Reign of Chaos: Book 3: Extinction

A Jurassic Park Fanfiction by Sassy Lil Scorpio

Disclaimer: All names mentioned in this fan-fiction are the creative property of Michael Crichton and Steven Spielberg. No monetary gain is being made from this work. The following characters appeared in Topps Comics: George Lawala in RAPTOR 1 and 2, and RAPTOR ATTACK issue 4; and Sonya Durant and Raúl Lopez are in the RETURN TO JURASSIC PARK series, issues 2-4.

Summary: InGen versus Biosyn. Two competitive bioengineering companies. Biosyn has the advantage, but InGen's not going down without a fight. Which company will survive and which company will go extinct? The final installment to the ROC trilogy. -AU-

Rating: T or PG-13 for language and situations.

Author's Notes: This fanfiction is the third part in a trilogy and takes place in an alternate universe. It follows directly after Reign of Chaos: Book 2: Biosyn. If you haven't read the first part and second part, then this part might be confusing. I suggest reading Book 1 and Book 2 to understand what's going on with the story.

Direct quotes from Michael Crichton and song lyrics will be given proper credit as always.

I appreciate those who have taken the time to read and/or review the story so far. And I am especially thankful to my friends for believing in my writing and encouraging me. This story wouldn't have happened without you.

Dedication: This story is dedicated to Bob Peck, for playing the role of Robert Muldoon exceptionally well, and for being an amazing person. JP fans will always remember him for bringing this amazing character to life on the big screen.

Extinction: Survival of the Fittest

Through a Child's Eyes

I'm writing this in my sketchbook where no one else can read it except Lex. There are things that only Lex and me talk about because we understand each other. This is one of those times…

I will always remember the night when Mr. Muldoon and Mr. Nedry finally returned. It was the night that never wanted to end. I actually thought it would go on forever. Mr. Arnold had caught them on the video monitor and Dr. Harding had to convince him to call the cops, because at first he didn't want to. Mr. Arnold used to stay in the control room for days at a time and it really worried Dr. Malcolm. Everyone was worried, but he was focused on staying there. Dr. Malcolm tried to encourage him, but it didn't work because Mr. Arnold kept smoking and worrying. He would eat with us in the cafeteria and then go off to be alone. Most times he wasn't hungry or he'd make a sandwich and take it to the control room. I wanted to help, but Dr. Malcolm said the best way Lex and me could help was to stay safe, follow the adults' directions, and have fun in the staff lodge.

Then Mr. Thorne (who's really Dr. Dodgson) came to the island and promised to solve everything—make it all better. I never liked Mr. Thorne after he ripped my picture and laughed like it was the funniest joke. He always smiles and you can tell he's hiding something. When he first came he pretended to be helpful, but then he started changing things to go his way. He talked about opening Jurassic Park even though my grandfather's company isn't ready to, and he even took over Grandpa's bungalow after Mr. Arnold told everyone not to go inside it. Mr. Arnold and Dr. Malcolm don't like him, but Grandpa's lawyer pays no attention to what they say. Grandpa's sneaky lawyer, Mr. Gennaro, (who I call "Mr. G") is no good. He's a phony who always talks about "we'd make so much money if the park was open to the public." Lex says he's a skunk that stinks no matter how good he tries to smell. She calls him a "male gold-digger" and it's true.

Mr. G doesn't even care about what happened to Grandpa and that's hurts a lot. At first he pretended to care by going to the hospital and then he stopped altogether. Everyone else cares about what happened to Grandpa and is worried about him. Even Dr. Malcolm, who didn't always get along with him, has shown more concern than Mr. G and that's saying a lot. Lex and me haven't seen Grandpa for the longest time. Last time we did, Mr. G and Dr. Wu let Dr. Dodgson and his two guys into Grandpa's bungalow. That was months ago. It's gotten to the point where Dr. Dodgson doesn't let anyone leave the island. I really miss Grandpa. I keep hoping he'll come back and be the same as he was before the accident, but I'm afraid…

I'm making a scrapbook for him of the different dinosaurs in the park with lots of cool information. Dr. Grant helped me start it before he left. He said "your grandfather will appreciate this; it will give him good memories of this place he loves so much." I've been working on it by adding my drawings. I want to give it to him next time we visit him (if there is a next time). When I see Grandpa, Lex has to be there too. She can talk to him since he understands her. Just seeing Grandpa's smile again would make things a little better than what they are right now.

Maybe things will be right again now that Mr. Muldoon is back. He was gone for a long time and then he showed up with Mr. Nedry out of the blue. Everyone was acting crazy about it, but me and Lex were excited to see him again. We're safe when Mr. Muldoon's here.

Dr. Sattler took me and Lex into the park right after Mr. Arnold called the police. We wanted to see what would happen, but Mr. Arnold and Dr. Sattler weren't trying to hear us. I imagined it'd be like on COPS where the bad guy gets surrounded and arrested by tons of mean-looking grouchy police. I wondered if they would read Mr. Nedry his rights and I was asking Lex about it. She didn't know. She was going to say more when Dr. Sattler gave her this stern look. Then she asked Mr. Arnold if they could go and he told her no. It's my fault because I told her to ask them.

I think Lex wanted to give Mr. Muldoon a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She has a crush on him and I keep teasing her about it. Lex always has crushes on older guys. First Dr. Grant, now Mr. Muldoon. When we first met Dr. Grant, she couldn't stop staring at him, and when we visited the triceratops on the park tour, she wouldn't let go of his hand! I couldn't even talk to Dr. Grant about his book because she was all goo-goo eyed and he kept trying to get away from her. That was years ago, and I still tease Lex about it, but when she started on Mr. Muldoon, I couldn't stop making jokes. She knows it's all in good fun. I know the real reason she likes—and respects him: it's because he helped Grandpa that day and he works hard to keep us safe.

Mr. Muldoon and Dr. Grant have always been more of a father to us than Dad. The only thing Dad ever did was pick on me for liking dinosaurs and argue with Mom. Lex was always closer to Dad than me, but she doesn't mention him as much as she used to. Dr. Grant and Mr. Muldoon are the opposite of Dad, I'm surprised they aren't fathers. They've protected us, ate meals with us, and always treated us like we actually matter. Dr. Sattler has become like a big sister and even like a mother to us. Lex adores her and goes to the greenhouse so they can spend time together. The park staff have always been nice to Lex and me and we've always did our best to help out, but that night they wouldn't let us stay around. Mr. Arnold and Dr. Sattler were acting like we had no clue about what's going on or that they didn't want us to know.

We may not say a lot, but we're always listening and watching. Dr. Sattler thought I'd be happy to see the dinosaurs in the park and watch them during the night since I never got a chance to do that. I love the dinosaurs and most times I go with Dr. Harding into the park during the day, but this time I was bored. Even Lex couldn't pretend to enjoy being with Dr. Sattler and that's when she knew we were really upset. So we just drove past the paddocks not saying anything. It was really weird to stay quiet. I didn't want to be disrespectful to Dr. Sattler. I hope she wasn't offended. Lex was worried she was, so she wrote her a letter. That night we kept hoping Dr. Sattler would turn back around and she didn't. When she finally did, it was late.

We went back to the visitor center after an hour of complete silence. In the control room Dr. Harding was telling Mr. Arnold and Dr. Malcolm that the cop had arrested Mr. Muldoon and that Mr. G had went with them. Dr. Sattler didn't understand so Dr. Harding told her that Mr. Contreras—I think that's the cop's name—wanted to question Mr. Muldoon and Mr. Muldoon kept refusing. Finally he forced him onto the police boat and Dr. Harding came back to tell everyone. Lex looked angry and like she wanted to cry. Dr. Sattler looked confused and Mr. Arnold looked like he wanted to sleep. Dr. Wu walked in and Dr. Malcolm asked, "why did you have a rotten attitude during the whole thing?" That was weird because Dr. Wu is always friendly. "It wasn't necessary" he kept saying. Dr. Wu didn't answer, he just smirked as though he were hiding a secret that only he knew about. (I have to write more about Dr. Wu soon before I forget.)

Dr. Sattler told Mr. Arnold not to worry anymore, that Mr. Muldoon and Mr. Nedry had finally returned."Things will go back to normal, you'll see." She kept saying this over and over and I think she was trying to convince herself. Dr. Malcolm had this serious look on his face. He always looks like that when things are bad on the island (which is a lot of the time). He said, "I'm afraid things are about to get worse."

Mr. Thorne walked into the control room with those two creepy guys that never leave his side. Lex calls them Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum behind their backs. He kept saying "mission accomplished." Dr. Wu looked excited like he won a prize at the carnival. Dr. Malcolm shook his head and Mr. Arnold just sat there not saying anything. Dr. Sattler looked angry and Dr. Harding left the room.

Dr. Sattler asked Mr. Thorne what he meant by "mission accomplished". He didn't answer her, but kept grinning. She got fed up and said, "You haven't been straight with us since day one!" Mr. Arnold looked up at the sound of her voice because Dr. Sattler never talks like that to anybody. She looked furious and was pointing at him. If her finger was a gun, she would've shot him dead. Thorne patted her on the cheek and said: "do me a favor: stand there, look pretty, and shut the fuck up." Lex elbowed me so hard that I almost couldn't breath. I didn't know what shocked me more: the way Dr. Sattler confronted him or the way he cursed at her.

Dr. Malcolm got in his face, yelling at him, "who the hell do you think you are?!"

Mr. Thorne said "I know who I am; do you know who you are?" It was the weirdest thing. "Things are going to change here very soon," he said. Then he walked out with Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum.

Dr. Sattler was stunned and Mr. Arnold watched him leave. He told Dr. Sattler to take us to the staff lodge. She left Lex and I there. She didn't say when she'd come to get us so we talked about what we thought was going on. Lex said that one time when Mr. Thorne wasn't looking, she snuck into his office—Grandpa's office really. I asked her how she managed to find his papers, because he's very private. "He's secretive Tim, big difference. His real name is Lewis Dodgson and I heard Grandpa talk about him once. He's the reason why Mr. Nedry doesn't work for Grandpa anymore." She pulled out this folded paper and it was a copy of his driver's license. It was from California. Dodgson, Lewis. It was the same man. He even had the same grin and cold eyes. Then I remembered where I heard the name. I heard Grandpa speak about Lewis Dodgson before and he didn't have anything good to say about him. We sat there talking for a long time about what's going to happen when Mr. Muldoon returns to the island.

After awhile we were hungry, so we left the staff lodge and went to the cafeteria in the visitor center. We passed by Mr. Arnold who was leaving the building. I turned around to ask him where he was going but Lex shook her head not to. Mr. Arnold looked angry and didn't seem to be in the mood to talk to anyone. So we went to the cafeteria, and the first thing we saw was a bottle of liquor or vodka next to a shot glass. It was a table in the far corner, and Lex pointed it out to me. Right away we knew it was Mr. Muldoon's since he's the only one on the island who drinks. He tries not to do it in front of us, but we know from overhearing Grandpa and other staff that Mr. Muldoon has a drinking problem. He drinks when he's stressed out. He's still able to get his work done in the park, but it's still not good for him.

We stared at the table for a little while, and then Lex went to the kitchen to get us ice cream. Mr. G walked in looking like a wet cat. That's how he looks when he's pissed off, which is most of the time. If Mr. G was back then that meant Mr. Muldoon was around somewhere—we knew that since we saw the bottle and shot glass. I was going to get Lex when Mr. G said to me: "he doesn't want to see any of you, so don't pester him." That's why I don't like Mr. G. He won't even listen to what you have to say; he jumps down your throat. He does it to Mr. Arnold all the time and Mr. Arnold just takes it even though Lex and me told him to stand up for himself. Lex came back in with the ice cream.

"Isn't it past your bedtime?" He asked her.

Lex is respectful, but she isn't afraid of Mr. G. "We can stay up as late as we like," she told him.

He stood there staring at Lex eat ice cream from the container. I was trying hard not to laugh. "You think that's funny?" He doesn't even ask, he just snaps at you. I nodded and his face reddened like a tomato. "Spoiled brats." He thought we didn't hear him, but whatever. He left because he knew he couldn't tell Lex and me what to do. Even if he tried, we wouldn't listen to him. He hates when Lex drives, yells at her not to waste gas, and she still drives anyway, even Dr. Sattler backed us up on that one. I was going to go back and call him an asshole. Lex said not to and left and came back out with two bowls, an ice cream scoop, and a spoon for me. I knew she was eating from the ice cream container just to piss off Mr. G and we had a good laugh about that. I had brought a deck of cards from my room and we started playing spades to avoid talking about everything else.

It was almost one o'clock a.m. when Mr. Muldoon finally walked in. Lex and I had played many games: spades, spit, go fish, and 'I Declare War.' We were going to head back to the staff lodge, but we stayed in the cafeteria because Dr. Sattler hadn't come back. There he was and Lex was staring at him like she had never seen him before. Then I saw why: Mr. Muldoon was soaked from head to toe. He must've been outside when the storm started. We had heard the thunder and rain while we were playing cards. Mr. Muldoon looked terrible like he had been kicked in the stomach hard. He sat at the same table with the bottle. He was about to pour the liquor into his shot glass and then stopped, and stared into space. We called out to him, and it took us calling his name five times before he noticed us. He said hi and came over to sit with us.

Lex was really happy and tossed her cards on the table. We told him we missed him. Lex got up to hug him, but Mr. Muldoon put up his hands to show her he shouldn't, because he was soaked. We told him again that we're glad he's back. Mr. Muldoon nodded in his serious way and said "Thanks, I've missed you too." I saw him holding his hand, there was blood smeared on it. Lex saw it too because she asked him if he needed help. He said he'd be fine. Lex asked him if he wanted to play cards with us. I was about to ask if he could teach us spit again, but he didn't seem to be in the mood. To Lex, he said, "No thanks, but I'll watch."

So we played spades for the thousandth time (because that's Lex's favorite game). Mr. Arnold came in with Dr. Harding, Dr. Malcolm, and Dr. Sattler. Lex put the cards away and they joined us at the table. Dr. Malcolm sat next to us while Dr. Harding hung back, watching everything. Mr. Arnold and Dr. Sattler looked at each other and then at Mr. Muldoon. They all looked exhausted like they'd grown up six times instead of once. Mr. Muldoon glanced around to make sure nobody was listening to what he was about to say. Then he told us: "Stay away from Henry—Dr. Wu. Under no circumstances are you to speak with him. If you need anything, you come to me, Mr. Arnold, Dr. Sattler, Dr. Malcolm, or Dr. Harding." He must've seen how confused we looked because he sighed. Everyone else seemed to avoid adding to what he had already said. Dr. Sattler ran her fingers through her hair and Mr. Arnold lit a cigarette. Dr. Malcolm just sat there and Dr. Harding paced back and forth. Mr. Muldoon asked if Dr. Malcolm or Mr. Arnold wanted to add anything; and they said no. Then Mr. Muldoon said: "there's a lot going on that you don't know about."

That's when I interrupted him. I told him "no disrespect Mr. Muldoon, but Lex and I see and hear things all the time. We know what's going on." I really didn't want to come off rude and then I regretted what I said because he asked if we knew why the staff didn't want us talking to Dr. Wu. I couldn't answer his question and Lex elbowed me again, this time to be quiet.

Why can't we speak to Dr. Wu? I kept wondering. He's always been nice and friendly. When Mr. Muldoon was missing, Dr. Wu spent lots of time helping Mr. Arnold until Mr. Thorne/Dr. Dodgson arrived. Then he left Mr. Arnold to work with Dr. Malcolm. Other than that, he let Lex and I go into the genetics lab with him as long as we were careful not to make a mess or disturb the eggs. We had to be extra-careful not to contaminate anything.

"Don't go out of your way to talk to him or ask him questions. I know this is shocking and not what you want to hear. Just know that you have us, and we're here for you. Remember Mr. Nedry was put away because he worked secretly for Biosyn, your grandfather's rival?" Mr. Muldoon sounded weird when he asked this. Lex nodded. I just sat there not knowing what to think. Mr. Muldoon was missing for almost two months, no one knew where he was all that time, and now he's back, telling us to stay away from Dr. Wu. Who can you trust? I trust Mr. Muldoon, but the whole thing is upside-down. I wish Dr. Grant was still around because he'd know what to do. He said he'd return soon, but Lex thinks he left the island for good. If Dr. Grant comes back then everything will be perfect, the staff will be complete, and we'll have another person we can talk to. I hope he comes back because it's not the same without him.

I blurted out how helpful and nice Dr. Wu is. Why did we have to stay away from him? Mr. Muldoon looked like he had swallowed poison and said: "Because he's not the man we thought he was. For your safety and Lex's, you must stay away from him and Dr. Dodgson. He likes to call himself 'Mr. Thorne' but his real name is Lewis Dodgson. He's from Biosyn and he's very dangerous. Dr. Wu is working with him now and we can't trust him." He said it hurt him to speak like this about someone he had known and trusted for years. I didn't know what else to about Dr. Wu, so I just agreed to stay away from him. Mr. Muldoon asked Lex what she would do and she said the same: stay away from Dr. Wu. "Good" he said and he left the cafeteria with Mr. Arnold, Dr. Harding, and Dr. Malcolm.

Lex and I were alone with Dr. Sattler, who buried her face in her hands. Lex asked if she was alright, she said she was fine. She played cards with us for a little while, but you could tell her heart wasn't in it. After two in the morning, she took us back to the staff lodge and escorted us to our rooms. Before she left us, she reminded us that she's here for us, about what Mr. Muldoon told us, and to do exactly what he said.

I went to Lex's room and we stayed up talking about what happened. Why can't we talk to Dr. Wu? Lex wasn't as shocked. "He'd been acting weird before Mr. Muldoon came back" were her words. I wanted to know how and she explained how he'd be in Grandpa's office talking with Mr. Thorne/Dodgson. "He was creepy in the end. He didn't help Mr. Arnold and when anybody mentioned Grandpa to him, he would shrug like he didn't care." I asked her if she thought he became as bad as Mr. G. "Close, Tim." What would we do now? Dr. Grant is in the States, no one knows when he'll come back, Dr. Wu is the enemy, Mr. Nedry's locked up again… I was listing all these things when Lex mentioned Mr. Arnold and Mr. Muldoon. They were good friends, but it must be weird for Mr. Arnold to see him after all this time just like it was weird for us.

What about Dr. Dodgson (who probably isn't a doctor) and the way he talked down to Dr. Sattler? Lex shook her head and I could tell she didn't want to talk about it. I had seen how Dr. Dodgson watched Dr. Sattler when he thought she (or anyone else) wasn't looking. He stared at her and watched her whenever she walked and bent down to pick something up. When she spoke, he'd nod his head and go "uh huh" and "yes" but he wasn't really listening to her. Disgusting and disrespectful aren't enough to explain how he treats her. One time Dr. Sattler was making a flower arrangement in the cafeteria and he snuck up behind her and grabbed her waist. He started laughing and Dr. Sattler pried his hands off her. She went off on him and told him to never touch her again. He thought it was funny, the angrier she was, the more he laughed. He had said something to her, I couldn't hear him, but Dr. Sattler's face got red and she stomped out of the cafeteria. I think she slapped him too. I'm glad Dr. Malcolm wasn't there; I don't think he even knew what happened. I told Lex, and she was furious.

I was thinking about this when Lex said she was tired and ready to go to sleep. She said I could stay if I wanted, but I decided to go to my room. We'd eat brunch in the afternoon and stick together. So I went back to my room and tried to sleep, but I couldn't. I kept thinking of Mr. Muldoon's eyes when he told Lex and me to stay away from Dr. Wu. Mr. Muldoon is a strong man, but I've never seen him look so weak. It was impossible to put that image out of my mind. I went to sleep after three in the morning and woke up to the sound of someone banging on my door hours later…

That very morning everyone was in the cafeteria. Lex was there too, and that's when Grandpa's staff met the Biosyn staff—the people who had been coming to this island and causing all this trouble. They were there smiling and standing next to Dr. Dodgson, and of course, he had the biggest grin. I looked at Grandpa's staff and knew right then they were helpless. There was nothing they could do and when I went to sit with Lex, a lady with dark hair named "Sonya Durant" stopped me and pushed me in the opposite direction. I could say more, but I don't remember everything or maybe it's that I don't want to remember…it was that bad.


It's been more than two months since Mr. Muldoon's return. Nothing's the same and I'm glad Grandpa isn't here to see what's happening because it would really hurt him.

I still see the pain behind Mr. Muldoon's eyes. He tries to hide it, but it's there, I can feel it. Mr. Arnold looks exhausted all the time and he's always sad. Mr. Muldoon and Mr. Arnold are getting into heated arguments. It's like they were never friends. The control room door has been slammed so many times in the past months and it's almost always because of an argument between them. Dr. Malcolm talks to them separately and tries hard to make them get along. If Mr. Muldoon isn't arguing with Mr. Arnold, then he's fighting with Mr. G. I don't mind because Mr. G is an asshole and it's always a good thing when Mr. Muldoon tells him off. Then it's Mr. Arnold's turn to stop their fights, and soon Mr. Muldoon and him start arguing again like one big circle. It's crazy.

Dr. Harding is stressed out because the dinosaurs are getting very sick and he doesn't know why. He says it's because Dr. Dodgson and his stupid staff, like Dr. Lopez, insist on changing the animals' diets. When he brings it up, they yell and blame everything on him, even though they're causing the problem. Dr. Dodgson and Dr. Wu get on his case and he's getting more frustrated.

Dr. Sattler is numb to everything that's going on. She tries to avoid it, but Mr. Dodgson's lady, Ms. Sonya, won't leave her alone. Ms. Sonya is pushy and doesn't pretend to be nice. She destroyed Dr. Sattler's flowers in the visitor center saying they weren't bright enough.

Mr. Dodgson brought in his workers: Mr. Tembo, Mr. Lopez, and Mr. Lawala—I can't stand any of them. Mr. Tembo thinks he's better than Mr. Muldoon and Mr. Lopez is a paleontologist like Dr. Grant, but he's not someone I'd like to talk to. He's sneaky and bullies Grandpa's staff. Mr. Lawala seems nice, but he's on Mr. Dodgson's side, so I keep away from him.

Nobody knows what to do and there are no answers. I want to believe Dr. Grant would have the answers to fix everything if he were here, but then I wonder if he's ever coming back. I wish he'd come back, nothing's been the same since he left. Lex feels the same way and says it more than I do. Mr. G goes about his way, and sometimes we think he's on Dr. Dodgson's side, it's hard to tell with him. Dr. Sattler goes to her greenhouse and takes Lex when she's able to, but other times she's nowhere to be found. Dr. Malcolm is doing his best to keep us going. Mr. Arnold and Mr. Muldoon keep getting into stupid fights and Dr. Harding is exhausted from Dr. Dodgson's staff overworking him. We don't know when we'll see Grandpa again, if it it's even possible now. Dr. Wu is no longer a friend to confide in. He smiles at Lex and me, but doesn't make any move to talk to us. Lex and me, we only have each other. I don't know what I'd do if she wasn't here.

I keep remembering that night in the control room when Dr. Malcolm said things were going to get worse and they did. They really did…