AN: Well, this is my first story with an actual plot. I'm planning two chapters. This is not a self-insertion. It is also not about a mysterious little girl with destructive powers. It is about a perfectly normal human girl named Terry, who is NOT secretly a metahuman. And no, she will not gain any superpowers. This is what happens when the Teen Titans mistake her for a Mary Sue.
7.20.10 - finally got around to editing. Yay. :D

Ch1: A Stupid Mistake

I never really knew that the Teen Titans could be so… thick. I mean, I don't hate them or anything. They were just sort of there, maybe at the Pizzeria, or at the mall, or maybe even at the car garage. I wasn't the sort of person to go rushing up to them and beg for an autograph or a photo with them. That's what made me different from the other kids my age. While they were off attending TT Fan Club meetings, I would be somewhere else. Once, I was given a chance to actually be a member of our local heroes. But the problem was I didn't want to.

It was a perfectly average day. I was with my friend, Daisy, at the mall. We were just wandering around, chatting idly and looking through store windows. Then there was an explosion.

An electronics store blew up, scattering rubble and dust everywhere. People around us started screaming and running around in a blind panic. Daisy and I just froze and stood there in the midst of the fleeing crowd, staring at the ruined store. Some fat guy walked out, holding what looked like a prop from Star Wars. His greasy orange hair was covered in sweat, and it looked like his mom (no, scratch that, his grandma) had chosen his outfit.

"You will all bow down to CONTROL FREAK!" he screamed, holding his light-saber up like it was a sword. He was holding a remote control in his other grubby hand.

"Not a chance," said this calm voice. I looked up. There, standing on the fountain, was Robin. A green tiger was crouched next to him, and Cyborg was aiming his sonic cannon at the psychotic Star Wars geek. Starfire and Raven were floating above them, their eyes and hands crackling with their powers.

"Ah, the Teen Titans!" Control Freak laughed. "It appears that I have an opportunity to test out my new equipment!"

Before any one of them could respond with a witty comeback, Control Freak had thrown what looked like one of those Sharper Image vacuums towards them. It rolled directly at the teens, and the boys jumped out of the way just as it began glowing. Starfire and Raven weren't fast enough. Without warning, they began convulsing and screaming in pain in midair, the little disc beneath them humming violently. Their bodies surged with red electricity and I thought I could actually see their hair start to smoke. The girls finally stopped writhing and fell down to the tiled ground.

Daisy and I were still in shock. We could only stare at the unconscious forms of the two heroines.

Robin, Beast Boy, and Cyborg were then fighting the fat villain. Control Freak slapped another one of those discs onto Cyborg's back while he was turned around. Like Starfire and Raven, Cyborg shuddered and roared in pain as the red energy gushed through him.

"Dude!" Beast Boy yelled, momentarily distracted. Control Freak whacked him over the head with his faux light-saber. To my utter surprise, he actually fell. It looked like the goofy-looking villain was much stronger than he appeared to be.

Robin narrowed his eyes at Control freak, growling. He swung his bo-staff at him. Control Freak squealed (yes, he actually squealed) as Robin hit him directly between his eyes. But instead of falling over, he grinned and aimed his remote control at Robin. And before any of us could react, Robin was hit with a small burst of the same red energy that had taken out his teammates.

I guess I panicked. I didn't mean to get involved. But seeing the Teen Titans get owned by some fat couch potato made me sick. Without thinking, I bent down, picked up a chunk of cement that had been part of the electronics store, and threw it at the villain.

Now, I'm not much of an athlete. I don't play any sports, which meant I was weak and had bad aim. But I got lucky with that one throw. Control Freak turned around, a smug expression on his face, and the hunk of cement smacked him right on the side of his head. I think it must have hit a sensitive spot, too, because he fell down, knocked out cold. Daisy blinked rapidly.

"Wow, Terry!" she said. "That was…wow!"

"Uh… thanks," I said uncertainly. We both cautiously approached the unconscious form of Control Freak. Daisy nudged his fat belly with her toe. He didn't move.

"Hey, what's your name?" I turned around. Robin was getting up, rubbing his chest. He looked at me with wonder. "That was pretty amazing!"

Beast Boy had already come to and was fiddling around with Cyborg's arm and the cybernetic teen sat upright with a gasp. Raven was helping Starfire up a few feet away from us.

"Terry," I said. Robin smiled at me. I shuddered. I was never a fan of Robin. I think it's because he's always wearing really tight spandex.

"Well, with powers like yours, we could use you on the team."

I gaped at him. "I don't have powers."

"Once in a lifetime opportunity!" Daisy whispered in my ear. Giggling, she ran off, presumably to spread a rumor about me being a half-human half-something superhero. I sighed.

"Aw, don't be so modest!" Beast Boy said, coming up to us.

"Yeah, I saw you take out Control Freak all by yourself!" Robin said.

"That was lucky. I don't have powers." I repeated.

"Well then, it's decided!" Robin said. He turned to the others. "Titans, welcome our newest team member, Mary Sue!"

"What?" I thought I heard him incorrectly. "My name is Terry, not Mary Sue. And I never agreed to this!"

"Come, Mary Sue!" Starfire said, smiling at me. "We shall initiate you into our team!"

My mouth hung open. I stared at all of them in disbelief.

"Didn't you hear me? I'm not joining your team!" I said. But apparently they're deaf, because Raven encased all of us in her black magic without even responding. In a flash of white, we were standing directly in front of Titans Tower.

"Hey!" I said in protest. "Let me go home!"

"Glad you like your new home, Mary Sue!" Cyborg said.

"What, no!" By then I was yelling. "I said; let me go to my own home! Downtown! North Street! Seriously!"

"Okay, now that you're settled in, you'll have to prove yourself," Robin said in his 'authority voice'. I grimaced. Personally, I always thought the Boy Wonder was a bit too bossy for his own good. "We'll run you through the obstacle course."

"You'll do fine," Raven said quietly. I turned to her in desperation. Of all the Titans, I always thought she was the sanest.

"Raven! You can't seriously believe I have powers?"

"Don't be so negative," she gave me a half smile. "With powers like yours, you can do it."

Cyborg was at some sort of control panel sticking out of a rock. He pressed a few buttons, turned a switch, and a rumbling growl came from behind me. I whipped around.

Massive steel walls and blades were shooting up from the grass and dirt. Laser cannons were popping up left and right, and an enormous pit opened up at least thirty feet across. A bunch of humanoid drones crawled out of the pit and stood at random points on the field like some freakish English guard. I noticed the menacing blades and guns that were built on their arms and shoulders.

"We got twice as many traps, and lengthened the whole course!" Cyborg called out as the rumbling stopped.

"Are you people crazy?" I screamed.

"You can thank us later, Mary Sue." Robin said.

"Go on!" Starfire giggled, nudging me towards the trail of death. I began hyperventilating and tried to shuffle back. But Starfire easily overpowered me and pushed me right between the first two laser cannons.

"Oh shit…"

I screamed bloody murder as the cannons began charging up and fired beams of white energy at me. I ducked and thought I felt the hair on the back of my head singe.

"OH MY GOD!" I screamed. The Titans cheered me on. I turned back, only to see one of the drones blocking my way back to safety. It raised a long sword and lurched stiffly towards me.

I think I mentioned before that I'm not an athlete. This is completely true. Honestly, I'm slightly overweight and can run one mile in about eleven minutes. Yeah, I was really out of shape. My mom always told me my unhealthiness would be the death of me, but I never expected I would ever take it so literally.

I screamed again and stumbled back just as the drone brought the sword down where my legs had just been. I could hear the cannons charging up again. I scrambled to my feet and sprinted forward. There was no backing out of this now. More cannons popped up left and right as they fired at me. The back of my T-shirt caught in flames, but I kept running faster than I had ever had in my seventeen-year-long life.

Just as I reached the end of the laser rigged trail, more drones appeared all around me. Each of them had long blades in their metal hands and small laser guns on their shoulders. I shrieked as one drone leapt forward and swung his blade at me. I had stepped back just in time- the tip of my nose was barely grazed.

"You're doing great!" I heard Beast Boy cheer.

"Are you serious?" I screamed. Boosted by a rush of fear and adrenaline, I did a clumsy roll between the legs of one of the drones, only to face the seemingly bottomless pit. I then noticed the razor sharp spikes at the bottom. Great. The drones turned around, their glowing red eyes trained on me. By now, I was sweating profusely and my back really hurt from all that running I did and the brief flames. But if I didn't get out of this hellish situation soon, I would be dead.

Cursing under my breath, I sprinted to the side of the pit, only to face a rock wall. I couldn't fly across the pit, I couldn't jump over it, and I couldn't teleport. Oh jeez, what the hell was I going to do? The drones were nearing me. Thankfully, they weren't using their shoulder guns. Taking a deep breath, I gripped the ragged rock wall. The rough stone scraped my hands, but I ignored it. Shakily, I began climbing sideways along the rock, but my dumb luck eventually ran out. One of the drones fired a laser at me, shattering the stone above me. I screamed as the rock beneath my hands crumbled and the shards rained down on face. My stomach lurched as I fell down the pit.

I was sure I was going to die. It was probably my imagination, but my life actually flashed through my mind. I was riding a tricycle and fell off. There was the goldfish I won from the carnival and subsequently died a few minutes later. My brother pouring soy sauce on my hair- oh god, that took hours to wash out. Some teacher at school shouting at me for throwing paint at a boy who teased me. It was a good life. I braced myself and prepared to die.

Mercifully, Starfire had the sense to swoop down from the sidelines and carry me to safety before I hit the spikes down below.

What perfect timing.

I wobbled unsteadily on solid ground, holding onto Starfire's arm for support. Oh my god. Oh my god. My heart was racing faster than a Derby racehorse.

"That was pretty good, rookie!" Cyborg said playfully. "A little more training and you'll be our main powerhouse! Besides me, of course."


"Aw, don't be upset," Beast boy said comfortingly. "You'll get to finish the rest of the course later, Mary Sue. After you learn to master your powers, of course!"


I was in hysterics by then. I had been forced to run a death course, and all the Teen Titans did was smile at my bright red face. My clothes were sticky with sweat, and I was sure my hair resembled a plate of spaghetti.

"Uh oh," Raven frowned. For a golden second, I was sure she had realized their mistake. "I think she's being overrun with her powers. We need to detain her."


I wasn't able to finish my scream, as a felt a light prick in the side of my arm. In less than a couple of seconds, I had fallen over on my face, unconscious.


AN: Next chapter should be up in a couple of days. Tell me what you think about this!
Clearing things, Terry is NOT me. I made her up completely.