one of them it seemed so wrong. People didn't see me for me anymore. They treated me like an animal. They called me an animal too.
I'll never forget the day I became one of them. Perhaps my eyes were opened that day to the horrors that +Anima had gone through. The irony of that statement, "my eyes were opened that day", for the truth is that my eyes were forever shut on that day.
I couldn't see and without my +Anima then I'd be dead. Going into that cave had been the stupidest decision of my life.
"You're not chicken are you Anna?"
"Oh shut up Bret!"
Bret was my boyfriend. He had short black hair with green eyes. I loved his eyes. He looked at me with those eyes and I smiled.
"Well if you're scared I guess we can just go back to town. Boring little town in the middle of nowhere with nothing exciting to do." He looked at me and gave me puppy dog eyes. "Mind you Anna, we won't be able to come back here again."
I put my hands on my hips "And why not?"
"Because a +Anima lives here."
I remember my eyes widening. I was so foolish back then. "But won't you protect me?" I said this with a smile, which he returned.
"Of course!" but his smile turned to a frown. "It's just now would be the best time. The +Anima only leaves on this day once a year." He paused. "Or so they say."
I huffed. "Then let's get this over with. Lead the way."
His smile returned. "Ladies first."
"Look who's chicken now."
It was so foolish of us. There had been no +Anima, only an angry bear.
But it wasn't the bear's fault. It had only been trying to protect its young. Its claws had connected with my face leaving awful scars, or at least I'm told that. But people don't often speak the truth to +Anima. Still, I would never see the scars, so I wouldn't know.
I tried to get away from the bear. That was when I got my +Anima.
Bears have no natural enemies.
Except themselves.
And so…that was what I became. My claws were sharp and the fur on my arms warmed me. The bear stopped attacking. It then turned on Bret who ran.
He left me. Bret didn't help me. He fled.
I was alone with a bear. I expected it to kill me and feed it to its children. I couldn't see it, but then I felt its warm breath on me.
Apparently it thought I was a kid bear. A cub… a bear cub.
I took care of me until I learned to get around without sight. I may be with humans now, but I was happier with the bear.
Humans hated me for my fur and claws.
The bear didn't hate me for my human qualities though. It didn't mind that I had pink skin.
Humans didn't accept me.
Animals did.
So now I am no longer human. I was once. I shared their weaknesses.
Now, I am…