So, here it is, my final chapter for this story.

I have to seriously thank everyone was kind enough to leave reviews, whether they were flames or not. Every review helped me make the story into something that, hopefully, everyone liked. If it weren't for everyone who reviewed this story, I have no doubt in my mind that I never would have continued it.

I greatly appreciate every person who stood up for me in reviews. It actually made me smile as I read them, and you will forever have my gratitude.

So, this last chapter goes out to everyone who was kind enough to read through each chapter, no matter how boring some of them may have been, and who left an encouraging review. This one is for you guys, and I really hope you enjoy it.

Thank you very much for sticking with this story. I couldn't be happier with the outcome of what started as a day dream as I rode the subway home from work one night.

Leon's eyes fluttered open as Claire's bedroom door opened just a crack, letting a line of light shine through the darkness. He saw the short hair and tall build of the figure on the other side, and knew it was Chris. Leon pushed himself onto his elbow and looked at the woman who lay under his other arm. Claire was fast asleep and cuddled closely against him. Carefully, Leon took his arm away from Claire's waist and slowly climbed out of her bed. He glanced at the door and was relieved to see the shadow was no longer there. Good. Chris didn't need to see that Leon was sleeping in the same bed as his little sister in only boxers.

Leon searched through the darkness for is wife-beater, hoping that Claire had thrown it in clear site the night before. After a few moments of searching, he finally found it and slipped it on as he headed for the bedroom door. Closing it silently behind him, Leon walked down the stairs and headed towards the living room, where Jill and Chris were both waiting.

Leon's eyes found the clock that was hung up on the wall and was surprised to see that it wasn't even six o'clock yet. "Are you guys heading out already?" He asked, rubbing his eyes as he slumped down onto the couch.

"I'm going to say bye to Claire." Jill said in a low voice as she moved past the two men.

"Jill, remember, we're going on a vacation together, so you're happy. Put on your best fake smile." Chris reminded her as she disappeared at the top of the stairs.

"Claire? You awake?" Jill asked as she walked into Claire's darkened bedroom. She caught a glimpse of a small knife that Claire had on her nightstand and shook her head. No matter how much they tried, they would never be able to sleep without a weapon within arms reach. Thank you Umbrella, for the lovely memento that they were doomed to carry for the rest of their days.

Claire shifted in bed when Jill sat down beside her. Jill rested a hand on Claire's shoulder. At the touch, Claire jerked awake with a startled gasp. When she saw the comforting face of Jill, she threw her hand over her heart.

"Are you trying to kill me or something, Jill?"

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to scare you. I'm just coming to say bye…Chris and I are leaving soon."

Claire's face lit up as she sat against her headboard, now fully awake. "So since you guys are going on vacation, does that mean you've sealed the deal? Oh God, that sounds horrible…no, not like, the sexual deal. I'm talking about the boyfriend/girlfriend deal."

Jill forced a smile and only nodded in response. She knew that, at that moment, if she spoke, she would tell her the truth. And then Chris would kill her, and she would never see her beautiful bed again. And that was definitely not on the agenda for the day.

"I'm so glad you guys are finally together…I know this was a long time coming. Isn't this cool? Me and Leon, you and Chris…it's perfect now! I just wish you guys had invited us to come with you!" Claire joked, nudging Jill's arm.

Jill forced another smile. You definitely don't want to come with us, Claire. "Don't worry; it probably won't be that much fun. After all, I am going with your brother."

"So, what are you going to do while we're gone?" Chris asked. Translation, what are you planning to do to my sister when I'm not around to kick your ass?

"I'm not sure." Leon paused for a moment before finishing his train of thoughts. "Actually, I was planning on sticking around until you guys came back."

Chris's eyes widened in surprise from his answer. "Are you serious? I mean, can you even do that?"

Leon shrugged. "After what I did for the President's daughter, I'm more than positive it won't be a problem."

"Very nice. Well, I'm glad you'll be sticking around a little while longer this time, Kennedy. But we're not planning to make this a long trip or anything. Get in and get out."

"I hope that's not your point of view on sex, Chris."

"Hey, you're no longer allowed to talk about sex in any way shape or form now that you're with my little sister, pal."

Leon opened his mouth to throw a comeback at Chris, but turned his attention to the stairs behind him when he heard footsteps descending towards them. Claire and Jill walked over to the two men. Claire threw her arms around her big brother and smiled to herself when she realized her hands couldn't even touch when she was hugging him.

"I'm sorry, Chris, were you planning on leaving without saying goodbye to me? Not impressed, Chris. So. Not. Impressed."

"Aw, shut up, squirt. You know I was going to come say bye." He bent down and kissed her head affectionately. It shocked him when he realized he didn't have to bend down as much as he used to. His little Claire was all grown up. She was a woman now, and dating his best friend. She didn't need him protecting her any longer. She had proved countless times before that she was more than capable of doing it herself. He smiled to himself and rubbed his hand on her head, messing up and tangling the red strands together.

Chris took in a deep breath and reached for his suitcase. He and Jill had packed a suitcase each full of bulletproof vests, guns and knifes to take with them. But Claire didn't need to know that. As far as she was concerned, it was stuffed full of bathing suits and shorts and anything else a new couple would take on a vacation together. Chris wouldn't have it any other way. Not if it were up to him at least.

Chris followed Jill to the front door and turned, pointing his finger towards Leon. "You take care of her while we're gone. Or you're next."

Leon let out a laugh, ignoring the confused look Claire shot him as her brother closed the door behind him. Letting out a sharp breath, Leon ran his hands over Claire's arms as he pulled her towards the stairs and back towards her bedroom.

"What does he mean 'you're next'?"

Leon shrugged. "Are you actually asking me to interpret something your brother says? Come on, Claire."

Claire stopped at the top of the stairs She wrapped her arms around Leon's neck, pulling him down to her lips. She looked into his eyes, his hardened eyes and found herself at a loss for words. What was once soft and warm had turned hard and cold. But still, when he looked at her, she could feel the warmth and affection that came from his eyes.

"You know, I'm not really that tired." She whispered to him, her face only inches away from his.

"Oh yeah?" Leon smirked, his hands trailing down the side of her body.

She ignored the arousal in his voice and smiled. "Yeah, actually, I'm kind of hungry. Breakfast?"

Leon couldn't help but laugh. "Are you suggesting we eat your brother's precious food?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"That's exactly what I'm suggesting."

With one more quick glance, Leon and Claire darted down the stairs and headed towards the kitchen. Claire turned on the radio as Leon rummaged through the freezer, pulling out bacon, hash browns, sausages, anything that he could get his hands on and take away from Chris. Claire bent down under him and opened the fridge, grabbing the carton of eggs as she moved towards the stove.

Leon glanced over at the woman beside him as she sang along to the song that was playing on the radio. She had a smile on her face as she cracked eggs into a pan, strands of hair falling over her pale face. She looked like an angel, Leon thought to himself. She was the most pure and innocent thing he had seen in the last several years of his life, though her hands were stained with blood just as much as his. He would keep her safe, no matter what it cost him. He made a promise to Chris, and he fully intended on keeping his word.

Claire was his angel sent from the heavens to keep him sane through all the darkness that tried to consume him. In every fight he's ever found himself in, she's been his single reason for making it out alive. No matter how small his chances were of surviving, he could see her face and knew that he wasn't going to have his last breath drawn out of him until he could touch her once again.

His objective this time was simple; keep that beautiful smile on Claire's face until her brother and Jill returned. Standing there in the kitchen with her as she continued to cook the eggs, he knew that he had a simple mission in front of him. Caught up in the hope of the four of them being reunited again shortly, Leon was completely unaware that tragedy would strike again. But this time, it would be too close to home for comfort.