A/N: I should be writing on my other BalVaan fiction, but this popped into my head as we were leaving for snowboardvacation XD
Anyway, I decided to let them be happy together .. so if you're looking for something angsty, I suggest you read this and then go look for something else ;)

Pairing: Balthier/Vaan

Disclaimer: Balthier, Vaan and the fantasy world they live in was made up by Squeenix.

Midnight Mutterings

The brown haired Archadian carefully slipped out of the bed. He slightly pushed the curtains aside as he opened the window. The scent of summer rain came drifting into the room. Even in this city, the dazzling heat from earlier that day now had been replaced by the coolness of the night. The skypirate looked at the human posture that lay on the bed. It was not just any boy that lay there. It was his boy, in his bed.

The boy was lying on his stomach, the sheets only reaching up till right above his bottom. His blonde hair was messy because of his whirling around the bed and other reasons. Pale moonlight had entered the room and was now lighting those blonde locks. His back was slowly moving, synchronized with his breathing.

Balthier more often woke up at night, and how he loved watching his boy sleep at times like that. He still thought of it as a surrealistic dream, expecting to wake up any time.

It had all began when the two of them first met. Honestly, he first thought of the blonde boy as yet another annoying street urchin from Dalmasca's capital city. As time passed, however, they grew closer and became pretty good friends. As it happens more frequently with these sorts of things, the party they had been travelling with had found out about their love sooner than they did themselves.

Up until this day, the fact that he ended up falling in love with another man, still occurred as funny to Balthier. However, seventeen wasn't nearly old enough to be called a man. Not that the pirate cared about such futile things. Archadia and Rozzaria were still at war and not only in the dungeons of Nalbina bad things happened to innocent people. The last thing the Archadian Imperials would be worrying about was if some skypirate decided it'd be just fine to have sex with an underage boy.

The figure turned around in the bed and let out a soft moaning. Balthier had to yawn while he closed the window again and headed back to bed. Just as careful as before, he slipped back underneath the sheets. The brunette gave his blonde a small kiss on the forehead after which he laid his head onto his pillow. Balthier stared at the youthful face of the teen for a couple of minutes. Stroking him gentle on his cheek, the Archadian whispered, "I love you, Vaan."

Before he closed his eyes, Balthier could swear he saw Vaan smiling in his sleep.

A/N: Thank you, please come again ^^
I'll definitely work on my other fanfic now .. XD;

Reviewing is just the same like eating a cake someone baked for you; you tell them what you think of it. It's impolite stuffing it entirely into your mouth and then leaving without saying a word ..
Got it? Got it! ;)