Reviews for Reign of Chaos: Book 3: Extinction
Moviemuncher chapter 24 . 12/31/2014
Extremely good series. I waited until I read them all before reviewing so I'll include my thoughts on the first two installments.
ROC 1:
I was really intrigued and taken with the changes you made. You startled me with the first chapter or so, I was scrambling to keep up. That's not a bad thing cos that's how the staff felt at InGen so it set the mood. I think the pacing slowed too much in places but it does give a more in depth look at the characters so it's not a complaint. Merely a note. Overall, I liked it and read it in one night.

ROC 2:
I wasn't floundering in this one, I understood from start to finish. I liked the changes in dynamic between Nedry and Muldoon. It was believable because you didn"t rush it, it was slow and rough. It worked.

ROC 3:
A good ending. I loved Muldoon's and Tembo's fight. It was tense and thrilling. I'm being honest not vindictive when I say it was one of the only fights where you didn't take artistic liscence with on the abilty and endurance of man.

I have one real nit pick that I think would be useful for the future. You have the characters say "another words" when it should be "in other words."

Other than that I think you got the characters
TheDanseMacabre chapter 24 . 6/5/2013
These last two chapters have been fantastic! I love how much the characters have grown throughout this story. Hammond is finally ready to admit his mistakes. Gennaro stood up for what was right. Robert is less stressed and Ellie's more trusting with Lawala. Plus, Arnold's finally starting to accept Nedry! There's so much good feeling now, when there was so much conflict before. They've all made a lot of progress. Your tribute to Michael Crichton himself was very touching, as well. Interesting also how they viewed their alternative fates. (Alan's remark about a chaosaurus made me laugh too.) I loved your resolution to the Muldoon/Nedry conflict as well. There were some much needed apologies on both sides there. Their thoughts on what freedom is were very thought-provoking as well. You've definitely fleshed out their relationship more than any other writer.
When I think of the Jurassic Park fandom, this fanfiction always comes to mind. I'd love to read any more JP stories you might think up in the future. Fabulous job on an epic saga. God bless!
Zach chapter 24 . 7/8/2012
Wow, this was a great AU Triology. One of the best ive read on this site. Like you i have loved Jurassic Park since i was a kid and have written some of my own have thought about putting them on here. When first reading this series i was disappointed that wasnt more involvement with the dinosaurs, but you were able to develop the charecters so well and give great detail that they were able to drive an amazing story. I loved the relation bewteen Nedry, Muldoon and Arnold they were always my favorite behind Grant and Malcolm. Again i want to say you did an awesome job! I look forward to seeing more Jurassic Park fanfics in teh future if you plan on making anymore!
PaleontologistWannabe chapter 24 . 6/8/2012
Oh my God, now I'm so sad! Jurassic Park has been my obsession forever and when I read you fic I actually thought for a second it was MC in disguise :) I just wish we could've seen John's reaction when he got back.

I also have to disagree with you. If you look at JP as a movie, it's my favorite ever. If you compare it to the book, it's pretty awful. TLW movie was an epic failure in my opinio, but JP3 wasn't too bad.

Anyway, back to your story. I felt that you did a great job portraying the characters, although, Dr. Grant was a little unbelievable at times. Robert Muldoon was portrayed well also, but I think that his relationship with Nedry would have been different. Ellie was done very well, as were Lex and Tim. Wu was just a little too OC for my taste though. IAN! He was spot on (and my favorite). Lewis Dodgson was just perfect.

I loved this story (and hope that you may add an extra chapter or two).
TheDanseMacabre chapter 22 . 12/25/2011
What a satisfying ending to Dodgson's career! Nedry got the best of him after all. I enjoyed this chapter from start to finish- I like how Dodgson placed ample blame on all the members of his staff (except himself, of course) for what happened on Isla Nublar. And I couldn't help but laugh during the horrible events of the conference. But I really do wonder if Wu can be accepted back to InGen and also, what's going to happen when that door opens!
StanQuagsire chapter 22 . 12/24/2011
Lovin' this!
TheDanseMacabre chapter 21 . 12/10/2011
I have been following this fan-fiction for quite some time, though I haven't been active enough on my account to sign in and leave a review. I'd just like to say that your take on the franchise is incredibly creative, interesting and thrilling. Your writing style is clear and fluid, you have a very distinct voice. I've enjoyed reading Reign of Chaos for years and I've always loved how you brought the (somewhat) minor characters to light and expanded on their personalities in such unique, complex ways. I've always liked Nedry, but Reign of Chaos had me thinking of him in a whole new way. I also really love the way you expand on the relationship between Robert and Ray. I always liked the idea of them as friends. You stayed true to the novel in many ways, but you made it your own as well. Your plot-line was really thought out and detailed too. It's really an amazing thing to find a fanfiction that has so much depth and work put into it like this one. I can't even begin to describe how much I've enjoyed reading this series, I've definitely spent a lot of late nights reading and not being able to put my laptop away until 3 in the morning. I love Jurassic Park and your fanfiction has given me yet another outlet to pour my obsession into.

I have just one question for you- Is the story over? You seem to have wrapped most of the loose ends up, but I noticed that this Book has not been marked as 'complete'. Also, I noticed that you did not let us all know how Hammond is doing yet. I hope you plan to, because I'd like to read at least one more chapter. :]

Thank you so much for all your hard work on Reign of Chaos! There are a lot of fans that really enjoy your writing. (myself included) I hope that when you're done with Reign of Chaos you might write another Jurassic Park story someday. This really is one of the best fanfictions I've ever read.

God bless!
StanQuagsire chapter 21 . 9/26/2011
I love this so much! *Heart*
Guest chapter 20 . 9/13/2011
Epic! (I still wanna know about the new speicies!)
WarpClaw chapter 20 . 9/13/2011
Wow...that was pretty brutal. For a moment, i thought muldoon killed tembo. Bit of a short fight scene though. To be honest, dodgeson has had ingen in his grasp for so long the resolution was almost disappointingly quick. Sitll love it though!
joshua chapter 19 . 7/21/2011
I really love this story please add more can,t wait for muldoon versus tembo I also want to know what happens to the others and the park
WarpClaw chapter 19 . 7/20/2011
Well, what can i say? As fantastic as ever! my only problem is that it's just getting a bit convoluted and hard to follow.

I have to say, your fight scenes really are brutal.

I really hope you will achieve your dream of publishing this in graphic novel format!

Keep writing!

CGPH chapter 19 . 7/19/2011
It's a bloody good job I'm still awake at 5 in the morning! I'm probbaly the first person to read thsi! Yaaay! Great chapter, half way through the fight I had to stop read, and put the song Preliator by Globus on in the background, then I was purely epic.

Great Chatper, honestly can't wat for the next! Dennis is a bit like Severus Snape isn't he? Every body hates him, but he sticks to the right side.
YamiSeverus chapter 18 . 7/13/2011
What the hell? More more more! Don't end it that way!
Utahraptor chapter 18 . 6/29/2011
Wow... Dogdson really is insane. Nice story (what is the 16th species!)
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