Okay this is a crack fic and really random. Aura14 did Jou's parts, my friend Ray did Mokuba, and I did Seto. We obviously don't own Yu-Gi-Oh or otherwise there would be many yaoi pairings. The plot or lack thereof is completely ours though so enjoy! Warnings: Swearing and some mentions of yaoi

Day 1

Seto: Speak

Jou: Arf

Seto: You finally accepted the fact I'm your master then?

*Jou punches Seto who dodges*

Jou: You fucking bastard!

Seto: And you're an unintelligent, worthless mutt

Jou: Well sorry for barely passing my classes. It's not my fault!

Seto: Sure it isn't.

*Jou glomps Seto*

Seto: What the hell?!! Are you on drugs?!

Jou: Bastard

Mokuba: This isn't making any sense

Jou: It doesn't have to

Mokuba: This is bullshit

Seto: Mokuba! Watch your language.

Mokuba: Sorry niisama

Jou: hehe you have to call him niisama!

Mokuba: So?

Seto: Leave my brother alone bonkotsu (mediocre)

Jou: Why he's more fun than you are.

Mokuba: You liar!

Jou: Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Depends on my mood.

Seto: You make no sense

Jou: It's your fault your tall!

Seto: What does that have to do with making sense?

Jou: I can't even bend over with you standing next to me

Mokuba: Why?

Jou: You're too young to find out

Seto: Surprisingly I agree with the pup

Jou: Seriously? I'm not completely stupid!

Seto: Well…

Jou: What's with calling me pup instead of mutt?

Seto: It fits better.

Jou: Really now? Wait a second I shouldn't be agreeing to this

Mokuba: Now be a good present

Jou: What do you mean a good present? It's not anyone's birthday or a holiday!

Mokuba: You'll find out later, right Seto?

Jou thinks "Now I'm officially afraid"

Seto: Exactly Mokuba

Jou: What the hell is that supposed to mean?!

Seto: You'll find out later.

Jou: I'm going to lock my windows and doors and weld them shut now.

Seto: But then you would either die from starvation or lack of oxygen *smirk*

Jou: Well at least I'd be away from you!

Seto: Not really I could get someone to break down the walls.

Jou: Get a katana and cut the rest down!

Seto: You're full of random outbursts aren't you?

Jou: You just noticed?

Seto: No, but still where do you come up with this crap?

Jou: Don't know just pops into my mind

Seto: You're seriously messed up.

Jou: I'm just a creepy little spider hiding in your shoe. I'm just sitting here with nothing to do.

Seto: Sometimes I wonder why I like you

Jou: You like me?!!!!! 0.0

Seto: Did I stutter? No.

*Jou blushes and runs away*

Seto: Damn that's not how I expected it to go.


Well that's all for day 1! I was bored in art so this is the result. It's really not that long but oh well.