Hi guys and galls I'm Katie and this is my first fanfic but I've read a lot of stories and you are all really good writers. I try to review all of your so I hope you will with my to. Please give this a shot.

Chapter 1: The Beginning


My name is Bella Marie Cambridge, I used to be Bella Marie Swan, that is before I became a vampire. It's been 105 years since HE left me , I still don't like saying or thinking his name it causes to much pain. How I became a vampire you may ask well…


We were walking back to Angela's car in Port Angeles when we saw two figures following us. Me, Angela, Ben, Mike, and Jessica were huddled together trying to get to the car as soon as possible. All of a sudden the figures were in front of us. When one of them stepped into the light… I swear my heart stopped beating.

There stood Victoria and Laurent illuminated by the moon light. Victoria had a look of victory come across her face.

"Where's Eddie Weddie" she sneered

"He left, he didn't want me" I said brokenly, Victoria moved until she was right in front of me.

"He left you hear without protection" said Victoria

"I was just a weak little human after all" I said this as my friends were cowering behind me. "Victoria, please just take me, leave my friend, please" I begged one last time.

"Oh no my dear that would make you happy, I'm not going to kill you, I'm going to turn you and your friends" Victoria sneered.

"NO!" I shouted as they bit my friend's necks and mine, and then the burning began.

End Flashback

When we woke up I had to explain what we were, I also told them the whole story about the Cullens. They all despised the Cullens now.

Angela was 6'2" with straight black hair down to her waist.. She wasn't as pale as normal vampires were though. Her power was she had a calming presence whenever she touched you.

Ben also had jet black hair it was short but shaggy. He was 6'4" so he enjoyed being taller than Angela for once. He can contro the elements air, fire, water, earth, spirit.

Jessica had dark brown curly hair down to her lower back. She was 5'7" and her power is that she can agnify her voice so much that it hurts to hear , I think she gets this from all the gossiping she did back in Forks high.

Mike is 5'9" with curly honey blond hair that's a little on the wild side. Mike has the power to turn invisible.

Last is me I'm 5'11" with dark brown almost black hair with streaks of red in it. My power is to absorb others powers so far I have over 20 powers. I guess you could call me the most powerful vampire ever.

That's my coven even though we prefer to be called a family. Ben and Angela are married just like Mike and Jessica. Since HE left I've only had a few flings. I've been afraid to give my heart away ever since. Me and my family are in a band where I'm the lead singer and guitar, Jessica is back-up and guitar, Angela is electric guitar, Ben is bass, and Mike is drums, Our band is called the Fallen Angels. Tonight we were playing at a vampire Night Club named First Light, little did I know who was going to be there…

Please review I want to know how you like my first chapter. I promise this will get more interesting I think I can have the second chapter up tomorrow but from then on I'll either update every other day or every few days it depends on my schedule.

xoxo, Katie